313 S_u_P_K_itp.machia, czyli SKRiBHa v.s. bogi i tytani intelektu, największą grrówno burzą w dziejach nie tylko tego wszechświata? Akt 1



Ten i kolejne wpisy są dokumentacją, a następnie analizą tego co ocalało, czyli radioaktywnego pyłu, który opadł był po tej niesławnej bitwie i jednocześnie ultra super hiper postępowa sztuka teatralna w trzech lub więcej aktach, pisana przez przebiegle podstępnego i nie tylko Narratora, czyli Mię…


Podstawa literacka:





1. „Davidski” – zazdrosny i bezlitosny bóg i zakochany w sobie tytan intelektu, twórca pierwszego wszechświata zwanego „Eurogenes”, który jest praprzyczyną różnych wypadków, które wydarzyły się w akcie drugim i kolejnych.

Cierpi katusze jak Prometeusz, pewnie dlatego, że niosąc ognik wiedzy maluczkim, wpadł kiedyś w Yamnę, jako PIE… i połamał sobie w na tym zęby, co go pewno boli do dziś dnia. Dodatkowo nie jest pieszczony przez inne narcystyczne kosmiczne byty, o których uwagę zabiega, a które nie zawracają sobie nim głowy. Stąd jego rosnące rozgoryczenie, może także napędzane przez zmiany wywołane magicznymi sosami, które ochoczo zażywał.

2. „StP” – wg niego nieomylny i wszystkowiedzący tytan i ałtorytet. Pod pseudonimem „stanp” pojawi się w akcie drugim, kiedy to objawi się w drugim wszechświecie nazwanym „Sylwetka”, gdzie jak się okazuje bywał czasem wyśmiewany przez „S_u_P_K” itp., za swój karpacki patriotyzm, czy inne ograniczenia..

3. „SKRiBHa” – zwykły śmiertelnik, choć w sumie to wcale nie taki zwykły. To wstyd wstydów, paproch paprochów, mierność nad miernościami. Tak przynajmniej czasem wspólnie twierdzili zarówno tytani, jak i bogowie, choć czasem byli jednak innego zdania i nie oceniali SKRiBHy, aż tak jednoznacznie negatywnie, ani też początkowo nie atakowali go ze ślepą furią, choć trzeba im przyznać, że z aktu na akt coraz bardziej rozgrzewali się i rozkręcali…

4. „S_u_P_K” – nieomylny i wszystkowiedzący tytan tytanów, ałtorytet ałtorytetóf. Tak go określił „ambroziak”, który sam będąc twórcą wszechświata zwanego „Sylwetka”, czyli jego głównym bogiem, musiał przecież wiedzieć, co mówi…

5. „ambroziak” – Global Moderator Hero Member, twórca drugiego wszechświata zwanego „Sylwetka”, jego główny bóg i uber admin, zarządzający wszystkim, w tym i adminem, aczkolwiek uznający swą niższość i podwładność wobec tytana „S_u_P_K”, nie tylko jeśli chodzi o wiedzę, czy ałtorytet…

6. „Zbyszko Tarczewski” Administrator Hero Member, admin i drugi z bogów drugiego wszechświata, ale nie z tych sprawiedliwych, czy pracowitych. Pewno jest jak Odyn ślepy co najmniej na jedno oko, więc z powodu tej usterki, należy mu to i owo wybaczyć…

7. „Ingvar” – kolejny wg niego samego nieomylny i wszystkowiedzący tytan i ałtorytet, aczkolwiek ciągle wyśmiewany przez „ambroziak” i innych tytanów intelektu, ale także i zwykłych śmiertelników, za swój allo-allo patriotyzm, czyli takie ograniczenie i skrzywienie turbogermańskie, skierowane przeciwko innym tytanom, ale także i bogom, przynajmniej identyfikujących się inaczej, zgodnie, czy też nie zgodnie ze stanem faktycznym…

8. „Horus” – zwykły śmiertelnik, często pojawiający się znikąd i wypowiadający logiczne twierdzenia, które są najczęściej ignorowane przez tytanów i półbogów, którzy jednak nie atakują go, tak jak to robią ze SKRiBHą, choc ich twierdzenia są w sumie logicznie identyczne…

9. „Wojtek” – zwykły śmiertelnik, czasem nieoczekiwanie pojawiający się znikąd i szybko znikający, wypowiadający w tym czasie logiczne twierdzenia, które są jednak zawsze ignorowane przez tytanów i półbogów.

10. Chór kozłów złożony z innych śmiertelników, którzy wygłaszali różne logiczne i nielogiczne twierdzenia, opłakiwali odejście „S_u_P_K”, jako nieomylnego i wszystkowiedzącego tytana tytanów, ałtoryteta ałtorytetóf, po tym odszedł był na zawsze z tamtego wszechświata.


Miejsce akcji:

Dwa prawie równoległe i czasem wzajemnie przenikające się wszechświaty stworzone przez ich zazdrosnych i bezlitosnych bogów, co najmniej 3 wątki, od 4 do 7, a czasem nawet do 11 czasoprzestrzeni, kilka czarnych dziur i tuneli czasoprzestrzennych, przez które niektóre byty z obu wszechświatów przenikały z jednego wszechświata do drugiego…

Na podstawie tego co ocalało, wszystko wyglądało coś jakoś tak:



01. StP napisał na Eurogenes to, co napisał…


August 12, 2023 at 3:48 AM

StP said…
Heggarty to improve!

The Indo-European language tree need not be a hybrid; Its origin does not need to be sought in the Iranian Neolithic population. There is no need to question the closer affinity of Baltic (Balto-Slavs) and Indo-Iranian and to deny the centum-satow dialects and the rules of „ruki”.

The solution is simple. According to classical Indo-European studies, it should be recognized that centum was the initial, root dialect of Indo-European languages. There was no shared innovation in the group. They were created only after the migrations of separate groups (see I.R. Danka in: Bednarczuk, Języki Indo Europejskie, vol. 1, p. 280 and here).

Common linguistic innovations, even before the migrations, took place only in the satem dialect, and further innovations separately in each group, either during or after the migration.
And all of this could only be in the R1a genetic family.

