299 Odwrócona teoria falowa – wyjaśnienie powstawania wtórnych zniekształceń / ubezdźwięcznień w językach Post-PIE / CWC i Post-CWC wg SKRiBHa

Powstanie języków Post-PIE / CWC / Od-Pra-Słowiańskich / Euro-Azjatyckich wg. teorii falowej Schmidt i Lechmann


Oto oficjalnie publikuję moją „odwróconą teorię falową”. Jest to ciąg dalszy wpisów 298 i 297.

Wg Mię wyjaśnia ona powstawanie wtórnych zniekształceń / ubezdźwięcznień, jakie są widoczne / słyszalne w tzw. językach indo-europejskich, czyli językach Post-PIE, czyli języku CWC i językach pochodzących z tego języka.

Publikowałem to już w komentarzach u Mię i u Davidskiego.

W następnym wpisie ponownie opublikuję moje definicje powstawania języków PIE i Post-PIE. To też publikowałem już w komentarzach u Mię i u Davidskiego.

Niestety nikt nie był uprzejmy odnieść się do niczego, co zawarłem w tych i podobnych danych. No może nie nikt. Byli tacy i ich druzgocące Mię odpowiedzi zamieszczam poniżej do porównania…

We wpisie 301 zrobię podsumowanie tego gdzie obecnie się znajduję, co sobie myślę i co zamierzam robić z tym w przyszłości…


Oto poprawiona polska wersja tekstu, którego oryginalną angielską wersję opublikowałem poniżej:


Nie odpowiedziałeś na moje pytanie, patrz wyżej. Z logiki tego co napisałeś wcześniej wynika mniej więcej coś takiego:

Rzekomo nagle i bez żadnego powodu, jakiś np. Proto-Germanin, który sobie żył kiedyś (może 500-100BCE), gdzieś tam w jakimś Proto-Germańskim lesie zaczął sobie zmieniać dźwięki D>T, T>D, P/B>PH/PF/F, K>G/H, S>H, itp.,.. bo tak mu się podobało.

Wszyscy inni Proto-Germanie, którzy mieszkali w innych odległych Proto-Germańskich lasach za górami i rzekami, też nagle i też bez żadnego powodu, ot tak zaczęli robić dokładnie to samo.





Pewno zadziałała prastara Proto-Germańska magia i telepatia i bum! One powstały z niczego, tak jak Wszechświat!

I oto tak same z siebie pojawiły się wtórne zniekształcenia,.. dziwnie identyczne i wobec postaci PIE i Proto-Slavic, który wg niektórych ‘naukowców’ miał rzekomo powstać około 100CE (Kushniarevich), czy nawet 800CE (Curta)…

Już jest udowodnione ponad wszelką wątpliwość, że żadnej tzw. pustki osadniczej nie było nad Wisłą w 5-6wObecnie tak twierdzą już nawet przedstawiciele oficjalnej nauki prusko-nazistowskiej (allo-allo)!

Twierdzą oni jednocześnie, że Proto-Słowianie wchłonęli i zasymilowali potomków Proto-Germanów, którzy tam pozostali.

Skoro tak niby miało być, to czyż Proto-Słowianie, nie powinni byli przejąć choć części tych samych Proto-Germanic zniekształceń?

Przecież według oficjalnej prusko-nazistowskiej nauki, Proto-Słowianie rzekomo mieliby dopiero wtedy przypełznąć ze swoich pierwotnych siedzib w norach na bagien Prypeci, na tereny rzekomo zajęte wcześniej przez potomków Proto-Germanów…

Wszakże oficjalnie Słowianie wszystko co dobre zapożyczyli po potężnych Proto-Germanach, którzy jednak przecież nie w całości odeszli na południe, żeby pokonać niepokonany odwieczny starożytny Rzym

Jak to możliwe, że Słowianie, którzy rzekomo sami nie mieli nic i nic nie znali, nie przejęli od tych co pozostali najważniejszego, czyli wtórnych Proto-Germańskich zniekształceń, hm?

Jak to jest możliwe, że ciągle w j. Polskim istnieją takie oboczne słowa, jak Trzeć / TR”e+C’ i Drzeć / DR”e+C’, itd.?

Twoje powyższe twierdzenia są nielogiczne.

Twierdzę, że istnieje logiczne i proste rozwiązanie, którym jest ‘odwrócona teoria falowa’.


Wszystkie ubezdźwięcznienia, tzw. centum itp. w Post-PIE / CWC były spowodowane przez podkład / substrat lub nakład / adstrat / superstrat językowy NIE. Pierwotny stan Post-PIE / CWC to oboczność dźwięków, z przewagą tzw. satem.


Fale Post-PIE / CWC rozjechały się na północ > Bałtowie i Skandynawowie, wschód > Fatianovo, zachód > BB i na południe na Bałkańskie CWC. Na swojej drodze napotykały na różne NIE ludy, z haplogrupami I1, N, G, Q, C, R2, itp.


To poprzez mieszanie się ludów i języków Post-PIE z NIE dochodzi do powstanie wtórnych ubezdźwięcznień, patrz:

wschód > CWC Fatianovo > Andronovo > Proto-Indo-Ariowie > Vedic Sanskrit (+H); BMAC / Yaz > Proto-Irańczycy > Avestan (+H, P/B>F, S>H) (tzw. j. tocharskie to dopiero 6-8w),

– zachód > CWC > BB > Proto-Celtowie, z których na południu od Alp powstali Proto-Italikowie (P/B>F/Q/K, D>F, itp.) i Proto-Germanie na północy, którzy zmieszali się z NIE I1.

Podobnie było z Ormianami i S/Hellenami, którzy przyjechali na rydwanach najpierw do Epiru (-W, S>H, P/B>PH/F, itp.).


Języki anatolijskie jak hetycki, mogą pochodzić z Post-PIE, ale nie z CWC, ale z np. Suvorovo, Usatovo, itp., Następnie w Anatolii zmieszały się z ludami i językami NIE, jak Hatti, itp., co dało podobne wtórne zniekształcenia (rzekome laryngały), jak te wymienione powyżej.


Post-PIE / CWC = Proto-Slavic.


Znajdzie się śmiałek, który odważy się podważyć moją ‘odwróconą teorię falową’?


SKRiBHa said…


You have not answered my question, see above. From the ‚logic’ you presented earlier emerges something like this:

Allegedly suddenly and for no reason, a Proto-German chap who lived once (maybe 500-100BCE), somewhere in a Proto-Germanic forest began to change sounds D>T, T>D, P/B>PH/PF/F, K>G/H, S>H, etc… because he liked it so much.

All the other Proto-Germans who lived in the other remote Proto-Germanic forests beyond the mountains and rivers, suddenly and for no reason at all, started doing exactly the same thing too.


Ancient Proto-Germanic magic and telepathy must have worked and kaboom!

They came into existence from nothing, just like the Universe! 🙂

And this is how secondary distortions appeared on their own,.. being strangely identical to the characters of PIE and Proto-Slavic, which, according to some ‚scientists’, was supposed to form around 100CE (Kushniarevich), or even 800CE (Curta)…

It is already proven beyond any doubt that there was no so-called settlement emptiness / Siedlungsleere on the region of Vistula River in 5-6 century.

Nowadays, even the representatives of the Prussian-Nazi ‘science’ have claimed so.

They also claim that the Proto-Slavs absorbed and assimilated the descendants of the Proto-Germans who remained there.

If this was supposed to be the case, then shouldn’t the Proto-Slavs have borrowed at least some of the same Proto-Germanic distortions?

After all, according to official Prussian-Nazi science, the Proto-Slavs would allegedly only crawl from their original habitats located in dens of the Pripyat swamps, to the areas previously occupied by the descendants of Proto-Germans…

After all, officially the Slavs borrowed everything good after and from the mighty Proto-Germans, who, however, did not entirely depart south to defeat the invincible ancient Rome…

How is it possible that the Proto-Slavs, who allegedly knew and had nothing on their own, did not borrow from the ones who remained the most important, that is, the secondary Proto-Germanic distortions, hm?

How is it possible that in Polish there are still such alternated words as Trzeć/ TR”eC’ and Drzeć / DR”eC’, etc.?

Your above claims are illogical. I argue that there is a logical and simple solution which is the reverse wave theory’.

1. All secondary devoicing / so-called centum, etc., in Post-PIE CWC was caused by substrate or NIE adstrat / superstrate. The primary Post-PIE / CWC state was the alternation of sounds, with a predominance of the so-called satem.

2. Post-PIE CWC waves went east > Fatianovo, west > BB and south > Balkan CWC. On their way, they encountered various NIE peoples, with haplogroups I1, N, G, Q, C, R2, etc.

3. It is through the mixing of the Post-PIE with NIE peoples and languages, all secondary devoicings were formed, see:

– east > CWC Fatianovo > Andronovo > Proto-Indo-Aryans > Vedic Sanskrit (+H); BMAC / Yaz > Proto-Iranians > Avestan (+H, P/B>F, S>H); (the so-called Tocharian language was atested from only 6-8 century),
– west > CWC > BB > Proto-Celts of which the Proto-Italics were formed to the south of the Alps (P/B>F/Q/K, D>F, etc.) and the Proto-Germans were formed in the north of them (D>T, T>D, P/B>PH/PF/F, K>G/H, S>H, etc.), who mixed with NIE I1.

It was similar with the Proto-Armenians and the Proto-Hellenes who came on chariots first to Epirus (-W, S>H>?, P/B>PH/F, etc.).

4. Anatolian languages like Hittite may come from Post-PIE other than CWC e.g. Suvorovo, Usatovo, etc,. Then in Anatolia they mixed with NIE peoples and languages like Hattic or Hurrian etc., which gave similar secondary distortions (alleged so-called laryngals) like the ones mentioned above.


Will there be a daredevil who dares to challenge my ‘reverse wave theory’?

September 26, 2021 at 7:28 AM


SKRiBHa said…

I just don’t know where the opinion came from that the centum is a primary Proto-Indo-European condition and that satem is an innovation. Academic linguistic textbooks say the opposite: satem is a continuation of the Proto-Indo-European condition, and the centum is innovation.

This is the first time I have heard of something like this! Can you provide a quote that confirms this and its source, please?

Officially, the alleged original state of the so-called PIE was supposedly to look like described here:


Of course, these are only mutually contradictory presumptions.

I argue that logic and evidence show that there was an alternation of the stems / roots in the Post-PIE CWC.


Unfortunately, some of the examples visible there are examples of the so-called apophony:


September 17, 2021 at 10:29 AM


ambron said…

I just don’t know where the opinion came from that the centum is a primary Proto-Indo-European condition and that satem is an innovation. Academic linguistic textbooks say the opposite: satem is a continuation of the Proto-Indo-European condition, and the centum is innovation.

September 16, 2021 at 10:51 PM


SKRiBHa said…

ambron said…
(…) Skribha, we live in a cause and effect reality, so obviously every effect has a cause. (…)

It is nice that we agree on this problem.

(…) However, if we do not know the cause of a phenomenon, why discuss it? (…)

I do not know,.. maybe to try to understand and explain it? You are joking at me, aren’t you?

(…) For example, what was the cause of the centum’s innovations? (…)

It is nice you just asked about that. The explanation of the so-called ‚centum’s innovations’ is trivial and logical. Although the so-called the cenum has officially supposed to be the original PIE state, while CWC is already Post-PIE …

Something does not add up here, does it? Do you see that there is an abyss lurking in your question that undermines the foundations of the Prussian-Nazi ‘science’ of the PIE? 🙂
Analyze the formation of the CWC and its expansion east / north, west and south, please.

The data logically indicate that the CWC from the beginning of its formation in Małopolska and further south, MUST have been so-called satem (or rather alternate). This is proved by the so-called satem and the eastern CWC Fatianovo > Proto-Indo-Iranians, the northern CWC > Proto-Balts, as well as the central CWC from Małopolska / Lesser Poland > Proto-Slavs, but for BMAC / Yaz there was virtually no mixing with NO peoples, see:

2. Yes, the Sintashta population and all closely related populations were very homogeneous, apart from clear outliers who didn’t have any noticeable impact on the main Sintashta cluster.
3. I don’t understand the question. Obviously, Fatyanovo and Sintashta didn’t have any Asian admixture, unless you mean their Anatolian farmer ancestry.

Davidski May 6, 2021 at 6:25 AM

West CWC > BB > Proto-Celts (+I1) > Proto Germans and South CWC> Proto-Hellenes mixed with NIE peoples and this caused secondary devoices that are perfectly visible and audible everywhere in the CWC periphery!

This is exactly the opposite of what Schmidt claimed. I will describe it to you in more detail until evening.

