43 Why Yamnaya Didn’t Contribute to Corded Ware – On Circularity and Perpetuated Talks

Brandt et al. (2013): associated mtDNA groupings expand and retreat in European prehistory. Note that each grouping reflects a different pattern of transitions between archeological periods.

Szanowne Czytelniczki i Szanowni Czytelnicy…

Już tak mam, że jak coś mnie zaciekawi, to szukam i czasem wpadam na takie ciekawe ciekawostki jak ten wpis poniżej, który wskazuje na różne fakty, które podważają twierdzenie, o tym że rzekomo tzw. kultura sznurowa / toporów bojowych / Corded Ware culture, zwał, jak zwał… wywodziła się z kultury jamowej, Yamna / Yamnaya / Pit Grave culture / Ochre Grave culture!!! 🙂

Ograniczę się tylko do tego że napiszę, że w zacytowanych na dole komentarzach German Dziebel, („ruski troll z Leningradu”, pewno chazarskiego pochodzenia,.. którego bardzo w sumie lubię), walnął typowego nadętego germańskiego babola, jak to na ofitzjalnych jęsykoznaftzóf przystało,.. aczkolwiek on sam raczej takim tępym typem to nie jest, przynajmniej ja go za takiego nie mam… (Pisze o błędach w wywodzeniu tzw. satem / kentum, itp.)

To, co napisał: (…)The glottalic theory of IE consonantism can’t be rejected, hence it’s possible that Germanic is one of the most archaic IE dialects from the point of view of the stop system. (…)… hm… No cóż… każdemu czasem odbija… albo może gorzej…  ta ich ofitzjalna fietza, jaką przyjęli przez czas ich ofitzjalnego nauczania,.. hm… lasuje umysły pewno do śmierci… Mam nadzieję, że rozumiecie, co mam na myśli… i nie pomyślicie, że ta jedna niema mondrość przekreśla wszystko to, co wypływa z tego wpisu… Dla mnie ten wpis to granat wsadzony głęboko w otłuszczone dupska wszystkich, którzy polegają na naukach ofitzjalnych profesoróf…


Miłego czytania o tym, o czym rozprawiamy tu ostatnio, czyli… o „północnej drodze R1a”… 🙂




Why Yamnaya Didn’t Contribute to Corded Ware – On Circularity and Perpetuated Talks

December 29, 2014

The ‘West Hunter’ anthropo-weblog of Cochran and Harpending apparently intends exciting reading ‘against the grain’ on intelligence, race and culture. Hence, I was aghast to recognize group thinking rather than truly independent innovation. I didn’t expect nourished ‘truths’ to skew their views and incite the exclamation of unsupported claims. This practice exactly induces the circularity of Kurganist views on the origin of Indo-European languages that center on Yamnaya horse riders from the Pontic-Caspian region, ie. Ukraine. Since apparently this hypothesis was hailed as the politically correct version of the Nazi pet hypothesis that instead centered on the archeological Corded Ware horizon between Rhine and Volga, proponents of many academic circles thrive on the notion that any argument against may be discounted as suspicious. But what’s the pressure worth to defend an alternative truth when this inspires to utter a statement as this: ‘Blond hair maps pretty well into Corded Ware territory, which suggests that it came in with the Yamnaya.’ (Cochran in ‘Faster than Fisher’, 22-11-2014)? Besides being unsupported by the current data, this fabrication of would-be facts is actually part of a larger circularity that totally depends on the same old gut feelings.

Without the intention to harm their fundraising plea for a ‘tax-deductible contributions to their blog’, I’d bet they wouldn’t get a coin if the authors weren’t such a Kurganists. Corded Ware that got their blond hair from Yamnaya, certainly a bold statement and maybe even worse than it looks. I urged him please to read Mallory himself, since Yamnaya and Corded Ware really were two different cultures:

‘Lothar Kilian isolated twenty-three diagnostic features. He argued that the Corded Ware burials possessed a series of traits not found in the Pontic-Caspian – amphorae, cord-decorated beakers, battle-axes – which are the essential markers of the Corded Ware culture. In contrast, the steppe burials utilized egg-shaped pottery, hammer-head pins, ochre and a variety of burial postures unknown in the Corded Ware horizon. While there may be some generic similarities, Kilian concluded that the specific differences do not support an historical connection between the two regions.’ (Mallory, 1989)

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