The first migration of R1a with the kentum diaect, branch YP4141 (and probably the younger YP7211), probably took place through the Southern Carpathians, and from there to Anatolia, Iran, Arabia and Palestine; and separately to the Alps.

Later under snip M417 snip and dialect kentum CTS4385 moved to Northern and Western Europe.
On the other hand, in the lines under the Z645 snip, innovations were made separately for the Z283 line, mainly to Central and Eastern Europe, and separately for the Z93 line, mainly to Asia.
See film (10 min.): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iungylb-La&t=430s
(start set from minute 7.10, i.e. 430 sec.)


02. SKRiBHa odważył się zadać pytanie, na które StP nigdy nie udzielił odpowiedzi.


August 12, 2023 at 5:47 AM

SKRiBHa said…
@ StP

(…) According to classical Indo-European studies, it should be recognized that centum was the initial, root dialect of Indo-European languages. (…)

What if ‚classical Indo-European studies’ have been wrong?

What if satem or alternate forms of word roots were the initial stage of PIE, hm?


August 12, 2023 at 9:36 AM

Gio said…

Alternation doesn’t work at the phonological level: centum may become satem, but not satem to centum.

August 13, 2023 at 2:05 AM

SKRiBHa said…

(…) Alternation doesn’t work at the phonological level: centum may become satem, but not satem to centum. (…)

Well… Although I have addressed my comment directly to StP, I will answer to your erroneous assertion anyway because I am delighted of what you have mentioned. 🙂

It appears that you are rather confused and are unable to distinguish between so-called ‚alternation’ and ‚palatalization’, see:


‘In linguistics, an alternation is the phenomenon of a morpheme exhibiting variation in its phonological realization. Each of the various realizations is called an alternant. The variation may be conditioned by the phonological, morphological, and/or syntactic environment in which the morpheme finds itself.’(…)


Palatalization /ˌpælətəlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ is a historical-linguistic sound change that results in a palatalized articulation of a consonant or, in certain cases, a front vowel. Palatalization involves change in the place or manner of articulation of consonants, or the fronting or raising of vowels. In some cases, palatalization involves assimilation or lenition. (…)

Do you now recognize your error?


03. W międzyczasie Davidski opublikował kolejny wpis, gdzie StP drążył dalej…


August 12, 2023 at 5:20 PM

Davidski said…

Wolfgang Haak and Johannes Krause are responsible for this sort of naive bullshit. From their paper…

Genetically, the ancestry of Indo-Iranic speakers also derives much more heavily from south of the Caucasus and from Neolithic Iran than from the Bronze Age steppe (16) (see Box 2).

Right, because a set of shared „Caucasus/Iranian” alleles in an admixture analysis that entered India on ~10 separate occasions over a span of several thousand years actually represents the same language group.

On the other hand, one major pulse of Eastern European ancestry along with R1a (which dominates Indian upper castes) apparently left no linguistic traces in India.


August 13, 2023 at 2:32 AM

StP said…

I like the work of Heggarty et al. that he captured and used in DensiTree the oldest elements of the PIE language. After all, languages in isolated patrilineal families could develop extremely slowly and for a long time, and probably from the roots of the R1a paternal lineage. „Horse, wheel and axle” is perhaps just some middle stage in the evolution of the PIE language.

It is a pity, however, that the irrationally adopted concept of the evolution of the hybrid PIE language did not allow, contrary to the data of paleogenetics, to show the real genetic and linguistic unity already at the beginning of this language and in one lineage R1a , as linguistics and genetics rightly postulate. Depriving PIE of unifying dialectal elements, such as centum-satem and the „ruki” function, does not solve any problem, but rather harms knowledge and unnecessarily breaks the unity of satem languages of Europe and Sout Asia (probably at the behest of those who dislike „those bad Europeans”).

The spread of the indigenous and primordial centum together with the migration of the early branches of the paternal R1a tree (according to the quoted sketch of the R1a expansion from Geo Nomad) justifies the centum in Anatolia and the Tocharians, as well as in western, northern and southern Europe; leaving the „logically” later satem branches for Central Europe -Eastern and Eastern, and for Indo-Iranian Arians , according to the requirements of Indo-European.


04. Otrzymał za to błogosławieństwo od Davidski’ego…


August 13, 2023 at 4:42 AM

Davidski said…

Stay off your medication when posting here.


05. SKRiBHa próbował jeszcze raz skłonić StP do odpowiedzi, jednak na próżno…


August 13, 2023 at 6:46 AM

SKRiBHa said…
@ StP

(…) The spread of the indigenous and primordial centum together with the migration of the early branches of the paternal R1a tree (according to the quoted sketch of the R1a expansion from Geo Nomad) justifies the centum in Anatolia and the Tocharians, as well as in western, northern and southern Europe; leaving the „logically” later satem branches for Central Europe -Eastern and Eastern, and for Indo-Iranian Arians , according to the requirements of Indo-European. (…)

In relation to the above, I have already asked you some questions here:


Unfortunately you were not bother to give me any answer so I generally explained this to @Gio here:


You are stubborn and I am stubborn as well, so I will repeat:

What if satem or alternate forms of word roots were the initial stage of PIE, hm?


I am guessing that you did not hear of so-called ‘debuccalization’ or ‘deoralization’, did you?

I told you this in 2014 already but again you have ignored this. I will repeat it though.

Here you all have some data to digest:


Debuccalization or deoralization[1] is a sound change or alternation in which an oral consonant loses its original place of articulation and moves it to the glottis (usually [h], [ɦ], or [ʔ]).[2] The pronunciation of a consonant as [h] is sometimes called aspiration, but in phonetics, aspiration is the burst of air accompanying a stop. (…)

Here you all have got some examples from the same source:


In Proto-Greek, /s/ shifted to [h] initially and between sonorants (vowels, liquids, and nasals).