September 16, 2021 at 4:14 PM


ambron said…

Skribha, we live in a cause and effect reality, so obviously every effect has a cause. However, if we do not know the cause of a phenomenon, why discuss it? For example, what was the cause of the centum’s innovations?

September 15, 2021 at 11:48 PM


SKRiBHa said…

Skribha, innovations may occur for no reason, or they may be the result of a substrate or a superstrate. It does not matter.

Well, logic does matter, but I do not see it here. Things do not happen without a reason. You may not see, know, or understand the reason, but it always exists.

The very fact of innovation and isoglosses spreading is important. The isoglosses spread out like a wave, which is what Schmidt’s wave theory says.

OK, but what if Schmidt was partially wrong and ‚innovation centers’ form at the point where waves overlap, see e.g. IE or NIE substrate + NIE or IE adstrate / superstrate?

In the next post I will describe how it could possibly have worked.

The Germanic, Slavic and Baltic languages differ precisely because innovation centers have emerged in the CWC’s horizon – including Germanic, Slavic and Baltic centers.

What supposed to be the original ‚CWC’s horizon innovation’, if not the so-called satem, see East CWC Fatianovo > Indo-Aryans and Central CWC which has never moved out of Lesser Poland > Proto-Slavs?

Why is there not the same ‚CWC’s horizon innovation’ found in Proto-Germanic?

Logically, it had to disappear in Proto-Germanic, because CWC>BB mixed with NIE I1… By the way, you shall not forget about an alternation of sounds still present, for example, in Polish…

Speaking of the joint inhabitation of the lands by the Slavs and the Germans, I meant the Germans as newcomers, and the Slavs as local. And genetics simply shows the biological continuity of the Polish population in paternal and maternal lineages, lactase persistence alleles and IBD segments.

You mix events separated by thousands of years, see CWC in Małopolska 4900 years ago and the beginnings of settlement and germanisation there 700 years ago.

September 15, 2021 at 2:01 PM


SKRiBHa said…

I would like to sincerely apologise to you because I wrote the untruth by mistake! Shame to me. I mean this sentence:

‘The fact is, apart from expressing it, that you have not put forward anything to support it. I understand that it is safer for you because you have no arguments, and what Prussian-Nazi science has established is sacred to you.’

Sorry, but because of rush I did not go through the ‚arguments’ you wrote below, see:

(…) This film (based on authentic facts) was read from peleolithic tablets – the action takes place near Warsaw in Poland. The Slavs fight the natives for the land. It’s true, I promise !!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2bgeq6hAlU (…)

I understand that this is all you can ‘argue’ with me. It is obvious you did not understand anything of what I wrote before, see:

(…) It seems that geniuses like you do not understand that the so-called ‘Turboslavism’ is a propaganda concept that is entirely based on a reinterpretation and criticism of the so-called historical sources / chronicles.

‘Turboslavism’ has never had and still has nothing to do with genetics, much less linguistics. It is only and solely an interpretation (and its criticism) of historical written texts and one painting hanging in the Dominican monastery in Jasna Góra.

Many different people brought up on Prussian-Nazi lies and propaganda, such as you, are clearly lost and throw into one bag everything that they associate with Slavdom, Slavs and Slavic languages. (…)

So this time shame to you… because your ‘scientific arguments’ are truly lame again.

September 15, 2021 at 5:34 AM


SKRiBHa said…

You are, of course, entitled to your opinion. The fact is, apart from expressing it, that you have not put forward anything to support it. I understand that it is safer for you because you have no arguments, and what Prussian-Nazi science has established is sacred to you. I would also like to have such fanatic faith in what the ancestors and descendants of Bismark and his colleagues established in the 19th and 20th centuries, for example at Humbolt University.

I understand that what I wrote about the Prussian-Nazi science hurt you. Indeed, logic and truth can be somethimes painful.

Can you prove where I wrote the untruth? Do not be afraid and try it. I will not shoot you for disagreeing with me. 🙂

September 15, 2021 at 2:16 AM


ambron said…

Dranoel, you present a high level of personal culture and it is pure pleasure to discuss with you.

So, if I were to clarify, the combined multidisciplinary data suggests rather such a scenario that the Balto-Slavic post-CWC horizon reached quite far to the west – maybe even to the Elbe. On the other hand, the Germanic ethnos took shape somewhere further west / northwest. In turn, in the Iron Age, the Germanic tribes settled on Polish lands in the vicinity of the indigenous Balto-Slavic population, forming tribal confederations with them.

The Germans had such traditions that part of the clan left their homeland, which prevented food shortages. In the draw was decided on who had to leave the homeland.

September 14, 2021 at 11:56 PM


Dranoel said…

@ Ambron

Yeah. So we’re basically talking about the same thing. The population living in eastern and western Poland could have had a completely different „base”, and somewhere between them there was a „line of contact”. And referring to my previous statements, I believe that Y5587 / PH2147 is related to its western part.


I thought for a long time whether to answer you or not. I will be sparing in words, because after reading your blog, I find that we have absolutely nothing to talk about. You are a simpleton and a fanatic who offends everyone around you who have a different opinion. Your statements are steeped in fairy tales and should not be displayed on this forum because they spoil it. I will not comment on references to Adolf H. etc. at all. The administrator should punish you for this rudeness.

@ VasiSTha

I think we should all „ignore” SKRiBH – such trolls live off stupid and insulting statements.

@ all
Mr. SKRiBHa should pay attention to this. This film (based on authentic facts) was read from peleolithic tablets – the action takes place near Warsaw in Poland. The Slavs fight the natives for the land. It’s true, I promise !!!

September 14, 2021 at 3:53 PM


SKRiBHa said…

(…) I never claimed anything about poles (lol). I never claimed that slavs genetically derive from sarmatians or Alans. (…)

Where did I allegedly claim you claimed the above? I only quoted Davidski’s claims confirming that Poles, and more broadly Slavs, do not come from Iranian peoples, such as the Scythians or Sarmatians, etc.

Some ‘scientists’ claimed and still have claimed otherwise, but they are wrong, see also below.

(…) Please try to comprehend and use your brains more rather than typing long rambling shit which noone reads. (…)

This is logically untrue as you have just responded to what I wrote, so you must read it. LOL 🙂

(…) Just like English has made a decent language impact on India without any genetic contribution during the British rule, similarly the centuries long rule of scythians sarmatians and Alans has left an impact on the slavic languages at the proto slavic stage, so much so that some linguists claim that even the partly satem nature of slavic and the ruki law is due to iranian influence. (…)

When and where did the ‚the centuries long rule of scythians sarmatians and Alans has left an impact on the slavic languages at the proto slavic stage’ allegedly occured? Any evidence for this?

By the way, according to this ‚logic’, the English would also have had an influence on the language of the Vedas … LOL! 🙂

Many ‚scientists’ claimed and still have claimed all sorts of things, see e.g. glottochronology and its ‚dating’ of Proto-Slavic origin, etc. Once upon a time ‚scientists’ claimed that the earth was flat and all good things came to us from the east, etc… They were wrong. 🙂

(…) The extent of the influence can be debated but nuts like you cannot get away with claiming that there’s no influence at all. Just google ‚iranian loanwords in slavic’ and start your journey from there. (…)

Be a hero, try to give and defend at least one such example! I will give you a hint. Try the word Bóg / Bo’G, which is officially supposed to be an Iranian borrowing from Bhaga / BHaGa. I bet you will play chicken and fly away as usual…

(…) As far as the ‚creation’ of R1a in India goes, i have never claimed it because there’s no data. I challenge you to show me where I have claimed such a thing. (…)

Where did I allegedly claim you claimed the above? Learn to read and understand, see:

‘The dating of the alleged formation of Proto-Slavic, which you ‚proved’ on the basis of the ‚data’ of the ‚science’, called glottochronology, is ‘as true’ as the ravings of other Hindutva / Hindu nationalists such as Nirjhar007 and others, such as the alleged formation of R1a in India about 7,000, 15,000 or even 45,000 years ago, or creation of the Vedas by Harappans who were Dravidian-speaking people, etc. LOL!’

(…) As far as the Vedas go, they were definitely not composed on the steppe, the geography of the Vedas is extremely clear and it is squarely in modern NW india and pakistan and absolutely nowhere else. (…)

Am I saying that it was so or not? Where? The fact is that the English who ruled India for several hundred years had no influence on the language of the Vedas. 🙂

September 14, 2021 at 12:34 AM


ambron said…

Skribha, innovations may occur for no reason, or they may be the result of a substrate or a superstrate. It does not matter. The very fact of innovation and isoglosses spreading is important. The isoglosses spread out like a wave, which is what Schmidt’s wave theory says.

The Germanic, Slavic and Baltic languages differ precisely because innovation centers have emerged in the CWC’s horizon – including Germanic, Slavic and Baltic centers.

Speaking of the joint inhabitation of the lands by the Slavs and the Germans, I meant the Germans as newcomers, and the Slavs as local. And genetics simply shows the biological continuity of the Polish population in paternal and maternal lineages, lactase persistence alleles and IBD segments.

September 13, 2021 at 11:09 AM


SKRiBHa said…

The nineteenth-century notion of a linguistic division is an anachronism. Of course, there have been incidents in the history of the Indo-European language when some dialect group migrated long distances and lost contact with the linguistic matrix. But those were just incidents – and linguistic differentiation doesn’t work that way in everyday life.

Well, you have not answered some of my questions, see:

Do you claim that the so-called glottochronology is a science as reliable as mathematics?

Have you ever thought what caused the different IE languages to differentiate one from another, see e.g. Germanic, Baltic and Slavic?

What do you think triggered these changes, e.g. those described by the Rask / Grimm / Verner laws?

(…) Typically, innovation centers are formed from which isoglosses diverge. Innovation gradually builds up, making dialects near the center of innovation incomprehensible to dialects outside the range of isoglosses. At this point, nearby dialects can converge to form a koine that differs significantly from more distant dialects. (…)

And what if it is exactly opposite, see Schmidt’s wave theory?

Logic dictates that e.g. devoicing +H or S>H>? is a process that arises in exactly the opposite way to the one described above and has to do with the mixing of languages / peoples, see eg substrate, adstrate / superstrate.

It has to do with genes and it should be clearly visible. And that is what it is, see for example CWC > Fatianovo > Sintashta > Andronovo > Indo-Arians, while BMAC / Yaz > Iranians.

The same goes for Proto-Germans who were a mixture of CWC > BB R1b + I1.

The Proto-Slavic marker is R1a Z282, isn’t it? Can I1 be considered a Proto-Germanic marker? 🙂

September 13, 2021 at 6:42 AM


vAsiSTha said…


I hope to dear God that you have some iota of intelligence in your head.

I never claimed anything about poles (lol). I never claimed that slavs genetically derive from sarmatians or Alans. Please try to comprehend and use your brains more rather than typing long rambling shit which noone reads.

Just like English has made a decent language impact on India without any genetic contribution during the British rule, similarly the centuries long rule of scythians sarmatians and Alans has left an impact on the slavic languages at the proto slavic stage, so much so that some linguists claim that even the partly satem nature of slavic and the ruki law is due to iranian influence. The extent of the influence can be debated but nuts like you cannot get away with claiming that there’s no influence at all. Just google ‚iranian loanwords in slavic’ and start your journey from there.

As far as the ‚creation’ of R1a in India goes, i have never claimed it because there’s no data. I challenge you to show me where I have claimed such a thing.

As far as the Vedas go, they were definitely not composed on the steppe, the geography of the Vedas is extremely clear and it is squarely in modern NW india and pakistan and absolutely nowhere else.

This is my last reply to you, don’t find you worthwhile wasting my time.

September 13, 2021 at 6:08 AM


SKRiBHa said…

Actually languages change by themselves all the time. It is pretty much business as usual. Of course various outside influences effect them, sometimes quite substantially, but assuming that there must be a special reason behind every change is wrong on principle.

What do you think triggered these changes, e.g. those described by the Rask / Grimm / Verner laws?

Ambron claims that allegedly:

(…) The supporters of the Central European autochtonus Slavs do not deny that the Germans were here. They only argue that these lands were inhabited jointly by Slavs and Germans. And this is what genetics confirm, among others in the old paternal lines. But not only, but also in maternal lines, lactase persistence alleles and IBD segments. (…)

I do not know how genetics allegedly proves it (and I would like to read something about it), but the facts are as follows:

According to this ‚logic’, the Proto-Slavic should have developped the same or very similar distortions as the Proto-Germanic. According to some virtuosos of logic, Proto-Slavic is supposed to be much younger than Proto-Germanic.