Proto-Indo-European *septḿ̥ → Proto-Greek *heptə́ → Ancient Greek heptá (ἑπτά) „seven” (vs. Latin septem)

Intervocalic /h/ had been lost by the time of Ancient Greek, and vowels in hiatus were contracted in the Attic dialect.

post-PIE *ǵénesos → Proto-Greek *génehos → Ionic géneos (γένεος) : Attic génous (γένους) „of a race”

Before a liquid or nasal, an /h/ was assimilated to the preceding vowel in Attic-Ionic and Doric and to the following nasal in Aeolic. The process is also described as the loss of /h/ and the subsequent lengthening of a vowel or consonant, which kept the syllable the same length (compensatory lengthening).

PIE *h₁ésmi → Proto-Greek *ehmi → Attic-Ionic ēmí (εἰμί) : Aeolic émmi (ἔμμι) „I am”


In Sanskrit, /s/ becomes [h] (written ḥ in transliteration) before a pause: e.g. kā́mas (‚erotic love’) becomes kā́maḥ.

Additionally, the Indo-European aspirated voiced palato-velar *ǵʰ- became [ɦ]: e.g. *bʰeh₂ǵʰús „arm” becomes Sanskrit bāhúḥ.


Main article: Spanish dialects and varieties: Debuccalization of coda /s/

A number of Spanish dialects debuccalize /s/ to [h] or [ɦ] at the end of a syllable or intervocalically in certain instances.

Goidelic languages

Main articles: Scottish Gaelic phonology: Lenition and spelling and Irish initial mutations

In Scottish and Irish Gaelic, s and t changed by lenition to [h], spelled sh and th.


06. StP nadal unikał udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytania zadane przez SKRiBHę, choć wzbudziły one zainteresowanie innych piszących…


August 13, 2023 at 11:49 AM

Ebizur said…
Dear SKRiBHa,

Please explain the following facts according to your theory of debuccalization:

Italian cento [ˈt͡ʃɛn.to] („hundred”) ≠ Italian sento [ˈsɛn.to] („I feel, I sense”)

Scottish Gaelic [kʰʲiat̪] („hundred”)

English hundred ≠ sundry

August 13, 2023 at 3:11 PM

SKRiBHa said…

(…) Please explain the following facts according to your theory of debuccalization: (…)

Many thanks for your comment. I think that we both have to clarify something if we want to get everything properly explained.

This is not ‘my theory of debuccalization’ so logically I can not explain anything according to it as ‘my theory of debuccalization’ does not exist at all. I do not know, who first discovered and described rules of debuccalization / deoralization or so-called ‘rough breathing’ as well.

As I can see in wikipedia, the term was coined by prof. Trask, R. L. (1996), A Dictionary of Phonetics and Phonology, London and New York: Routledge, p. 106

Robert Lawrence Trask (10 November 1944 – 27 March 2004) was an American-British professor of linguistics at the University of Sussex, and an authority on the Basque language and the field of historical linguistics. (…)

deoralization /(…)/ n. (also debuccalization) Any phonological process in which a consonant segment loses its oral articulation. For example, non-prevocalic [s] is deoralized to [h] in many varieties of Spanish: mismos ‚same’ (plural) [mihmoh].

Rough breathing is a kind of debuccalization / deoralization as well and it has been known from ancient times, see:


In the polytonic orthography of Ancient Greek, the rough breathing (Ancient Greek: δασὺ πνεῦμα, romanized: dasỳ pneûma or δασεῖα daseîa; Latin: spīritus asper) character is a diacritical mark used to indicate the presence of an /h/ sound before a vowel, diphthong, or after rho. It remained in the polytonic orthography even after the Hellenistic period, when the sound disappeared from the Greek language. (…)

Here I will repeat just one example:

Proto-Indo-European *septḿ̥ → Proto-Greek *heptə́ → Ancient Greek heptá (ἑπτά) „seven” (vs. Latin septem)

August 13, 2023 at 3:11 PM

SKRiBHa said…

(…) Italian cento [ˈt͡ʃɛn.to] („hundred”) ≠ Italian sento [ˈsɛn.to] („I feel, I sense”)
Scottish Gaelic [kʰʲiat̪] („hundred”) (..)

Could you please explain precisely what you expect from me to do, see above ok?
As it concerns the ‘English hundred ≠ sundry’, I think that this poem will be helpful…


Here you have got an explanation, a quote from the poem:

[Explanation of the above verse: Latvian, i.e. proto-European SUNS, SUNIS viz. dim. SUNITis („dog”), became German HUND and English HOUND. So how did Germanic HUNDred come to have the same beginning four letters as their word for dog HUND.

This is because, as we see in verses below, the old Gothic term for thousand was thuSUND and thus SUND then also must have meant 100 at some ancient time, degrading to HUND, viz. hundred.

Based on the German ZEHN „ten”, this too was related, i.e. ZEHNTE = „tenth”. SUND and thuSUND would thus logicaly have been variant number forms of the same root, meaning, as we shall see below „collection, heap”. Nothing indicates that original forms were satem forms such as KUND or HUND. Rather, these are later degradations of the original S-based roots.]

I wrote about it here:

57 The Satem-Centum Error A humorous poem in German by Andis Kaulins

What do you think about this example visible below, hm?

Proto-Indo-European *septḿ̥ → Proto-Greek *heptə́ → Ancient Greek heptá (ἑπτά) „seven” (vs. Latin septem)

August 13, 2023 at 3:42 PM

SKRiBHa said…

Please, pay attention that there are some minor mistakes in this poem, see:

‘thousand’ not ‘thousund’,
‘Nothing indicates that original forms were centum forms such as KUND or HUND.’ not ‘Nothing indicates that original forms were satem forms such as KUND or HUND.’


thousand (adj., n.)

„10 times one hundred; the number which is ten times one hundred; a symbol representing this number;” Old English þusend, from Proto-Germanic *thusundi (source also of Old Frisian thusend, Dutch duizend, Old High German dusunt, German tausend, Old Norse þusund, Gothic þusundi).

Related to words in Balto-Slavic (Lithuanian tūkstantis, Old Church Slavonic tysashta, Polish tysiąc, Russian tysiacha, Czech tisic), and probably ultimately a compound with indefinite meaning „great multitude, several hundred,” literally „swollen-hundred,” with first element from PIE root *teue- „to swell,” second element from PIE root *dekm- „ten.” (…)

August 13, 2023 at 7:49 PM

Ebizur said…
Wee e wrote, „Gaelic represents the sound K with C.”

As you may see, I have used a phonetic transcription in order to avoid confusion regarding the sound value of the letter „c.”

SKRiBHa wrote, „Could you please explain precisely what you expect from me to do?”

Since you have been going on about „debuccalization”/”deoralization,” I have indirectly requested that you present a case for satem-like characteristics being primary and centum-like characteristics being secondary in the history of the Indo-European languages.

In other words, please demonstrate how one may apply „debuccalization”/”deoralization” to satem-like forms to produce word forms that are attested in present-day Indo-European languages and how such an explanation is superior to the generally accepted reconstruction of proto-Indo-European as having centum-like characteristics, with satem-like characteristics having developed secondarily through the merger of previously distinct phonemes.

August 13, 2023 at 11:43 PM

Wee e said…
@ Ebizur. As you can see, in order to show that I was aware that you were aware of that, I wrote “So, yes”.

The topic became the satem/centum sound change. Somehow people seem to have got hung up on specific word for hundred itself.

Anyway, you asked for “ceud” to be explained in regard debuccalisation (did you mean lenition?)
I still don’t understand your question (seems I’m not the only one) — and you still didn’t clarify it.

August 14, 2023 at 2:02 AM

Ebizur said…
Wee e wrote, „I still don’t understand your question”

I have not posed any question to you. Perhaps you should review my initial comment in this thread.

August 14, 2023 at 4:12 AM

Wee e said…
@Ebizur Very well, I have reviewed it. Your first post, apropos of SKiBHa’s reply to StP:

“Dear SKRiBHa, Please explain the following facts according to your theory of debuccalization:”

Your latest post to me, apropos of my second request for clarification:

“I have not posed any question to you.”

Nor had SKRibHa addressed his “theory of debuccalisation” to you.

It seems you do understand it’s a worldwide forum, then. So for the third time, what actually was your question concerning “ceud”?

August 14, 2023 at 4:54 AM

StP said…
@Wee, Ebizur, though unsolicited by me, answered on my behalf. Thank you! StP

August 14, 2023 at 6:56 AM

SKRiBHa said…

(…) Since you have been going on about „debuccalization”/”deoralization,” I have indirectly requested that you present a case for satem-like characteristics being primary and centum-like characteristics being secondary in the history of the Indo-European languages. (…)

Many thanks for your clarifications. I am going to answer your requests as precisely as I can. However before I can do it I have to clarify as follows:

Please pay attention and in the future do not omit or simplify the facts that:

a. I have not only been going on ‘debuccalization’ / ’deoralization’, see my original statement:

What if satem or alternate forms of word roots were the initial stage of PIE, hm?

b. The statement itself is a question, moreover I used a conditional there, as well I addressed everything to ‘word roots’ and ‘the initial stage of PIE’…

c. Therefore I have not stated anywhere for example that allegedly ‘debuccalization’ / ’deoralization’ can or explains everything I related to in my original statement!

Here you all have some examples of words / roots / stems as alternated forms of which, I my opinion can not be anyhow explained by ‘debuccalization’ / ’deoralization’ or ‘palatalization’ only, see:

KieN’ / SieN’ / CieN’ / DzieN’ / Z+Gi(e)N’…

To summarise the problems up and to properly explain the alternate forms of the aforementioned words / roots / stems, which at the same time exist in Polish language, we have to take into account / equation:

a. ‘primordial satem or alternated forms of some PIE roots / stems + b. secondary ‘debuccalization’ / ’deoralization’ some of them.

Such an analysis has to be done accordingly to different discovered and described sounds changes / ‘laws’ (D>T, T>D, L>R, etc.) and… only one language theory, i.e. the so-called ‘wave model / theory’, where the so-called ‘novelties’ / ‘innovations’ have been triggered on the ‘edges of waves’, where two waves of people with their languages or dialects of so-called ‘dialect continua’ collide.

The theory is attributed to Johannes Schmidt and Hugo Schuchardt, see:



Here you all have the same but more detailed visualisation, see:

EastPole has already mentioned and visualised the problem many times here but unfortunately no one was interested to discus it so far… 😦

August 14, 2023 at 6:59 AM

SKRiBHa said…

(…) In other words, please demonstrate how one may apply „debuccalization”/”deoralization” to satem-like forms to produce word forms that are attested in present-day Indo-European languages and how such an explanation is superior to the generally accepted reconstruction of proto-Indo-European as having centum-like characteristics, with satem-like characteristics having developed secondarily through the merger of previously distinct phonemes. (…)

I think that you still do not understand what I stated, see above. Moreover I have already showed such an example, unfortunately you have ignored it many times, see for example:

(…) 6. What do you think about this example visible below, hm?

Proto-Indo-European *septḿ̥ → Proto-Greek *heptə́ → Ancient Greek heptá (ἑπτά) „seven” (vs. Latin septem) (…)

In my next comment I am going to come back to your first two examples but before I have ask you two questions, as you have not commented on the explanation given to your ‘English hundred ≠ sundry’:

Do you understand the explanation given and confirm that according to it the older form of word ‘Hundred’ must have been a satem one, something like ‘Sundred’,.. or do you deny it?

Do you understand and confirm that PIE *septḿ̥ was a satem form which only later was secondary ‘debuccalized’ / ‘deoralized’ and next ‘devoiced’ into Proto-Greek *heptə́ and next lost its initial H sound in Ancient Greek heptá (ἑπτά), which is explained by the so-called rough breathing,.. or do you deny it?

August 14, 2023 at 6:59 AM

Wee e said…

I didn’t ask about your post. I just thought it was generally incoherent: oddly literal about centum/satem as a lexical item, &/or casting the classification itself as some nefarious project.

Ebizur answered nothing that I asked: he prefers his “explain ceud” comment to remain gnomic. Or incoherent.

August 13, 2023 at 3:07 AM

Gio said…

As usual, I of course will study all the matter. It seemed to me that you tried to use the “Alternation” for saying that there wasn’t a priority of the centum IE as to the satem ones. I answered that centum languages are older than the satem ones. What you call “palatalization” is a case of the passage from centum to satem languages (even though Woudhuizen wrote interesting things also about that). The matter of course merits to be studied carefully, but what I said, that centum languages are older is a truth, thus it is a proof, I think (in spite of the centum Tokharic), of the origin in the west and not in the east, and remember that Latin is linked with the pile dwellers of the emerged Adriatic.