The problem is that even in the officially restored Proto-Slavic, there are no such distortions! 🙂

This clearly indicates that the above statements are not supported by logic and facts, i.e. they are untrue. 🙂

September 13, 2021 at 5:41 AM


SKRiBHa said…

Do not reference me anymore in your comments you hack.

Can you be logical at all and write something meaningful? Which comments have I allegedly ‚hacked’? You mean the quotes from your nonsensical scribbles?

I see the truth has hurt you and now you are sitting in the corner and crying facing the wall. You are as pathetic as what you write. You have no arguments and you get logically beaten up like a child.

The dating of the alleged formation of Proto-Slavic, which you ‚proved’ on the basis of the ‚data’ of the ‚science’, called glottochronology, is ‘as true’ as the ravings of other Hindutva / Hindu nationalists such as Nirjhar007 and others, such as the alleged formation of R1a in India about 7,000, 15,000 or even 45,000 years ago, or creation of the Vedas by Harappans who were Dravidian-speaking people, etc. LOL!

This in a genetics blog, not for linguistics. You can create linguistic myth in your own blog; with proto slavic born in 3000bce and free from every external influence so far, the purest of them all.

You are clumsily lying and manipulating because you are just a lazy intellectual coward. Here you have a discussion about the alleged origin of the Pre-Slavs from the Scythians, Sarmatians, etc:

3. CWC R1a comes from somewhere on the Pontic-Caspian steppe.

4. The so called Asian R1a, which is Z93, is from the part of the CWC that Fatyanovo came from, wherever that was, maybe the eastern Carpathian region.

5. The R1a in Scythians is from the CWC.

6. Poles don’t derive from Sarmatians, and don’t even have any significant ancestry from them or similar populations.

April 30, 2021 at 11:59 PM

Before you write anything as ‚smart’ as always, educate yourself. Be careful because this is Davidski’s quote!

September 13, 2021 at 4:39 AM


EastPole said…

„Actually languages change by themselves all the time. It is pretty much business as usual. Of course various outside influences effect them, sometimes quite substantially, but assuming that there must be a special reason behind every change is wrong on principle.”

Yes, languages change all the time. But if there is no special reason for a change they change very slowly. It is proven that if there are no external influences, like mixing of populations, religion change, etc. the rate of change can be as slow as 1-2% per 1000 years.

What is special about Slavic languages?

They have been changing very, very slowly and there is a lot of evidence for it. One cannot compare Slavic languages to Italic, Celtic or Germanic languages. Nothing certain is known about the history of these languages. There are some few centuries BC old inscriptions with strange words which some linguists try to reconstruct as Germanic, Celtic or Italic. It is all speculation. Nothing is certain. In the case of Slavic we have hundreds or maybe thousands of such words which do not need any reconstructions because they are identical to modern words, we have whole sentences which we can understand, well preserved in the most archaic Vedic language.

Migrations to India occurred well before 1500 BC because after that date Central Asia was dominated by East Asian tribes, not present in India. The ancestors of the tribes which migrated to India around 2000 BC were in the Vistula-Dnieper area around 3000 BC and their Indo-Slavic language was for sure much more similar to Slavic than Vedic Sanskrit was. Slavic folk stories can explain fragments of Rigveda, many Vedic words, including the names of Vedic gods, have Slavic etymology, etc.

It is all simple and obvious for people who are interested but many people have no clue about it. Since the beginning of the nineteenth century, the construction of world history has been dominated by western Europe, following their presence in the rest of the world as the result of colonial conquest and the Industrial Revolution. Now it turns out that a lot of what they produced was forgery and manipulation.

There are many questions about how history was written. For example interesting series of articles about Roman antiquity and how western Europeans tried to eliminate eastern European Byzantium from history:


Even the history of Latin is questioned:


A lot of effort has been put into falsifying linguistic and cultural history of Slavic people and to eliminate them from history. But they failed.

September 13, 2021 at 2:32 AM


ambron said…

Skribha, Slumbery is right to say.

The nineteenth-century notion of a linguistic division is an anachronism. Of course, there have been incidents in the history of the Indo-European language when some dialect group migrated long distances and lost contact with the linguistic matrix. But those were just incidents – and linguistic differentiation doesn’t work that way in everyday life. Typically, innovation centers are formed from which isoglosses diverge. Innovation gradually builds up, making dialects near the center of innovation incomprehensible to dialects outside the range of isoglosses. At this point, nearby dialects can converge to form a koine that differs significantly from more distant dialects.

September 12, 2021 at 11:50 PM


vAsiSTha said…


Do not reference me anymore in your comments you hack. This in a genetics blog, not for linguistics. You can create linguistic myth in your own blog; with proto slavic born in 3000bce and free from every external influence so far, the purest of them all.

September 12, 2021 at 10:17 PM


Slumbery said…


Actually languages change by themselves all the time. It is pretty much business as usual. Of course various outside influences effect them, sometimes quite substantially, but assuming that there must be a special reason behind every change is wrong on principle.

September 12, 2021 at 8:55 PM


SKRiBHa said…

EastPole, linguistic dating must always be approached with a wide margin of confidence.

Can you explain more precisely what you mean here?
Do you claim that the so-called glottochronology is a science as reliable as mathematics?

@vAsiSTha thoughtlessly referred to the results of this ‚science’, received my answers and somehow did not have the courage to defend his thesis afterwards, see:


September 4, 2021 at 10:18 AM
September 5, 2021 at 5:22 AM
September 5, 2021 at 2:07 PM

Contemporary linguists like Babik teach us that linguistic differentiation is a long process. Specific Slavic and Baltic innovations might have arisen a long time ago, but their layering took a long time before the Slavic and Baltic dialects became completely incomprehensible to each other.

Have you ever thought what caused the different IE languages to differentiate one from another, see e.g. Germanic, Baltic and Slavic? Do you think they somehow changed by themselves?

What do you think triggered these changes, e.g. those described by the Rask / Grimm / Verner laws? Do you think that it was done by the wicked and sneaky red hat dwarfs / wee folks? 😉

September 12, 2021 at 1:25 PM


ambron said…

Dranoel, Kostrzewski’s autochthonous theory is younger than Kossinna’s allochthonous theory. Both of these nationalist theories are outdated. Nevertheless, the essence of both concepts is still valid in science.

The supporters of the Central European autochtonus Slavs do not deny that the Germans were here. They only argue that these lands were inhabited jointly by Slavs and Germans. And this is what genetics confirm, among others in the old paternal lines. But not only, but also in maternal lines, lactase persistence alleles and IBD segments.

September 12, 2021 at 8:26 AM


SKRiBHa said…

(…) So far, however, it all seems to me to be the theory of „Great Lechia” or other „TURBOSLAVANS”. They have always been, from the Oder River to the steppes, and everyone was afraid of them. (…)

It seems that your knowledge on this subject is not really profound.

It seems that geniuses like you do not understand that the so-called ‘Turboslavism’ is a propaganda concept that is entirely based on a reinterpretation and criticism of the so-called historical sources / chronicles.

‘Turboslavism’ has never had and still has nothing to do with genetics, much less linguistics. It is only and solely an interpretation (and its criticism) of historical written texts and one painting hanging in the Dominican monastery in Jasna Góra.

Many different people brought up on Prussian-Nazi lies and propaganda, such as you, are clearly lost and throw into one bag everything that they associate with Slavdom, Slavs and Slavic languages.

Well done! Gustaf K., Adolf H., Joseph G. and their „Aryan” colleagues must be really proud of all of you!

September 12, 2021 at 8:13 AM


Dranoel said…

@ Ambron

Of course, „the big lechia and the turbo slavs” are just a caricature. Indeed, for many years there has been an argument about both of these concepts. However, the autochthonous concept is rather obsolete and hardly anyone believes in it. Kostrzewski forcefully tried to introduce it in a nationalistic way. In Polish science, it is rather a reason for jokes.

But it is not excluded that „part” of the Slavic homeland was indeed part of the Lusatian culture. At the same time, the term „Lusatian culture” is not correct, because it is a large area, probably of different peoples, which were characterized by certain similarities. The Lusatian culture, in the areas of the old tumulus (pre-Lusatian) culture, surely has a different origin, also genetic, etc., than the eastern circle. So, for example, to the west of the Vistula, peoples similar to the Germanic could have formed, and to the east – to the Slavic ones. But this does not change the fact that we cannot say that „Lusatian culture was Slavic”.

As for the settlement gap during the migration of peoples – indeed, more and more archaeological research (especially in the construction of highways) proves that there was no complete „gap”. The population decreased significantly, but still remained relatively numerous in the main settlement networks. BUT this does not prove the presence of the Slavs, but rather the presence of the Germanic people who did not take part in the migration of peoples. This is exactly what the archaeological research shows.

Maybe this is where the Western Slavs differ from the Eastern and Southern Slavs? Because in the west they mingled with a fairly large (relatively) Germanic group that remained here. In this case, we can speak of „slaving” the other peoples here. If there were more Slavs, it is also obvious that they imposed their culture (and after germaniums we can see some „influences” in ornamentation, ceramics, etc.). This may create the appearance of „the former presence of Slavs and the transition from the Przeworsk culture to the Slavic states of the early Middle Ages”. As you know, this is not true.

And here, returning to the topic of Y5587 that we discussed with Leonidas D – in my opinion Y5587 / PH2147 / By593 / FGC43625 etc. correlate well with dates and known historical events. I believe that these are people who have been here for a long time (Bronze Age?) And have not left this area during the migration of peoples.

* I note that I am not talking about Y5586, which is also under Y5587

September 12, 2021 at 3:20 AM


ambron said…

Rob, this is not my thesis, but a scientific theory with a very strong foundation in Russian and Polish science.

And you are mistakenly treating linguists, because the Slavic problem is a linguistic problem, not another one. And the area of the Kiev culture has almost no Slavic hydronymy, but it abounds in Baltic, Iranian and Finnish.

September 12, 2021 at 1:35 AM


ambron said…

Rob, do not be offended, because I am not saying this to you, but there is a joke in Polish science that there is indeed a gap, but only in the heads of the supporters of the Pripyat theory.

All possible data (archaeological, palynological, linguistic, genetic) clearly confirm that there was no gap.

September 11, 2021 at 11:58 PM


ambron said…

Dranoel, the Slavic problem is only a linguistic problem, as is the case with any ethnolinguistic group.

Let me remind you that there have always been two concepts of the origin of the Slavs – Central European (autochthonous) and Dniepern (allochthonous). So there is no need to pin this first theory of the label of Great Lechia or the Turboslovians.

September 11, 2021 at 11:42 PM


Dranoel said…

@ ambron

So you think that this is the homeland of the Slavs?

I do not know if any research currently indicates this. Neither archeology nor history takes anything like this seriously. A piece of eastern or SE Poland maybe, but not western Poland.

@ Leonidas D

Let’s not spoil this blog. I have said what my opinion is, I have given numerous arguments. And you? What do you base your theory on? What does this indicate? I am not a fanatic and if you have something wise to say, I would love to hear you.

So far, however, it all seems to me to be the theory of „Great Lechia” or other „TURBOSLAVANS”. They have always been, from the Oder River to the steppes, and everyone was afraid of them.

Besides, in history, archeology, etc., nothing is obvious. On the contrary, everything is more or less presumed. So I’m waiting for you to explain how Y5587 became the Slavic determinant of expansion.

September 11, 2021 at 4:41 PM


Slumbery said…


Very interesting. So early Alans had very little R1a, late Alans had more R1a, and Ossetians, who are the only proof that Alans were Iranians, don’t have any R1a at all.
Looking at the PCA Alans most likely came from Iran. Have nothing to do with old “Indo-Iranians” of Sintashta.

There are several outliers that plot quite the opposite direction from the Caucasus than Iran. Such population is not necessarily from Iran, there is another possibility: South Central Asia – Turan. At that time a steppe group from there could be very Iranian-like at first glance. In fact there is a theory that identifies Alans with the Yancai (奄蔡) people of Chienese sources and the Chinese sources lists them as a vassal of the Sogdians. That would place them quite south, in a region where very Iranian like populations are possible before Turkic and Mongolic movements.

BTW, most of the „R1” in the early samples could be unresolved R1a and then the difference between early and late samples not that big in this regard at least.

September 11, 2021 at 9:49 AM


ambron said…

Simon, and why would the Goths interfere with the spread of the Slavs? On the contrary – the Goths could have been the driving force behind the spread of the Slavs. This model confirms it well:

Target: UKR_Chernyakhiv_Legedzine:MJ19
Distance: 2.4591% / 0.02459127 | ADC: 0.5x
77.8 Polish
13.0 German
4.6 Tajik_Shugnan
3.8 Estonian
0.8 Karelian

September 11, 2021 at 8:41 AM


ambron said…

Dranoel, the area with the highest concentration of the old Slavic toponymy is the area between the Oder and the Vistula. So, somewhere in this area, the places earliest were given Slavic names.

September 11, 2021 at 8:33 AM


ambron said…

EastPole, linguistic dating must always be approached with a wide margin of confidence. Contemporary linguists like Babik teach us that linguistic differentiation is a long process. Specific Slavic and Baltic innovations might have arisen a long time ago, but their layering took a long time before the Slavic and Baltic dialects became completely incomprehensible to each other.

September 11, 2021 at 8:11 AM


Simon_W said…


„In the first stage, the Slavs spread along with the expansion of Przeworsk, Wielbark and Cherniakhov culture”

And where do you place the Goths, the Vandals and the Burgundians in that picture? In the Jastorf culture firmly to the west of the Oder-Neisse-line? Didn’t the Goths migrate along the Vistula to the Ukraine, along with the Wielbark culture that gave rise to the Cherniakhov culture?

September 10, 2021 at 11:39 PM


Dranoel said…

@ Ambron

The vast majority of sources as well as historical / archaeological evidence locate the alleged homeland of the Slavs, at least east of the Vistula. I am not talking about it and I am not questioning anything.

I am writing only about Z2103 – Y5587 – PH2147 and younger as a group typical for Central Europe, and more specifically for the Czech Republic and Poland west / west of the Vistula. This blog has covered this topic many times. This is not a primary area for Slavic genesis. So you cannot call Y5587 (or the whole Y5587) as Slavic because it couldn’t be.

@ Leonidas D

In my statements it was not about changing the subject, but only about „correcting” the issue of Y5587. That’s all. Analyzing contemporary SNPs, it can be seen that people below PH2147 in this region are not very common, and as they are, they are contemporary migrants from Central Europe.

My statement did not concern Y5586 which is more eastern.

September 10, 2021 at 4:22 PM


EastPole said…


“EastPole, we still had the Balto-Slavic stage on the way.

Therefore, the closest to the truth are probably Russian scientists (including geneticists) who claim that the ethnogenesis of the Slavs took place somewhere in the Przeworsk culture. In the first stage, the Slavs spread along with the expansion of Przeworsk, Wielbark and Cherniakhov culture, and in the second stage they migrated in small groups from different places in all directions.”

Ambron, I think you are confused. From Przeworsk some Lechitic tribes could have originated. Slavic ethnogenesis took place thousands of years earlier. From your forum:


„Ancient DNA analysis of Early Medieval Alan populations of the North Caucasus”

Poster [PDF]:


Very interesting. So early Alans had very little R1a, late Alans had more R1a, and Ossetians, who are the only proof that Alans were Iranians, don’t have any R1a at all. Looking at the PCA Alans most likely came from Iran. Have nothing to do with old “Indo-Iranians” of Sintashta.

September 10, 2021 at 2:27 PM


ambron said…

EastPole, we still had the Balto-Slavic stage on the way.

Therefore, the closest to the truth are probably Russian scientists (including geneticists) who claim that the ethnogenesis of the Slavs took place somewhere in the Przeworsk culture. In the first stage, the Slavs spread along with the expansion of Przeworsk, Wielbark and Cherniakhov culture, and in the second stage they migrated in small groups from different places in all directions.

September 10, 2021 at 6:46 AM


EastPole said…


„old Slavic Central European paternal lines justify the fact that the Slavs live in Central Europe from the beginning of their ethnogenesis.”

Ethnogenesis of the Slavs started after separation from that line of Indo-Slavs which migrated to Asia dominated by R1a-Z93. But in the beginning population autosomaly was much more diverse. So we have to go by paternal lines to look for Slavs. Before convergence process reduced autosomal variability of Slavic speakers to modern pattern Slavs could be found any place within dashed line or maybe even outside:


I am very interested where Nitra group will be located.

September 10, 2021 at 1:27 AM


ambron said…

Dranoel, old Slavic Central European paternal lines justify the fact that the Slavs live in Central Europe from the beginning of their ethnogenesis.

September 9, 2021 at 11:22 PM


Dranoel said…

@ Leonidas D

You are talking about „Slavic” in an archaeological / cultural sense, so I will answer in a nutshell – no, Y5587 cannot be considered Slavic.

Look at Y tree. Y5587 / PH2147 and Y5587 / Y5586 split up a long time ago. From then on, Y5586 becomes local to Europe E, while PH2147 is local to Central Europe. Everything happens long before any Slavs. We know Y5586 from Sarmatian or Alanian samples, so maybe these snp and younger were later absorbed by groups of Slavs.

PH2147 and its younger SNP in my opinion were slaved after the arrival of the Slavs to this part of Europe, so PH2147, By593 and FGC43625 were culturally not related to the Slavs at first.

September 9, 2021 at 12:27 PM


ambron said…

Leonidas, right! You can also give an analogy here with the M458 / L1029 lines, which will be archaeologically related to Celtic cultures (Hallstatt, La Tiene), which does not change the fact that these are typically Slavic paternal lines. Simply changing the archaeological culture (and even changing ethnicity) does not imply a biological exchange of the population.

September 9, 2021 at 7:05 AM


Leonidas D said…

@ Dranoel

I’m not sure what you are trying to say, as you have contradicted yourself several times in your own post:

„If I can cut in – calling Y5587 typically Slavic is not correct.”

„we can say that Y5587-PH2147 is „Slavic” if we think about the fact that today it is most common in countries with a Slavic language (Poland and the Czech Republic)”

„we absolutely cannot say that this is the Y DNA of the ancient Slavs”

„If you don’t want to call Y5587-PH2147 Germanic, you can Celtic, Old European, or more unfamiliar but definitely not SLAVIC”

Can I ask a simple question? Am I correct to say that this haplogroup has spread into the Balkans via the Slavs?

I think your argument has the same validity as saying that haplogroup I1 is not Germanic, but a hunter-gatherer one. Yes, if you compare different time periods together you might say that, but the fact is, I1 was transmitted to most of Central and Southern Europe by Germanic speakers.

September 9, 2021 at 12:06 AM


Dranoel said…

@ Leonidas D

If I can cut in – calling Y5587 typically Slavic is not correct.

I know I repeat this like a mantra, but:

1. Apart from the typical location of most Z2103 (EU SE and E) we know that in Neolithic / Bronze some group of Z2103 people starts to mix in Central Europe with CWC / BB – we have Z2103 from Hungary, Poland and Czech Republic. So we can assume with a high degree of probability that these people have been around since then. This can be confirmed in part by the Z2103-By593 from the medieval Czech sample, the Z2109 from the VK 535 sample and the current FTDNA results (although I know that you have to be careful about it).

2. In my opinion, suggesting, inter alia, FTDNA etc. you will notice that since CTS9219 we have a lot of samples from Central Europe and NW. By250 (called Germanic by you) and Y5587 are present here all the time, from the Bronze Age to today. Looking at the next (below CTS9219) SNPs, we can see a few more migrations. Probably Y18959 split – FGC43622 / Y5587 stayed in Central EU, and By611 went away to SE. Then local Y5587 turns to PH2147 and part migrates to SE and becomes Y5586. We know this SNP (Y5586) from, among others. Alani samples etc. But looking at the Y TREE and the dates of these SNPs, it seems very old! So, for example, if (suppose) Y5587 was present in the Lusatian culture, it could have migrated with it towards the SE and stayed in an area that was later inhabited by Iron Age nomads who „absorbed” Y5586. From PH2147 we can see that this and the following SNPs are mainly dominated by Poles and Czechs with small amounts from other countries. Many Czech samples seem to come from older Polish ones.

What could all this mean?
On 1 – that we can say that Y5587-PH2147 is „Slavic” if we think about the fact that today it is most common in countries with a Slavic language (Poland and the Czech Republic)

After 2 – we absolutely cannot say that this is the Y DNA of the ancient Slavs. The Z2103 in this part of Europe is probably from the Bronze Age, so according to history, the first ethnically named tribes in this region (Iron Age) are Germanic. In fact, from Y FGC7556 there are several matches in NW and N Europe – mainly Sweden. In Sweden, we have the known CTS7556, FGC43622 and a few people below By593 and FGC43625. It also suggests contacts with Europe N.

If you don’t want to call Y5587-PH2147 Germanic, you can Celtic, Old European, or more unfamiliar but definitely not SLAVIC. At most „slavinized”.

If Z2103 performed in the Czech Republic with BB / CWC, it is very likely that with them or later Unietice or Tumulus he moved further north.

September 8, 2021 at 4:33 PM


To byłoby na tyle…

60 uwag do wpisu “299 Odwrócona teoria falowa – wyjaśnienie powstawania wtórnych zniekształceń / ubezdźwięcznień w językach Post-PIE / CWC i Post-CWC wg SKRiBHa

    • @John Thomas
      It’s not being ‚crap at geography’. It’s all part of the anti-white animus which is now de figure amongst the so called ‚great and good’.

      100% true, unfortunately! 😦

      As you can see, not only Anthony, Reich, Harvard, Max Planck Institute, etc. have been simply prejudiced and politicised to the core.

      Prejudice to logic and facts has been around for a very long time. In the past, those who ‘knew better’ were burning people at the stake or murdering them in some other charming ways. Of course, all of this was done for the ‘benefit of science and society’. Nowadays only methods have changed.

      The fact is that the so-called modern science sticks to the neck in prejudices which come straight from desert sources and Prussian-Nazi figment.

      It is enough to mention and prove this, and the whole mass of followers of this ‚science’ goes crazy offended, here as well. As a rule, they do not have any reliable arguments or keep using outdated propaganda pieces.

      But on the other hand, they have been true masters. They have mastered spitting their blant venom over the internet. LOL 🙂

      That really doesn’t make any sense if you apply this to the prejudices that some commenters here suspect, namely that we have to avoid Eurocentrism, that Europeans are a mix of black Africans and Asian invaders, i.e. the whole set of cultural Marxist, politically correct beliefs. These are the complete opposite of Nordicist Nazi beliefs, which claimed that everything valuable came from Europe, especially from the Nordic race, white to the bone. How can you equate this to the stance that race doesn’t exist, that Europe has received way too much attention in scholarship and that Europe is responsible for all that goes wrong in the world? Equating Max Planck’s Krause (the one who said WHG were almost indistinguishable from Black Africans and that mass immigration nowadays cannot change the European gene pool in any significant way) with Nazis is ridiculous.

      You have made a valid point regarding ‚cultural Marxist, politically correct beliefs’. However, you completely omitted ‚desert sources’ from what I wrote, see:

      „The fact is that the so-called modern science sticks to the neck in prejudices which come straight from desert sources and Prussian-Nazi figment.”

      In 1870, Christian Prussians (ancestors of the ‘Aryan’ Nazis from the NSDAP), brought up in modern Prussian schools, defeated the ‘Aryan’ Gauls like Arthur de Gobineau, etc. But they all learned from the same ‘desert sources’ and ‘desert tradition’. Both Marx, Stalin, etc., and Hitler, Rosenberg, etc., were socialists, and also learned from the same ‘desert sources’ and ‘desert tradition’.


    • Okazuje się, że Davidski tak bardzo dba o czystość rasową komentarzy u siebie, że postanowił także nasze dwa wcześniejsze komentarze wykasować… Brawo.


      Dalsze moje pisanie tam nie ma już dla Mię zupełnie sensu. Opiszę to, co także i o tym myślę, we wpisie nr 301.


      • Tu jest coś do kompletu, niby z innej, ale jednak z tej samej beczki…

        Triumf stalinizmu w Krakowie
        Operacja komunistów polegająca na budowie Nowej Huty po to, żeby zneutralizować prawicowy Kraków, odniosła pełny sukces. Dzisiaj Kraków jest tak czerwony, że odznaczałby się na fladze ZSRR.

        Jak przeczytałem ostatnio na stronie Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego z Poznania o osiągnięciach „naukowczyń” tegoż Uniwersytetu, to zdębiałem.

        Środowisko „akademickie” (świadomie piszę w cudzysłowie”). Czy stany szaleństwa już zwyciężyły? A może to na zimno prowadzona cyniczna polityka?


        Hipopotam, spisek gender i anulowanie prawdy – rzecz nie tylko o Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim

        opublikowano: przedwczoraj

        Organizacje prorodzinne zaniepokoiły się sytuacją na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim dotyczącą postępującej ideologizacji tej najstarszej polskiej Alma Mater. Choć alarm wywołała ankieta skierowana do studentów sugerująca wielość płci i dowolność wyboru płci, co oznacza negację dorobku biologii czy medycyny, to jednak ideologizacja tej i innych uczelni ma o wiele większy zasięg. Odchodzi się od kryterium poszukiwania prawdy, czy pożytku publicznego i moralności, nie pyta się o podstawy naukowe.