August 14, 2023 at 10:23 AM

StP said…
Wee , alias SKRiBHa said

I didn’t ask about your post. I just thought it was generally incoherent: oddly literal about centum/satem as a lexical item, &/or casting the classification itself as some nefarious project. Ebizur answered nothing that I asked: he prefers his “explain ceud” comment to remain gnomic. Or incoherent.

In linguistics, we don’t have 100 percent theories and data, because people, despite the patrilineality prevailing in the past, mix and groups rub against each other. If you know that Ebizur answered incorrectly, write it yourself; how should he write!

August 15, 2023 at 10:59 AM

Wee e said…

“Wee , alias SKRiBHa said” — WTF??? I have one account here, I post under this ID and that’s it. Which I daresay Davidski can confirm, if he were remotely interested.

“In linguistics, we don’t have 100 percent theories and data, ” — Who is this “we”? Certainly you’re no linguist. I’m not sure you even understand what a theory is.

Since you resort to ad hominems and baseless accusations of deception, rather than argue your case on its merits, and since most of what you say is literally incoherent anyway, I see it was a mistake to try to take any of it seriously.


07. Davidski zbanował SKRiBHę i usunął jego wszystkie komentarze napisane w tym, a kto wie, może i we wszystkich innych wątkach na Eurogenes…


August 14, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Davidski said…

I’m no expert, but… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apophenia

I’ve deleted all of your recent posts because this is not the place for you to do what you do.


08. SKRiBHa pożegnał się wiec z Davidski’m i jego wszechświatem…


Davidski said…

(…) I’m no expert, but… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apophenia (…)

Well, I’ve got no option but to agree with you.

Although you must have been great, talented and beautiful as well some time ago, it is painfully obvious for a good while already, as you yourself stated it above, that at least in the aforementioned field, you have not been the expert indeed…

It is a pity that you locked your brain inside of a small annoying box and are not able to look outside of it any more.

(…) I’ve deleted all of your recent posts because this is not the place for you to do what you do. (…)

Well, you did what you did and if it is good for you, enjoy it, if it makes you happy though! 🙂

As it is my last comment here, let me say something straight without beating around the bush, ok?

You have never been a charming personality but about two years ago, you became a really narcissistic asshole. The ‚100% efficient sauces’ you voluntarily took into your body must have been doing something really good not only to your big brain, but to your small heart as well.

It is obvious that there is something really wrong not only with you, see your Yamna fairy tale failure, etc.

So, maybe you should look out not only for your swollen ego, hm? No hard feelings, mate..! 🙂





39 uwag do wpisu “313 S_u_P_K_itp.machia, czyli SKRiBHa v.s. bogi i tytani intelektu, największą grrówno burzą w dziejach nie tylko tego wszechświata? Akt 1

  1. Wow, This Experiment May Prove If Multiverse Is Actually Real
    Anton Petrov
    Oct 22, 2023

    0:00 Multiverse in a nutshell
    1:12 Not Many World hypothesis
    2:03 Inflationary multiverse
    3:10 Did it ever stop?
    4:05 Could these bubbles interract?
    4:48 Signs in CMB? Strange circles?
    6:15 Potential experiment we could design
    6:55 Quantum experiments
    8:10 Recent experiments using Bose Einstein condensate
    9:25 First experimental attempt
    10:15 New experiment
    11:30 Why this is important

    We just need to go to the edge of the universe to test this—and stick things through it. Then come back with the findings!

    That’s simple. Thanks.

    The legend of youtube comments on one of most credible science channels out there. My life is complete.


    • Ultimate Graph of the Universe Shows We Live In a Black Hole…But Do We?
      Anton Petrov
      225,475 views Oct 28, 2023 #blackhole #universe #physics

      Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about the ultimate logarithmic graph ever made – the one showing us everything in the universe!

      #physics #universe #blackhole

      0:00 Physics and log graphs
      1:30 New graph and what it tries to do
      2:50 How objects condensed into stuff
      3:30 How the study was done – focusing on the extremes
      4:00 Hubble radius
      4:20 Compton limit
      5:35 Max size to mass ratio – black holes
      6:15 Potential suggestion universe is a black hole
      7:40 Overall summary of this graph
      8:10 Instanton – the crossover of both ideas
      8:35 Universe came from instanton
      10:30 Do we live inside a black hole?
      12:30 Unanswered question – forbidden areas and double forbidden region

      So if we live in a black hole… does that mean each black hole in our universe contains a universe themselves? Maybe all of reality is just an infinite series of black holes? We live in a bag of infinite holding.


  2. What would your life be like if Axis had won WW2
    Oct 28, 2023

    1. Axis won the Second World War. What would life, culture, art and music be like in such a World?

    I wouldn’t exist as today’s Poland citizen,

    poland exists

    ​​​ @zvallid How? Hitler wanted to eradicate Polish people and most of other slavic nations to create lebensraum.

    Poles would be exterminated, or become slaves…

    There is no way the Turks would be considered honorary Aryans while the Greek people being left out of the game. Nor would the Indians be considered since they would be considered of mixed ancestry. Also, Aryans didn’t come from India. They came from a mixture of the Corded ware Culture and the Yamna culture invading the Indian subcontinent.The Nazi’s never believed the Aryan race came from India or Iran. It is very pivotal to get your facts straight here. Also, the Germans had a broader term for Aryans within Europe. The map animation choice used during the discussion of what an Aryan is is extremely lazy and the research even more so. If I were being honest this video honestly should be deleted.

    Zvallid has made some interesting videos in the past, but this is truly terrible and not representative of the ideology.


  3. What Happened To Google Search?
    Enrico Tartarotti
    2,421,648 views Nov 25, 2022

    Disclaimer: this video came out a week before ChatGPT, that’s why it’s not mentioned 😅

    The Google Search search engine is dying. The giant that shaped the internet for the last 20 years is being consumed from the inside by SEO, lack of quality information, the emergence of platforms and no more avenues for growth.