        Chętnie popiera się wydarzenia i materiały popularyzujące poliamorię, czy przygodne kontakty seksualne, ale zapominając o skutkach np. zdrowotnych. UJ odmówił ostatecznie udzielenia odpowiedzi na proste i logiczne pytania sprawdzające podstawy naukowe, przejrzystość finansową i stosowane zasady etyczne. Z autonomii uczelni wyższych nie stosujących reguł myślenia naukowego wyłania się następująca logika: płać obywatelu i o nic nie pytaj. Jeśli obywatel ma wątpliwości i domaga się dowodów to nienawidzi. Wmawianie innym nienawiści pod pozorami obrony rzekomo zawsze słabszych i segregacja społeczna to majstersztyk neomarksizmu, majstersztyk dla wszystkich katastrofalny.

        Ideologizacja nauki jest niebezpieczna, ponieważ oznacza negowanie wiedzy weryfikowanej empirycznie, wyciszanie zdrowej debaty naukowej i ogłaszanie dogmatów nowej moralności. Używając autorytetu nauki legitymizuje się stopniowe ograniczanie swobód obywatelskich, restrykcje prawne i finansowe dotyczące zwykłych obywateli, co możemy obserwować w innych krajach i coraz częściej w Polsce. Między władzami UJ oraz organizacjami prorodzinnymi nastąpiła wymiana pism, w której UJ ostatecznie odmówił odpowiedzi na zadane 14 pytań dotyczących m.in.:

        — udostępnienia badań czy raportów naukowych, które stanowiłyby podstawę przyjętej ideologizującej polityki dotyczącej m.in. płci i seksualności,

        — upublicznienia wysokości wydatków m.in. „Działu ds. Bezpieczeństwa i Równego Traktowania – Bezpieczni UJ” zatrudniającego aktualnie 8 osób i innych komórek ds różnorodności,

        — profilaktyki skutków, w tym zwłaszcza zdrowotnych m.in. rozwiązłości seksualnej czy dowolności ekspresji płciowej wśród studentów z powodu przyjętej polityki ideologicznej,

        — statystyk Działu ds. Bezpieczeństwa (liczba przyjętych zgłoszeń ws gróźb karalnych, przykładów nękania z podziałem na przedmiot dyskryminacji),

        — otwartości na współpracę z organizacjami konserwatywnymi w równym stopniu co dotychczas z lewicowymi.

        Kopie pism NA STRONIE onaion.ORG.PL

        UJ brak odpowiedzi argumentował tym, że nie są to informacje szczególnie istotne dla interesu publicznego i w związku z tym nie ma obowiązku ich udostępniania pod ustawowym obowiązkiem informacji publicznej, pomimo szczegółowego uzasadnienia wysłanego przez organizacje prorodzinne. W ten sposób UJ przyznał się pośrednio, że takich danych po prostu nie posiada, a bezpośrednio – do swojej wysokiej stronniczości. Gdyby tak nie było, wykazując dobrą wolę, w tym wolę dialogu, na którą się powołuje rektor UJ, uczelnia mogłaby odpowiedzieć przynajmniej na niektóre zadane pytania, które zresztą mają charakter uniwersalny i dobrze demaskują oszustwa naukowe ideologii gender jako takiej. Oznacza to logikę: my wszyscy mamy obowiązek płacić podatki na uczelnie typu UJ, nawet jeśli głoszą naukowe bzdury i nie wymagać absolutnie tłumaczenia się z tych wydatków.

        Niestety jest to także efekt nowej reformy szkolnictwa wyższego, która przyznała uczelniom wyższym daleko idącą autonomię, a nie zobowiązała do wypełniania swoich obowiązków. Kontrowersji dodaje sprawie fakt, że przy okazji sprawdzenia dokumentów wyznaczających ramy prawne funkcjonowania uczelni wyszło na jaw, że poszukiwanie i dochodzenie do obiektywnej prawdy nie jest wprost uznane w nowej ustawie jako nadrzędny cel uczelni wyższych, mówi się tylko ogólnie, „że dążenie do poznania prawdy i przekazywanie wiedzy z pokolenia na pokolenie jest szczególnie szlachetną działalnością człowieka”, a nie zostało to wprost zapisane jako zadanie realizowane przez uczelnie (preambuła Ustawy z dnia 20 lipca 2018 r. – Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym i nauce). Statut UJ z kolei mówi zaledwie o „szacunku dla prawdy” i to dopiero po ideach humanizmu i tolerancji, a nie zobligowaniu do jej odkrywania (§ 1, 3). Kluczowy dokument, na który powołuje się status UJ – Magna Charta Universitatum 2020 – także nie odwołuje się do prawdy, fundamenty nauki to wg tego dokumentu zaledwie: 1. jej niezależność, 2.współzależność badań i przekazywania wiedzy, 3. otwartość na dialog i odrzucanie nietolerancji. Gdzie jest tu miejsce na prawdę jako zgodność osądu z rzeczywistością? Czy nie dlatego coraz częściej bada się w nauce subiektywne narracje, percepcje, dyskursy, ekspresje czy opinie zamiast faktów i obserwacji? (…)


      • Napisałem mu tak:

        @SKRiBHa and Simon_W
        Please take your discussion to email.

        Dear Davidski

        I have just noticed that you did not post my last comment, but deleted Simon_W’s and my two previously published comments as well. However, you did not delete the original comment made by @John Thomas.

        I must admit that it surprised me a lot, because all these comments were very reasonable and contained nothing but logical statements and arguments.

        We wrote about the same scientific prejudices and misinformation that you have been writing about e.g. here:


        Davidski said…
        I’m showing that the scientists who published a paper in Nature, as well as the peer reviewers and editors there, don’t know very basic geography.

        I think this is important because it suggests that there are other things that they don’t know, are careless about, and/or simply can’t be arsed checking properly.
        October 24, 2021 at 6:21 PM

        The only difference is that we did it in a polite way, although the core of the problem was exactly the same like in yours.

        Would you be so kind and explain what was supposedly inappropriate in our deleted comments so that we all can avoid any similar situation in the future?

        Best regards

        October 26, 2021 at 6:17 AM



  1. @All

    In reference to the pastoralism and domestication of horses in the area of the Pontic-Caspian steppe which is located in Eastern Europe, east of the Carpathians, where the first burial mounds / kurgans were erected:


    Archeolodzy na Pogórzu Przemyskim odkopali kurhan sprzed niemal pięciu tysięcy lat! [ZDJĘCIA, WIDEO]
    Archaeologists in the Przemysl Foothills have unearthed a kurgan from almost five thousand years ago! [PHOTOS, VIDEO]

    Beata Terczyńska 21/10/2021, 16:26

    To najwyżej położony kurhan kultury ceramiki sznurowej w polskiej części Karpat, w którym znaleźliśmy groby – mówi Paweł Jarosz z Instytutu Archeologii i Etnologii krakowskiego oddziału PAN (…)
    This is the highest located kurgan of the Corded Ware culture in the Polish part of the Carpathians, where we found graves – says Paweł Jarosz from the Institute of Archeology and Ethnology of the Krakow branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences

    Paweł Jarosz z Instytutu Archeologii i Etnologii PAN z Krakowa tłumaczy, że ta kultura związana była z ludnością pasterską, która sypała kopce na najwyższych garbach w obrębie wyniesienia. Dlaczego?
    Paweł Jarosz from the Institute of Archeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow explains that this culture was associated with the shepherd population, who poured mounds on the highest humps within the elevation. Why?

    – Chodziło o to, żeby były dobrze widoczne w okolicy, bo poza tym, że pełniły one funkcję funeralną, czyli składano tam zmarłych, uważa się, że również stanowiły drogowskazy szlaków dla pasterzy.
    – The point was that they should be clearly visible in the area, because apart from the fact that they had a funeral function, i.e. the dead were buried there, it is also believed that they were also signposts for routes for shepherds.

    This is a proof that the etymology of the word Kurhan / Ko’R+GaN is related to the meaning of Górka / Go’R+Ka / hill!

    October 28, 2021 at 3:29 AM



        • Nie mam nic do powiedzenia, natomiast Anna szukała kiedyś ANE, kim niby oni są, jak wyglądali.
          Mumie z Tarim, mają R1b i są aż w 75% tymi własnie ANE, zmieszanymi tylko z północno-wschodnimi azjatami (coś jak Ainu?),

          Bardzo ciekawe, szczególnie gdy się popatrzy na graf:

          EHG są z tego samego pnia co ANE, mają od nich tylko 9% domieszki

          Połowa j Azji była pierwotnie europoidalna

          Polubione przez 1 osoba

          • Mumie z Tarim miały być pierwotnie R1a, albo Proto-Celtami, patrz wzory na tkaninach. Wiele zmian, wiele zmian…

            (…) Mumie z Tarim, mają R1b i są aż w 75% tymi własnie ANE, zmieszanymi tylko z północno-wschodnimi azjatami (coś jak Ainu?), (…)

            Czyli co, I2 już nie jest Pra-Słowiańskie wg Ciebie, tylko ANE / EGH? 🙂


          • Ten graf pokazuje Yamna bez CHG, jako Basal Eurasian + EHG, które jako ANE, też jest Basal Eurasian, itp. Myślę, że ten graf to ktoś jak Kristiansen z dupy sobie wydumał, a właściwie wydymał…


            • „graf pokazuje Yamna bez CHG, jako Basal Eurasian + EHG,”

              Dobrze pokazuje, Yamowcy są w około 1/3 „jak CHG” ale nie są CHG

              „Czyli co, I2 już nie jest Pra-Słowiańskie ”

              Nie ma podstaw do zmiany, GAC na tym grafie oznaczyłbym jako Slavic, EHG jako Balts


              • (…) Dobrze pokazuje, Yamowcy są w około 1/3 „jak CHG” ale nie są CHG (…)

                A czy inni, jak np. Reich, Davidski, itp., o tym wiedzą?

                Nie chce mi się po raz kolejny pytać o to skąd rzekomi Bałtowie EHG nabyli swoja IE bałtyckość, skoro I2 ma być PIE. Szkoda, że nigdy nie zechciałeś napisać po kolei w punktach, jak to z tym lnem było, więc nie pytam, wzruszam tylko ramionami i zostawiam to, tak jak to jest.


  2. Czy czytaliście ostatnią pracę o Tarim basin mummies?
    Czy tam są podane y dna?

    Czy w tej pracy korzystano z tego samego materiału genetycznego co w poprzedniej pracy dot tarim, gdzie chyba 6 albo 7 próbek należało do R1a (wszyscy mężczyźni)?

    S, jeśli nie znasz odpowiedzi na 3 pytanie czy możesz zapytać Davidskiego?

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

  3. Nie pytaj.
    Wygląda, ze mumie Tarim z tego badania to coś innego.
    Z R1b1c i Q.
    Ciekawe czy byli blond?

    Nigdy nie dojdziemy do tocharian jeśli będą tak wybiórczo badać.
    Gdyby łaskawie wzięli i te wcześniejsze próbki z R1a1a, które Hui Zhou widzi jako europejskie i zrobili ich autosomalny profil to byłby pełniejszy przekrój.

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

      • Pytanie miało brzmieć
        Czy w tym artykule zostały zbadane również próbki z poprzedniej pracy o Tarim basin?

        Chyba z 2015. Ale to już nieaktualne.
        Bo znalazłam y dna w tej pracy. I z Tarim są R1b1c i Q.

        A jak pamietasz dotychczas wiedziano że „białe mumie” są R1a1.

        Ponieważ nie ma w spisie próbek R1a1 więc jasne że nie zostały „dobadane”.

        Wielka szkoda.

        Mnie właśnie autosomy tych R1a1 interesują.


        • Jak sama widzisz, wiadomo nic. Twierdzenia, że R1b są z Andronovo, jak to pisze Davidski, to brednia, patrz jego wcześneijsze wypowiedzi o R1a-Z93 w Andronovo. Wszyscy nic, tylko pierdolą trzy po trzy. Zero sensu. Nudne to.


        • „Mnie właśnie autosomy tych R1a1 interesują.”

          Z tego co zrozumiałem, R1a sprzed lat są błędnie odczytane, teraz są one R1b.
          To by wyjaśniało, dlaczego owe R1a opisywano jako ” nie Z93″, gdy wiadomo, że był to najpewniejszy kład dla tej lokalizacji.

          Tak więc, sa oni R1b natomiast autosomalnie są niemal czystymi ANE. mają tego 70%, pozostałóe 30% to północno-wschodni azjaci, jak domyślam się coś jak Ainu z Japonii.