    So I’m not the only one that has noticed that Google is warping our perspective of reality by hiding parts of the internet?

    The internet has got so small compared to what it used to be, it makes me sad but also worried. When you control the information you control the people, and when the older generations die off, people wont understand what they have lost. It’s the long game that is being played against us.

    One of the main reasons why I’m sick and tired of Google’s search engine is because it finds less and less of what I’m actually looking for. The ubiquitous SEO culture is doing a great job of ruining the web.

    Only if you don’t use Kagi. That has, by far, the best results out of any search engine currently in existence.

    Yeah. Even image search results are crap now. I remember back in the day, you could spend ages looking at all the different images it came up with. Now it just comes up with images that’ve been posted on social media and mainstream news websites.

    Not to mention the search always panders to what’s is most searched. If you search „how YouTube makes money” for example, all answers are „how to make money on YouTube” No Sherlock, that’s not what I was searching, but it’s what most people search with those keywords.

    Censorship is to blame. You cannot find even simple name available freely on Internet


  4. Academia is BROKEN! Nobel-Prize Winner with Fake Results (Medicine)
    Pete Judo
    76,859 views Oct 21, 2023

    This case reveals yet another tip of the iceberg in the broken peer review system that rewards the quantity of publications over quality.

    „I take credit but not responsibility.”
    „I share in the immediate rewards but refuse any later punishment.”
    Authority without responsibility – the plague of our times.

    Goes right along with the Silicon Valley mantra – „I’d rather beg for forgiveness than ask for permission.”

    The plague of our time? This has been a problem in academia long before any of us were born. Who would’ve guessed that doing nothing about a cancer only makes it worse?

    ​ @Piledriver2006 problem in academia? try problem in government in general, health, education and safety.
    Police, doctors and educators all have the authority to fuck a lot of shit up before anyone thinks to actually check their authority.
    If you think this is an „academia” problem, I have news for you – This is how we have decided to govern ourself on land, on the high seas the Authority that fucks up is also the one that takes the blame, the time and the bill, Authority without responsibility never works as intended and that is why you will never see it in practise on the seas, for some strange reason it is practised all the time on land and it always turns into a pile of we didnt do nothing.

    Nobel prize is a joke

    having a scam artist as a sponsor for a video about another scam artist is top notch irony lmao

    Agreed. It seemed so out of place in this vid.

    Whatever pays the bills?

    Yeah I’d be embarrassed to share these with anyone I know in academia with those sponsor segments.


  5. https://eurogenes.blogspot.com/2023/11/slavs-dont-have-much-if-any-scytho.html

    Saturday, November 4, 2023

    Slavs have little, if any, Scytho-Sarmatian ancestry

    Here’s an abstract of a new study from the David Reich Lab about ancient Slavs, titled „Genetic identification of Slavs in Migration Period Europe using an IBD sharing graph”. Emphasis is mine:

    Popular methods of genetic analysis relying on allele frequencies such as PCA, ADMIXTURE and qpAdm are not suitable for distinguishing many populations that were important historical actors in the Migration Period Europe. For instance, differentiating Slavic, Germanic, and Celtic people is very difficult relying on these methods, but very helpful for archaeologists given a large proportion of graves with no inventory and frequent adoption of a different culture. To overcome these problems, we applied a method based on autosomal haplotypes. Imputation of missing genotypes and phasing was performed according to a protocol by Rubinacci et al. (2021), and IBD inference was done for ancient Eurasian individuals with data available at >600,000 1240K sites. IBD links for a subset of these individuals were represented as a graph, visualized with a force-directed layout algorithm, and clusters in this graph are inferred with the Leiden algorithm. One of the clusters in the IBD graph emerged that includes nearly all individuals in the dataset annotated archaeologically as “Slavic”. According to PCA a hypothesis for the origin of this population can be proposed: it was formed by admixture of a Baltic-related group with East Germanic people and Sarmatians or Scythians. The individuals belonging to the “Slavic” IBD sharing cluster form a chronological gradient on the PCA plot, with the earliest samples close to the Baltic LBA/EIA group. Later “Slavic” individuals are shifted to the right, closer to Central and Southern Europeans and probably reflecting further admixture of Slavs with local populations during the Migration Period.

    Apparently this abstract is causing a bit of confusion online because of the mention of possible Sarmatian or Scythian ancestry in Slavs.

    However, it’s important to understand that the authors are referring to certain Slavic or even just Slavic-related individuals, usually from culturally heterogeneous frontier settlements deep in what is now Russia.

    So yes, it’s possible that some of these individuals carry Sarmatian, Scythian or other exotic eastern ancestry. But even if this is true, then obviously we can’t extend this inference to all ancient and modern-day Slavs.

    Indeed, below is a G25/Vahaduo Principal Component Analysis (PCA) that shows why modern-day Slavic speakers can’t be linked genetically to Sarmatians or Scythians. To experience a more detailed version of the PCA paste the data here into the relevant field here.

    As you can see, dear reader, most of the Slavs (Belarusians, Poles, Ukrainians and many Russians) cluster with the Irish near the western end of the plot.

    Some Russians are shifted significantly east of them along the „Uralic cline” and, as a result, they cluster with various Uralic speakers such as Mordovians. That’s because when Slavs migrated deep into what is now northern Russia they mixed with Uralic speakers who were there before them.

    Most of the Sarmatians and Scythians form a cluster southeast of the Slavs and Irish because they carry significant levels of East Asian ancestry. This type of eastern ancestry is basically missing in modern-day Slavs (see here).

    Several of the Scythians cluster among the Slavs and Irish, but that’s because they’re genetic outliers, whose existence, if anything, suggests that some Scythians had significant Slavic-related and/or Irish-related ancestry.

    Now, even though most of the Slavs do cluster with the Irish in the above PCA plot, I strongly disagree with the authors of the abstract when they claim that „differentiating Slavic, Germanic, and Celtic people is very difficult” with PCA. It’s actually pretty damn easy and I’ve been doing it successfully for many years. For instance, see here.

    See also…

    Wielbark Goths were overwhelmingly of Scandinavian origin

    The Caucasus is a semipermeable barrier to gene flow

    Posted by Davidski at 12:06:00 AM

    Labels: ancient ancestry, ancient DNA, Balto-Slavic, Belarusians, IBD, PCA, Poles, Russia, Russians, Sarmatian, Scythian, Slavic, Slavs, Ukraine, Ukrainians, Uralic


    • Davidski said…
      I suspect there’s some wishful thinking among the Russian authors of this preprint that they have Scythian ancestry.

      But Russians quite obviously have Uralic ancestry, not any type of steppe nomad ancestry, because they show Siberian admixture not East Asian admixture. And this is in line with uniparental markers and historical sources.

      Splitting Siberian and East Asian admixture is easy if you know how to do it.

      November 4, 2023 at 1:59 AM

      Rob said…
      This view is probably a vestige of theories of Slavs being ‚Scythians Farmers” from the forest-steppe – a view which is increasingly difficult to sustain.

      November 4, 2023 at 2:05 AM

      Michael said…
      What the authors wanted to show isn’t clear. That the Slavs don’t exist, it’s a Sarmato-Germano-Baltic mixture? What East Germans? What Sarmatians? I don’t think there are Russian authors involved here, I mean, it’s their main idea. More likely not Russian.
      Also, I don’t think they meant about „Scythian farmers”, their theory can archeologically fits with the interaction of Zarubintsy culture and Sarmatians.
      Considering the many yellow circles in Hungary, maybe they meant something related to HUN_Sarmatian_Late_Danube-Tisza?
      From the summary
      „…. in the Late Roman time in the Lower Tisa region two ethnically different groups of population lived parallel with each other: reigning, Sarmatians-nomads, who correspond with inhumation, and Sarmatians-Limigantes – sedentary population in settlements. The so-called culture of Limigantes is not connected with previous local finds and appears to be new in the archaeology of Tisa region…..Analogies for the early hand-built ceramics, constructions and basis of the objects (buildings) researchers find in the sites of Kievan, Chernyakhov and Przeworsk cultures. As a result derives the conclusion that population of the settlements in the Late Roman period was Slavic in its core, without excluding presence of the local Illyrian. Dacian and Sarmatian elements.”
      „The individuals belonging to the “Slavic” IBD sharing cluster form a chronological gradient on the PCA plot, with the earliest samples close to the Baltic LBA/EIA group.”
      So, real Slavs are Latvian-like people?

      November 4, 2023 at 5:10 AM

      Davidski said…
      The lead authors are Russian.

      November 4, 2023 at 5:19 AM

      Davidski said…
      Early Slavs were more like Belarusians, not exactly like Latvians. And East Germanics are Chernyakhov and Wielbark culture people. But I reckon most of the Germanic ancestry in Slavs is from later groups, like the Mennonites from the Low Countries.
      There were Mennonite villages in my part of Poland.

      November 4, 2023 at 6:17 AM

      ambron said…
      The mixing of the East Germans, i.e. genetic Scandinavians, with the genetically Baltic-like population is clearly visible in Poland in the Roman period in the last work of Stolarek. Such a population has inhabited Poland since the times of the Trzciniec culture, as shown by Chyleński’s work.

      And David must have lost interest in the biological history of the Polish population, because he ignored the two most important studies on this history that have been published so far – Chyleński’s and Stolarek’s.

      November 4, 2023 at 12:01 PM

      EastPole said…
      “What the authors wanted to show isn’t clear. That the Slavs don’t exist, it’s a Sarmato-Germano-Baltic mixture?”

      I really don’t know what they are trying to say. Look at their poster:


      ‘self-identity=/=language=/=material culture=/=genetic ancestry’
      Why do they put it in such bold letters?
      We are looking for ethnoses with the help of genetics. We assume that in the past genetic ancestry and languages correlated. Material cultures change in time and space and can be common to different ethnoses or can be different within one ethnos, so they are not so important.
      Why do they bring self-identity?
      Do they suggest that even if you find people who had Slavic genetic ancestry and spoke Slavic languages they were not Slavs, because one cannot prove that they self-identified as Slavs? Do they suggest that IBD can tell us something about self-identity?
      How do they define Slavs?
      In my opinion from the genetic and linguistic data that we have the most probable is Slavic continuity within following cultures::
      Mierzanowice/Strzyżów/Iwno –>Trzciniec/Komarów–> Lusatian/Chernoles–>Przeworsk/ Zarubintsy–>Western/Eastern Slavs
      November 4, 2023 at 1:13 PM
      John Thomas said…
      But aren’t the Scythians partially descended from Corded Ware groups?
      Then, surely, the Scythians were a distant cousin population to the early Slavs?

      November 4, 2023 at 2:12 PM

      Davidski said…
      @John Thomas

      But aren’t the Scythians partially descended from Corded Ware groups? Then, surely, the Scythians were a distant cousin population to the early Slavs? Yes, but the point is that once the different Corded Ware lines became Slavs and Scythians they didn’t mix with each other very often.

      November 4, 2023 at 3:43 PM

      Davidski said…

      Sometimes it’s better not to say anything at all. For instance, have a look at the main PCA in one of those Polish papers you mentioned. The Iron Age and Middle Age Polish samples form their own cluster, which is impossible, and it even contradicts the other results in the paper. It’s not a good advertisement for Polish science, that’s all I’ll say.

      November 4, 2023 at 3:48 PM

      EastPole said…

      “The Iron Age and Middle Age Polish samples form their own cluster, which is impossible, and it even contradicts the other results in the paper”.

      Why is it impossible? There were two different populations during the Iron Age in Poland: Germanic which didn’t cremate (minority burials) and Slavic which did cremate (majority burials). Most of the samples from the Iron Age were Germanic, with some Slavic contamination and few outliers. Germanics left Poland and from the Middle Age we have only a pure Slavic population.

      On PCA you see Germanic cluster from IA and Slavic from MA. They are different. But from outliers and contaminations they concluded that Slavic population was present in Poland during the Iron Age, and probably it was that population which cremated. It fits the results from Trzciniec and Lusatian cultures where we have Slavic R1a and Balto-Slavic drift.

      November 4, 2023 at 5:03 PM

      Davidski said…

      Why is it impossible? The samples have been released, and they don’t cluster together.