          Polubione przez 1 osoba

          • Powtórzę:

            Jak sam widzisz, wiadomo nic. Twierdzenia, że R1b są z Andronovo, jak to pisze Davidski, to brednia, patrz jego wcześniejsze wypowiedzi o R1a-Z93 w Andronovo. Wszyscy nic, tylko pierdolą trzy po trzy. Zero sensu. Nudne to.


  4. „Z tego co zrozumiałem, R1a sprzed lat są błędnie odczytane, teraz są one R1b. To by wyjaśniało, dlaczego owe R1a opisywano jako ” nie Z93″, gdy wiadomo, że był to najpewniejszy kład dla tej lokalizacji.”

    R1b1c to jest kład afrykanski.
    Czadu. Nie IE.

    Naprawdę tak napisano? Że w poprzedniej pracy pomylono hg?

    Dla mnie to różnica. Czy R1a1 czy R1b1c.

    R1a1 ale *z93 z poprzednich oznaczeń mógł być z Europy. Którąś podgałęzią np. L664. Albo jacyś Wołżanie np. Z92 mogli migrować na wschód a inna część nad Bałtyk.

    Mógł to być R1a1a bez mutacji europejskiej. Jakiś inny wschodni odłam M17.

    Ta praca niestety nic nie wyjaśnia.

    Z drugiej strony stwierdzili, że najstarsze mumie to lokalne syberyjskie ANE z domieszką czegoś jak Ainu ze wschodu.

    Czy taka populacja nie mogła mówić pro preTocharskim? Mogła, jeśli przyjmiemy że PIE to łowcy ANE. Szkopuł że współczesne syberyjskie nie są IE. A ich mówcy mają najwięcej ANE.


    • (…) Ta praca niestety nic nie wyjaśnia. (…)


      Zamierzam opisać to i zapytać się mondrali, jak to możliwe, że R1b ma niby pochodzić z Andronovo… hehehe…

      A co do odczytywania DNA, no to po Alexandrii nie ma sensu komentować dokładności próbkowania uskutecznianej przez fiotoncych gienietikóf, patrz:

      Davidski said…
      The paper argues that these Botai-like mummies were locals.

      This might be true, but how did they acquire their relatively advanced culture and economy if they were isolated in the Tarim Basin?

      Perhaps they were only isolated genetically, but not culturally/economically?

      October 27, 2021 at 4:50 PM

      Andrzejewski said…
      Tarim Basin Mummies like Ur-David, Beauty of Lulan, Cherchen Man look very modern European. They could either be:

      Afanasievo/Okunevo with Steppe (+ possible WSHG).
      Andronovo (which also means GAC, WHG and some traces of BMAC).

      Or WSHG who through common descent from Mal’ta Boy relatives looked very similar to our Pontic ancestors. There is no other way around it.

      October 27, 2021 at 5:06 PM

      Andrzejewski said…
      Tocharian must’ve come with Andronovo horizon then.

      October 27, 2021 at 5:10 PM

      Davidski said…
      Okunevo has some Afanasievo ancestry. The Tarim mummies don’t.

      October 27, 2021 at 6:17 PM

      Davidski said…
      It’s no longer certain if any of the mummies belonged to R1a(xZ93), because those results were based on old PCR tests.

      My bet is that there will be late mummies with R1a in the Tarim Basin, but all or almost all will be Z93, and derived from the Andronovo population.

      October 27, 2021 at 11:59 PM

      Simon_W said…

      „Tocharian must’ve come with Andronovo horizon then.”

      Wouldn’t it seem more likely that Tocharian came from a population that was derived from the Afanasievo-heavy Dzungarian Basin EBA with its R1b1a1a2a2 or a related nearby pop? I would think so, because of its very non-Indo-Iranian features that look partly Celtic-like and the fact that it split from the IE mainstream right after the IE Anatolian did. Andronovo people on the other hand were very mobile (given their chariots), so unlikely to harbour languages as diverged as Indo-Iranian and Tocharian at the same time. Moreover Andronovo seems to be R1a-Z93 dominated, IIRC, which is associated with Indo-Iranian.

      October 28, 2021 at 7:10 AM

      H₂ŕ̥ḱtos said…
      I definitely agree with your assessment, I find the attempts to associate the Tocharian language with Andronovo-derived groups very confusing, considering the fairly confident assessment by linguistics that Tocharian represents a divergent branch of IE language that significantly pre-dates Indo-Iranian. We need to remember that „Tocharian”, as a name of the language, is a misnomer. We know that the Tokharoi mentioned by Helleno-Bactrian sources were Iranians, and not speakers of the language we have (perhaps confusingly) come to call „Tocharian”. Afanasievo is kind of undoubtedly the only sensible steppe-derived culture to consider a vector of pre-proto-Tocharian language to the area.

      Sure, we apparently have R1a-bearing mummies appearing in the Tarim basin ca. 1800 BCE or so, and these might be Andronovo-derived. However, until we see autosomal analysis or more precise subclade analysis, could it just be that the ANE ancestors of the EBA Tarim mummies had both R1a and R1b, and R1a lines increased in frequency for whatever reason? I think so. That said, I trust what’s said about a shift in burial practice towards something more Andronovo-like, and so I feel like these LBA Tarim mummies being Andronovo-derived – and therefore almost certainly Iranian-speaking – quite likely, or at least perfectly feasible. However, more to the point, when do Tocharian language texts appear in the archaeological record? Not until 400 CE or so. That’s about 2200 years between our rough time of an Andronovo expansion into the Tarim basin and actual attestation of Tocharian language. Bear in mind that Afanesievo-derived cultures are right next door during the EBA and later. I’m willing to bet we’ll see R1b-Z1203-bearing, Dzungaria-derived individuals in the Tarim mummy record at some point prior to and/or during the attested Tocharian language period, were we to sample all the mummies available. Examination of Chemurchek and post-Chemurchek samples, as well as obviously of more LBA, IA and medieval Tarim samples, would likely be illuminating.

      October 29, 2021 at 10:49 AM

      Davidski said…

      There’s no direct or indirect evidence that these Trim Basin mummies were Tocharians.

      If anything, they were replaced by Tocharians.

      October 31, 2021 at 2:47 PM


    • „Czy taka populacja nie mogła mówić pro preTocharskim? Mogła, jeśli przyjmiemy że PIE to łowcy ANE. Szkopuł że współczesne syberyjskie nie są IE. A ich mówcy mają najwięcej ANE.”

      Kiedyś Anatolia nie mówiła po turecku. Patrzę na grupę ałtajską, a tam są w niej zarówno Mongołowie jak i Azerowie oraz Turcy, zupełnie do siebie nie podobni, gdy tymczasem żółtość rasowa Mongołów pochodzi z Chin, skąd zostali wypędzeni na step. Zatem to oni zmienili język,
      Znowu jeżyki turkijskie na Syberii to pozostałość migracji z południa, dotyczy to Jakutów i innych.

      Może jest tak, że Indianie z Ameryki Północnej zachowali najwięcej oryginalnego języka ANE, gdyż wywędrowali nim języki tur kijskie zaczęły się rozprzestrzeniać?

      Zwróć uwagę na języki słowiańskie w Rosji, ewidentnie mamy przybycie języka słowiańskiego z zachodu, najpierw u nielicznych plemion w morzu niesłowiańskich języków, dzisiaj widzimy gigantyczny jednolity kolor az po Japonię,


  5. W tej pracy są inne interesujące ryciny.
    Sarazm, Namazga i inne kaspijskie kultury miały owe ANE Tarim geny.
    Miały też trochę Iran N. Szczególnie Geoksyur.
    Ale główny element autosomalny to anatolijski EEF.

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

  6. Jeśli białe mumie były miejscowe no to chyba znaczy że nasza biel pochodzi z AG.
    Z Syberii.
    Ale czy przypadkiem nie ma sporo białych w krajach finskowatych?

    S, co myślisz o komponencie EEF nad morzem kaspijskim?


  7. Pingback: 300 Definicje powstawania języków PIE i Post-PIE wg SKRiBHa | SKRBH

  8. The Invention of Pottery: 8,000 Years BEFORE Göbekli Tepe | Ancient Architects
    31,472 viewsApr 5, 2022
    Ancient Architects

    For months now I’ve made many videos on Pre-Pottery Neolithic sites like Göbekli Tepe, Karahan Tepe and so on and even though I write and say the term so often, the actual words ‘Pre-Pottery Neolithic’ have almost lost all meaning, so much so that I’m write PPN in my scripts and notes.

    The Pre-Pottery Neolithic is, well, the Neolithic era for a culture but before they had invented pottery. There is no trace in the archaeological record at the 11-12,000 year old sites in Anatolia, with vessels, plates, jugs, jars and storage containers all being cut from stone, a laborious but necessary task.

    These people were skilled craftsmen and women, capable of carving fabulous statues and stone pillars, incredible tools and vessels, and even creating concrete-esque terrazzo artificial-stone flooring. They were capable and intelligent but they still hadn’t worked out how to make pottery, so when was it first invented?

    In this video I look at the invention of pottery and how it was actually created 8,000 years before the building of Göbekli Tepe. I explain why pottery was such an important invention and how humanity were advanced and skilled enough to kick-start civilisation when climate conditions were right.

    All images are taken from Google Images and the below sources for educational purposes only. Please subscribe to Ancient Architects, Like the video and please leave a comment below. Thank you.

    Also, check out the fantastic video on the subject by Stefan Milo at https://youtu.be/SAYmXvTWV4w

    Seven Rice Kami
    Not going to lie, I have never even thought about putting clay over a basket to make pottery. Now that you mention it, it makes complete sense to me. Thanks again for the great content and making me think about different ways ancient humans were surviving harsh climates.

    Jay McJakome
    Considering how brittle and fragmentary were the shards found, we are lucky to have even that much evidence. Amazing detective work is needed to piece together the evidence [this looks like an intentional pun, but I’ll leave it for readers to wonder if it is or isn’t]. Thanks, Matt, for yet another glimpse into the far distant in time lives of our ancestors.

    Hereward the Unwoke
    Pottery is actually reasonably indestructible, it is why we have such an extensive artefact record and why it is used as the primary source for dating.


    • The Invention of Pottery – China & Czechia (Prehistory Documentary)
      69,760 viewsMar 25, 2020
      Stefan Milo

      Pottery is the most important prehistoric technological invention, according to Grandmas everywhere. So where and when did we first start making it?

      1 – Kuijt, I., and B. Finlayson. “Evidence for Food Storage and Predomestication Granaries 11,000 Years Ago in the Jordan Valley.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 106, no. 27, 2009, pp. 10966–10970., doi:10.1073/pnas.0812764106.

      2 – Shennan, Stephen. The First Farmers of Europe: an Evolutionary Perspective. Cambridge University Press, 2018.

      3 – Vandiver, P. B., et al. “The Origins of Ceramic Technology at Dolni Vecaronstonice, Czechoslovakia.” Science, vol. 246, no. 4933, 1989, pp. 1002–1008., doi:10.1126/science.246.4933.1002.

      4 – Wu, Xiaohong, et al. “Early Pottery at 20,000 Years Ago in Xianrendong Cave, China.” Science, vol. 336, no. 6089, 2012, pp. 1696–1700., doi:10.1126/science.1218643.

      5 – https://www.dainst.blog/the-tepe-telegrams/2016/04/24/out-for-a-beer-at-the-dawn-of-agriculture/

      6 – Shoda, Shinya, et al. “Late Glacial Hunter-Gatherer Pottery in the Russian Far East: Indications of Diversity in Origins and Use.” Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 229, 2020, p. 106124., doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.106124.


    • The Original Thinker – European Prehistory
      46,581 viewsFeb 23, 2020
      Stefan Milo

      A quick look at one of the most relatable and emotional statues from Neolithic Europe.

      Luis Aldamiz
      I’m also captivated by the Cernavoda „thinker” since the first time I saw it. A very unique type of prehistoric art that definitely connects with us so intensely, more than almost any art, except some Minoan and Etruscan one maybe.


  9. Zmieniłem zdanie, co do publikowania podsumowania wszystkiego. Zrobię to tu w komentarzach. Kto już rozumie, ten zrozumie. Kto nadal nie rozumie, ten i tak już nic nie zrozumie…

    Tu jest moja częściowa odpowiedź na poniższe:

    514 Folni ludziowie i ich bohaterskie, zbrojne, słofiańskie ramię, czyli nazistowski batalion AZOV i jego „uszlachetnianie narodu”

    Resztę można znaleźć pod powyższym odnośnikiem i innych pod tamtym artykułem.

    UWAGA! Tu będę zamieszczał jedynie komentarza związane z twierdzeniami związanymi z PIE, itp., jak ten ostatni poniżej.



    Davidski said…
    @All Comments claiming that the massacre in Bucha wasn’t perpetrated by Russian soldiers will no longer be approved here. Go argue with the facts somewhere else.


    April 6, 2022 at 4:19 PM


    Davidski said…
    Ah, they used cluster munitions on civilians.

    Russian ingenuity!

    April 8, 2022 at 2:18 AM



    Davidski said…
    New Sredny Stog samples belong to various subclades of R1a and I.

    But since Corded Ware and Yamnaya are derived from Sredny Stog (based on autosomal similarity) then it’s very likely that R1a-M417 and R1b-M269 were both in Sredny Stog.

    IMO Sredny Stog was Proto-Indo-European.

    April 8, 2022 at 1:27 PM


    • https://eurogenes.blogspot.com/2022/03/lousy-intel.html?showComment=1649577435567#c2154736234859241018

      StP said…
      The authors: Włodarczak and Majchrzak in „Eastern impulses in cultural and demographic change during the end of the south-eastern Polish Eneolithic” characterize the cultures of the broadly understood former Lesser Poland (Lesser Poland, Subcarpathia and Southern Lublin) in South-Eastern Poland.
      In my opinion, this region, together with Wolyń and Podolia (Ukraine), corresponds to the features of the PIE homeland

      They authores write that new research on the end of the Aeneolith and the early Bronze Age of communities in Southeastern Poland (4th and 3rd millennium BC) makes it possible to distinguish between stages related increased migration processes up to the emergence of East European populations of steppe origin.

      The oldest stage is represented by burials from the burial mound in Hubinek in the western part of the Volyn Upland (around 3000 BC); three graves discovered there with features of the Yamnaya culture.

      The second stage is related to the mounds of the oldest horizon of Corded Ware culture (c. 2900–2700 BCE).

      In the third period, catacomb burials appear, showing similarities to the features of the catacomb culture (ca. 2550–2400 BC); there are also finds in these graves with features of the Middle Dnieper culture.

      The fourth migration trend is represented by the Bell Beaker culture burials (ca. 2400–2250 BC); although they are primarily analogous to the Central European region, there are also elements that testify to cultural connotations from Eastern Europe.

      The last, fifth wave is represented by burial mounds from the beginning of the Strzyżów culture (around 2000 BC). Characteristic for them is the mound in Stryjów in the Lublin Upland. This newest trend of the burial mound is probably related to the western expansion of the Babin steppe community to the Volyn and Podole regions.
      April 10, 2022 at 12:57 AM


      Davidski said…
      Southeastern Poland was home to GAC before CWC people arrived from the east.
      So you have to pick one or the other for PIE, and if you pick CWC, then the PIE homeland wasn’t in Poland.
      April 10, 2022 at 1:19 AM


      • Otóż to, chce mi się napisać odnośnie ostatniego akapitu. Należy wybrać, czy GAC było PIE (slowiański), czy też CWC przyniosła do GAC swoją PIE. Albo, albo.
        Większość, tak z 99% naukowców i komentatorów, wybiera drugą opcję, stąd też cała masa tych komicznych i niedorzecznych interpretacji.
        Nie trzeba wielkiej wiedzy historycznej, by wiedzieć, że druga opcja nie jest możliwa, bo wówczas mielibyśmy słowiańskich Litwinów, Bałtów Galindyjskich w okolicy Moskwy w X wieku, także słowiańskich Permiaków i resztę ludów uralskich, głębokie ślady słowiańskie u Karelów, a tymczasem mamy coś dokładnie odwrotnego.


        • To, czy tamto. Nie ma rozpiski w punktach, nic nie ma. Wymiana danych zamarła. Istnieje tylko ta, czy tamta propaganda i manipulacja, patrz na to co od dawna wypisuje galicyjski mesjasz, czy Davidski, gdzie Yamna = lub =/= CWC… Genetyka jest martwa, tak samo jak archeo i linkuistika zachodnia.

          Co urodzi się z popiołów tego gówna?


          • Rozwiążą sprawę kolejne próbki, które na kolorowance będą wyglądać jak współcześni Polacy, ale podług YDna nie będą R1a, czyli będą w połowie drogie między całkowitym zmieszaniem się GAC i CWC,
            Widzieliśmy je na Węgrzech, będą też i w Polsce.


            • Ty swoje, inni swoje i ja swoje. Dreptamy w miejscu, jak Czarli Czeplin w filmie Dyktator i nic z tego nie ma więcej, jak tylko głębszy dołek.. Geny nie mówią, a co do wiarygodności próbkowania i wyciągania z tego wniosków, no to nie chce Mię sie nawet tego komentować. Swoje już po próżnicy napisałem np. u Davidskiego. Nikt nie podjął tematu, więc walić to.


  10. Kurhany
    40,657 viewsPremiered Apr 13, 2022
    Olaf Popkiewicz

    Na brzegu rzeki Wda, w Borach Tucholskich, nad rzeką piętrzą się tajemnicze kupy kamieni. Wieść gminna niesie że usypać je mieli polscy jeńcy na polecenie niemieckich okupantów, podczas II Wojny Światowej. Wydaje się jednak że historia tych kup kamieni jest nieco bardziej złożona. Dziś spróbujemy rzucić jakieś światło na tę tajemnicę…

    Djuracelka i jest moc 🙂
    Zaciekawiło mnie, przedstawiciele jakich warstw społecznych spoczęli swego czasu w urnach na tych kurhanach? I czy w ogóle uda się do tego dojść?

    Konrad Wieteska
    Polskie ziemie skrywają ciągle wiele tajemnic. Zastanawia mnie, na ile to odkrycie archeologiczne jest porównywalne z polskimi megalitami sprzed 5500 lat. Być może dodatkowe badania coś więcej rozjaśnią. Dzięki za bardzo interesujący materiał. Czekam w napięciu na kolejny.

    👍A mnie zastanawia, czy Niemcy – być może wtedy jeszcze nieświadomie z uwagi na ograniczone metody i technologię badań – chcieli zbudować nową religię na grobach naszych praprzodków.

    Lucjan hajs z kregu piekieł
    5500 lat aaaahahahah człowiek istnieje 500 tys lat

    @Lucjan hajs z kregu piekieł ​Pierwszy gatunek zaliczany do rodzaju ludzkiego (Homo) pojawił się około 3 mln lat temu. Gratuluję pisania głupot.

    🐣 Olaf, oj tam oj tam … Deniken się nie mylił, toż starożytni kosmici germańscy być musieli i trzema kreskami garnki znaczyli 😉🥚🍳

    Michał Goliński
    Właśnie rozwiązał pan zagadkę, która trapiła mnie od lat. Zastanawiałem się zawsze co to za usypiska. Kawałek w górę rzeki od tego miejsca są jeszcze większe usypiska kamieni. Odnośnie tego pisałem po emisji „Poszukiwaczy historii”, gdy szukaliście po drugiej stronie rzeki grodu drzu i jak p. Darek znalazł „miecz”. Piękne tereny… Dziękuje za rozwiązanie zagadki


  11. Genesis (and its Indo European origins) the Creation Myth of the Bible

    The bible’s creation myth, Genesis, is in fact based on older stories, from Egypt and from the Indo European culture’s creation myth. This video discusses the evidence within the book of Genesis of the Old Testament, that show how its origins are from the Indo European creation myth, and so the origins could be considered Proto Indo European.

    With thanks to those who inspired and helped me with the Herbew and biblical texts….
    Dr Robert M Price
    Derek Lambert of MythVision
    Liran Shoham

    David Anthony’s book is called The Horse, the Wheel, and Language and is available from all good booksellers.


    0:00 Introduction
    3:13 How we know about the Proto-Indo European Creation Myth
    6:41 The Proto Indo European myth of Creation
    7:22 What does this PIE myth mean?
    8:35 Evidence for the Proto Indo European myth
    10:19 The Fertile Crescent’s influence on the Genesis and the Bible
    12:42 The Enuma Elish, the Babylonian Creation Myth
    15:02 The structure of the Genesis Creation Myth
    17:03 Genesis, is it really “In the beginning”?
    22:52 Egyptian miracles
    25:23 What the first sentence of Genesis really means
    26:32 De-mythologizing the story
    28:57 Creating the world
    30:49 Patterns in creation
    33:10 Making man in God’s image
    38:17 The battle with the Primordial Being
    40:52 The sacrifice of the cow
    43:48 Putting all the clues together
    45:30 In summary


    • ZilchNilton
      Not sure about Yemo (maybe Yama?) but Manus sounds like the Manas (mind) of the Vedas where you get terms like Manvantara, Manu, Manasaputra’s (sons of mind) etc. The city or kingdom you mentioned could be the ‚city of nine gates’ (the body). Regarding the different beings sacrificed that you mentioned, from a Vedic perspective the whole manifestation is seen as a sacrifice & in some texts the chief or primordial being is described as „food” which equates to energy. One term for the primordial being is Aditi, who ‚eats up everything’ as soon as the One becomes differentiated by the process of naming & objectifying the contents of the once formless ‚waters’. This goes back to the myth of the eternal battle between the sun & dragon/serpent, Indra & Vritra…the serpent eating its own tail.

      Thanks for watching, and your thoughts. My next video will be about the dragon/serpent myth, and where it comes from. This will probably be out in the next week or two, and will clarify some of the points you’ve raised, and so I’ll look forward to your thoughts on that too 🙂

      Soma’s Academy
      This is a very interesting analysis, but a lot of it seems a bit speculative – I think you make a compelling case about the influence of Mesopotamian religion on the Jewish creation myth, but the connections between the Enuma Elish and the PIE creation myth, while intriguing, don’t seem so clear-cut as to represent definitive proof of common origin. Additionally, even provided that these parallels are due to common origin, they may still reflect something other than IE influence in Near Eastern religion; the Yamnaya people (the most probable candidate for the speakers of Proto Indo-European) drew around half of their ancestry from the Caucasus region, i.e. a region directly between their Pontic-Caspian steppe homeland and Mesopotamia. Considering that, I don’t think we can confidently attribute similarities to Indo-European influence over influence from a common ancestral religion (though I would certainly not suggest this possibility is more likely, considering how long Indo-European peoples had been present in the Near East prior to our earliest written versions of the Enuma Elish).

      Tangential to your main point, but your brief aside about the gender of „chaos dragon” figures was especially questionable; you suggest that dragons were universally viewed as female across all human societies, but of the thre examples you list, two come from a single culture (Echidna and Medusa), one of those two is married to a male figure who could easily be considered as much of a „chaos dragon” as her (Echidna, with her husband Typhon, a great chimeric creature much like Echidna but larger, associated with elemental powers, and treated as a significant rival to Zeus in parallel to the great serpents fought by Thunder gods in other Indo-European mythologies (Jormungandr in Norse mythology and Vrtra in Vedic mythology, both also male, by the way)), and the third example you cite is Quetzalcoatl… an Aztec deity who is very much male, and not at all associated with chaos. I found that aside very strange.

      Thank you for watching and taking your time to comment. Well made points, and there is only so much I can cover in a video. In short I agree that just because we can trace something back to PIE, doesn’t mean it was the original source, although the connection of Tiamat to the cow is more than speculative. As for dragons, I do need to make a video just on that subject, although it would be focused on IE based mythology as opposed to world mythology.

      Ikenga Spirit
      Your point on Caucasian ancestry of Yamnaya is particularly apt given we know that the Ubaidians and those before have been trading with Caucasians. Infact, some think the Maykop are either the origin or the first split of Indi-European and the Maykop traded heavily with Mesopotamia.

      If there’s any influence its coming out of Mesopotamia.

      I’m very skeptical that the Indo-European creation myth influenced the Sumerian creation myth. If anything you would expect the reverse. It’s stretching the timeline quite a bit to assume an indo-european presence in the fertile crescent early enough.

      And that’s a fair point, but then I would expect the Indo European Mythology to have more serpents than cow stories in the various creation myths.

      Sejfudin Halarewicz
      It could also be a common ancestry of P.I.E. and Middle Eastern populations. We know that the ancestors of P.I.E. descended from Middle Eastern farmers. I’m waiting for academics to research more into the cultural similarities between proto Semites and P.I.E., the patriarchal nature of both societies seems identical.

      There was some EEF in PIE, but we lack decent DNA analysis of the Near East to make assertions about other influence. But without doubt the story of the Enuma Elis was influenced by local cultures as well as some influence from PIE descendants.

      Sejfudin Halarewicz
      @Crecganford could it be that they both originated from a common myth? From an era before the migration of EEF into Europe?

      @Sejfudin Halarewicz Good thought, however the issue we have is the use of the bovine, and I’ll explain this more in my next video, but it limits when the myth could have started. But there influences from older Mesapotamian myths in there too…but not in the same way, basically its complicated 🙂 I will explain this more soon

      Sejfudin Halarewicz
      @Crecganford the domestication of the aurochs, happened only twice once in the Middle East and once in Central Asia. Interesting topic to explore, would have been vital for Middle Eastern farmers migrating into the steppes. Can’t wait until we have a better database for archaic Middle Eastern DNA, to explore the connection. Maybe you can also touch up on the wolf and shape-shifting myths. As Dan Davis pointed out it appears to be shared between Indo-Europeans, Turans and Native Americans. As I understand the current DNA research does show an ancestral group that contributed to both P.I.E. and indigenous Americans about 20000 years ago.

      @Sejfudin Halarewicz Yes to all that 🙂 And we do have myths that date back 20,000 years ago that cover multiple continents, that support this single source. It is an incredibly interesting topic and I will explore all of these more in the coming weeks and months.

      Aron Duhon
      Is there consensus that the biblical myth is related to PIE myths? Just curious

      Amongst those in Indo-Eurooean studies, yes, in biblical studies not so much as they tend to be rather inwardly focused.

      Cinaed Mac Seamas
      @Crecganford My archaeology professor in college was careful to point out the Babylonian antecedents to the creation and flood stories in Genesis but did not speak about the link to the Indo European creation myth. It is probable that he knew of it, but didn’t speak of it. It was a Baptist college, and he was careful to guard his tenure….

      vincent anguoni
      Is he sayin’ the Bible is not the word of God as spoken to Moses and those other old guys with beards? Sounds a little complicated. What do I know?

      He is saying that the first few verses are Genesis are actually from an older Indo-European myth

      Cinaed Mac Seamas
      I think he’s showing that the author of the relevant passages in Genesis was using the creation myths he knew about to create a polemic against them, that the author of Genesis is asserting quite strongly the existence of deity above and beyond the cosmos, not arising from it.


  12. Are these the Oldest Words we know?

    Research has discovered words that were around before the Proto-Indo Europeans, some of which make sense, but some are strange.

    Discovering old language is challenging, and when they are more than 9,000 years old methods such as predicting cognate evolution become unreliable. Following a study called „Ultra Conserved words point to a deep language ancestry across Eurasia” researchers have tried to discover if there was a language that is the ancestor to proto Indo European, and in doing so discovered a few interesting findings about language along the way.
    I also suggest an observation which could affect the creation myth of the Indo Europeans based on these.

    The paper can be found here:


    0:00 Introduction
    1:00 Why language changes
    1:40 How to look for an older language
    2:30 The trouble with Cognate evolution
    3:20 Words that sound the same
    3:51 Word Frequency
    4:55 Which words were found to be old
    5:35 Is the serpent important
    6:22 Mapping the spread of the older languages
    7:49 The source and summary

    there is something wrong with the graph at 6:50 mapping the language family driftings. Dravidian, Altaic and Uralic have more in common (vocal harmony, agglutination, case-structures) than Indo-European… What study is this map based on? … looks quite incorrect to me

    It is a facsimile of what was published in the paper, and so has been peer reviewed.

    @Crecganford that does not make it more valid. I would challenge the findings. Check Proto-IE and Proto-Uralic phonology, morphological cognates, grammar preferences, reconstructed roots and etymological correspondences. Even statistically you can show that e.g. eskimo-aleutic is closer to ugric, than iranian is to saami… even Mongolian has more specificities in common with Hungarian and Tamil, than Slavic or Germanic languages will ever have with Samoyede for example…

    check the Nostratic Theory… even the sequence of the shifting must have been evolving differently

    So Language…started in Kazahkstan? VERY NICE

    A few words to which modern words are cognate probably started in that region


  13. A Theory You’ve Never Heard Of | Michael Robinson | TEDxUniversityofHartford
    7,650,964 viewsNov 10, 2015
    TEDx Talks

    The Hamitic Hypothesis was a 19th century anthropological theory that claimed that humans originated in Asia and then migrated to other regions of the world. The theory was used to explain the discovery of so-called “white races” in Africa in the late 1800s. The Hamitic Hypothesis was not simply a curiosity of anthropological science. It was an idea that changed lives: from those European colonists who relied upon it to justify their presence in Africa, to the scientists who used it to explain away the accomplishments of African civilizations as a result of “white” influence. Ultimately, the Hamitic Hypothesis anchored a global theory of human origins and migration that, when combined with the Aryan race theory, shaped anthropology, colonial policy, and even the attitudes of Africans themselves for a hundred years.

    Michael Robinson is a historian of science and exploration at the University of Hartford. He is the author of „The Coldest Crucible: Arctic Exploration and American Culture.” His new book The Lost White Tribe: Explorers, Scientists, and the Theory that Changed a Continent” comes out with Oxford University Press in December.

    walt dill
    As a good rule: Explanatory theory does not describe; descriptive theory does not explain. But, really, theories work not because they are irrefutable — they work because they are a best „fit” for reality confirmation, and what is real here is just about anything that is fairly predictable.


  14. Evolution of the Indo-European Languages – Ancient Civilizations DOCUMENTARY
    437,024 viewsJul 9, 2022
    Kings and Generals

    Joey Brunelle
    This is probably the best overview of Indo European language families that I’ve ever seen. Exceptionally well done.

    It’s worth noting that Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian, and the Sami languages aren’t Indo-European, but are part of the unrelated Uralic family, and also that Basque is a language isolate with no living relatives


      • Mam wierzyć, że oryginalne blond włosy pochodzą z okolic Bajkału i bezpośrednio od nich wywodzą się Indianie z Ameryki, którzy wszyscy są oryginalnie czarnowłosymi?

        Polubione przez 1 osoba

          • EHG. Oni będą roznosicielami jasnych włosów i jasnych oczu, ich umiejscowienie jest dobre, ale niepełne, moim zdaniem powinni sięgać do Białorusi włącznie. Oczywiście byli Bałtami, nieśli języki bałtyjskie,

            Baltic HG. 13 do 5,9 tysięcy lat temu, byli takimi samymi jak ówcześni mieszkańcy Polski,, mówili językiem słowiańskim, zostali wyparci z powodu niskiej gęstości zaludnienia i braku rolnictwa , a może trochę zmieszali się z nadchodzącym liczniejszym EHG ze wschodu i z południowego wschodu..


            • (…) Oczywiście byli Bałtami, nieśli języki bałtyjskie, (…)

              Nope. Powtarzanie w kółko tego samego jest jedynie powtarzaniem tego samego. J. bałtyckie / Proto-Baltic są wtórne wobec j. słowiańskiego / Proto-Slavic, patrz dowody, które dostarczyłem. HOWGHT! 🙂


              • To tylko taka teza, że są wtórne, ważniejsze od tez, są geny nosicieli danego języka, które muszą ułożyć się w logiczną całość. Tylko w ten sposób, EHG=R1a=bałtyjsko-aryjskie języki jako całość układanki nie jest sprzeczna sama ze sobą,


  15. Murzyn
    Zawsze będę pisał i mówił na Ukrainie, na Słowacji, na Litwie, na Łotwie, na Węgrzech, na Białorusi. Czy jakieś jajogłowe mądrale wyciągną z tego logiczny wniosek? Pozostanę też murzynem i basta.

    Jeszcze jeden dowod na niekompetencje tzw. swiata polskiej nauki. Istota powinna byc zwiezlosc i tradycja polskiego jezyka a nie „odczucia” Ukraincow. A co z Wegrami, Slowakami, Bialorusinami ?

    No tak!
    Polska ma zmieniać język polski dlatego, że Rosja napadła na Ukrainę 🙂 Bo przedtem nie przeszkadzało. Teraz dorabiają całą filozofię by „podlizać się” UA. To element operacji FR skłócenia PL i UA.

    w języku polskim mówi się”na”, bo taki jest język polski !!! nie powiemy w Kubie bo to głupio brzmi 🙉tylko na Kubie.itp .na Ukrainie, na Łotwie ,na Islandii…

    Jak mówimy po polsku ?
    W Florydzie, czy na Florydzie ? Na Alasce czy w Alasce ? W dzikich polach czy na dzikich polach ? Ta RJP to barany. Nie znają języka polskiego bo to prostackie chłopy po awansie społecznym.


    SONDAŻ. Aż 80 proc. badanych Ukraińców nie przeszkadza określenie „na Ukrainie”. „Może RJP ujawniłaby ekspertyzy, z których korzystała”

    opublikowano: wczoraj

    autor: Fratria/Twitter

    Według badania, zawartego w raporcie Centrum Mieroszewskiego pt. „Polska i Polacy oczami Ukraińców”, dla aż 80 proc. określenie „na Ukrainie” jest akceptowalne lub odnoszą się do niego obojętnie.

    CZYTAJ TAKŻE: Lepiej pisać i mówić „w” Ukrainie czy „na” Ukrainie? Rada Języka Polskiego opublikowała opinię. „Zachęcamy do szerokiego stosowania…”

    Zaledwie 17 proc. badanych Ukraińców uznało określenie „na Ukrainie” za nieakceptowalne.

    W przeprowadzonym badaniu udział wzięło 1036 dorosłych Ukraińców. Wywiady telefoniczne przeprowadzano z nimi w dniach 11-15 sierpnia 2022 roku.

    Wyniki badania są ważne m.in. z powodu tego, iż Rada Języka Polskiego zachęcając do stosowania składni „w Ukrainie” i „do Ukrainy” między innymi tym, że Ukraińcy mają często odbierać wyrażenie „na Ukrainie” jako „przejaw traktowania ich państwa jako niesuwerennego”.

    Tak więc 80 proc. Ukraińców konstrukcja „na Ukrainie” nie przeszkadza. Może więc Rada Języka Polskiego ujawniłaby ekspertyzy, z których korzystała, rekomendując Polakom używanie konstrukcji „w Ukrainie”. W końcu w swoim stanowisku Rada powołała się na „odczucia Ukraińców”…

    — napisał na Twitterze Łukasz Adamski, wicedyrektor Centrum Mieroszewskiego.



  16. I Compare Irish & Polish
    Learn Irish
    4,687 views Oct 6, 2020 WEXFORD

    In this video I will compare some Irish and Polish words and examine some of the differences and similarities between these two languages. They are quite different but having said that I did come across a few very interesting similarities that I will share with you in this video.

    Giulia Lotito
    Hi, I would like to add another similarity. The word for Grandad: In Irish is „Daideo” while in Polish is „Dziadzio”. The pronunciation is very similar, expecially in Connacht Irish.

    There is another name for 10 in polish: dycha. It sounds a lot like Irish 10

    Kate Gesz
    A very interesting video. The Polish language is very ancient and was created from sounds, for example, gwizdać – whistle, świstać – swish, suwać – shove, szeleścić – rustle, skrobać – scribe, szumieć – hum, brzęczeć – buzz. It’s the oldest language of all the Slavic languages. Plenty of words in western languages come from Slavic languages. The Indo-European language, as it is called by many linguists, was Proto-Slavic, considering words in other languages, not only European ones, but in Sanskrit as well. Cheers.

    Ў. Ї.
    According to archaeologists, between 5th and 2nd century B.C. some Celtic tribes lived on the territory of modern-day Poland before moving westwards. And Slavic linguists consider some of Poland’s river names to have originated from Proto-Celtic.

    Lars Fars
    Another similar word is the word for cabbage. In Irish it’s cabáiste and in Polish its kapusta.

    LA Orlinski
    An focail Neamh is ea (Niebie) as polainis
    The word for heavan in irish (Neamh) is (Niebie) in polish

    BL guitar
    Both are members of the Indo-European language family. Very interesting (but not very surprising) to see these similarities. More surprising and mysterious are the connections between the Celtic and the Semitic languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic). For example the Irish introduction „Is mise” (I am…) and the arabic „اسمي Ismee” (I am…).

    Gareth Trew
    I learnt that words in Welsh that started with p became a c in Irish. Hence, ‚5’ cuig = pedwar in Welsh and piec in Polish.

    Małgorzata Grajdek
    Another similarity: scríobh is to write in Irish and skryba is a person who re-wrote books in ancient times. But generaly those languages are completely different 😀

    Anton Slavik
    I’m currently learning both simultaneously and I find the grammar and syntax to be incredibly similar. They’re both easy to learn because the verbs are modified for the grammatical cases of I, you, them, we etc. My Polish ex told me the word bainne ( milk) is similar to the Polish word for a tank that could be used to contain milk (mleko), but I couldn’t find that word. She may have been full of shit, but Polish has approximately a billion words in its vocabulary

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

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