      The Iron Age samples are Scandinavian-like while the Middle Age samples are Belarusian-like. They’re two different populations.
      How is it that after many months you haven’t noticed this yet?

      November 4, 2023 at 5:11 PM

      Rob said…
      @ Dave

      Isnt there some kind of Y-DNA continuity between Iron Age and medieval Poland based on R1a-M458 lineages ? (Although many seem undated)

      November 4, 2023 at 5:43 PM

      EastPole said…
      There were two IA outliers which looked Slavic:


      November 4, 2023 at 5:51 PM

      Davidski said…

      Those results are somewhat controversial. Might be contamination.

      November 4, 2023 at 5:52 PM

      Davidski said…

      I wasn’t referring to outliers. Do they even have C14 dates? I was making the point that the PCA in question was total garbage and probably suffers from a serious technical problem. That’s because it shows the Iron Age and Middle Age samples in the same cluster to the exclusion of modern Europeans. Can you explain to me how that’s possible, because I can’t reproduce the result no matter what. Can you?

      November 4, 2023 at 5:58 PM

      Rob said…
      @ Dave Suspected as such. There’s still to contend the 200 year gap between Wielbark and Early Slav period; not to mention the idea the existence of a cryptic cremating-only population seems like special pleading

      November 4, 2023 at 6:29 PM

      EastPole said…

      Sorry, I misunderstood you. So you are questioning this strange PCA:


      and not the possibility of two different populations living in Poland in the Iron Age?

      November 4, 2023 at 6:33 PM


    • ambron said…
      David, we can’t blame the authors for how they allocate points on PCA by unsupervised Admixture, because that’s not their decision. Therefore, Amixture is always the autors carried out additionally in supervised mode. And here PCA clearly separates the populations:


      November 5, 2023 at 1:39 AM

      Davidski said…

      You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. The Admixture and PCA tests were done separately with different programs. You should at least check the methods properly before commenting.

      November 5, 2023 at 1:24 AM

      ambron said…
      In fact, PCA was performed using Eigensoft. Sorry! I didn’t pay attention to it.

      Thus, the second PCA separates the populations better because it is limited to north-western and central-eastern Europe, while the first covers all European genetic variability. Well, this is normal for every PCA. In PCA with G25 it is the same.

      November 5, 2023 at 2:03 AM

      ambron said…
      I spent hundreds of hours discussing Stolarek’s work. On my forum, a thread devoted to this work attracted 58,000 readers. But Arza best summarized Stolarek’s results in one sentence, writing something like this:

      The Wielbark population has a very large Balto-Slavic admixture from the local population of Poland, and the Slavic paternal lines indicate the nature of this local population.

      November 5, 2023 at 2:10 AM

      Davidski said…

      What the fuck are you babbling about now?

      The G25 always separates the IA and MA samples into Scandinavian and East Slavic clusters.

      There’s no reason why these two populations should cluster together to the exclusion of everyone else in Europe, unless there’s a technical problem.

      And the authors are wrong when they claim that the MA population has ancestry from the IA population.

      November 5, 2023 at 2:13 AM

      ambron said…
      David, I’m sorry, but now I don’t understand what you’re talking about. After all, for example, NE G25 PCA limits the populations to north-western and central-eastern Europe, and WE G25 PCA covers the entire European genetic variability. At WE G25 PCA, Polish IA and MA samples will also overlap.

      I don’t know on what basis you claim that the authors are wrong about the ancestors of IA in MA?

      November 5, 2023 at 2:34 AM

      Davidski said…
      I’m talking about Figure 1 C. The European PCA.

      Not only do the IA and MA samples overlap, even though they shouldn’t, but the MA samples cluster in Western Europe.

      There’s no way in the world that the MA samples will cluster with Western Europeans in the G25 unless you zoom out and focus on broad West Eurasian ancestry.

      Genetically, the IA samples are Scandinavians while the MA samples are early Slavs without Scandinavian ancestry, and that’s exactly what the G25 shows.

      So stop acting dumb and being dishonest.

      November 5, 2023 at 2:45 AM

      EastPole said…
      “And the authors are wrong when they claim that the MA population has ancestry from the IA population.”

      I don’t agree with you. I think that the probability that the MA population has ancestry from the local IA non-Germanic population is quite high.
      It is derived from Trzciniec–>Lusatian–>Przeworsk.
      Y-DNA and mt-DNA and some autosomal data support it.


      Just show me a better Bronze Age and early Iron Age source of MA Polish populations than Trzciniec/Lusatian.
      November 5, 2023 at 2:47 AM

      Davidski said…

      Yep, the Wielbark IA population is obviously Germanic and shows no relation to the Baltic-like MA population.

      At least you got that right, so you’re ahead of ambron.

      November 5, 2023 at 2:54 AM


    • Michael said…

      „Look at their poster”
      Oh my, I didn’t notice… this… never mind.
      If a boy identifies himself as a girl, then he is a girl 😀

      November 5, 2023 at 4:00 AM

      Michael said…

      „The lead authors are Russian”
      Who both live in Czech Rep. and work in University of Ostrava, If I’m not mistaken.
      „And East Germanics are Chernyakhov and Wielbark culture people.”
      But Chernyakhov culture isn’t homogeneous, your post „Asiatic East Germanics”
      „But I reckon most of the Germanic ancestry in Slavs is from later groups, like the Mennonites from the Low Countries.”
      I don’t think it’s the case. There were also many German colonists among Eastern Slavs, and Turkic speakers, like Tatars.
      They apparently were talking about the early Slavs, that they mixture of Bronze Age Baltic inhabitants + Germans + Sarmatians. But it’s impossible with the classical Sarmatians and Scythians. Only if the Baltic LBA/EIA groups + Corded + something southern. The Balts and Slavs differs in the level of the southern component, not Germanic or Sarmatian.
      By the way, looks like they confirmed the „Slavicness” of the Imenkovo culture. It’s attribution has been disputable. Probably, the Republic of Tatarstan is in a bad mood right now.

      November 5, 2023 at 4:01 AM

      Davidski said…

      This paper refers to ancient samples from Russia that fall in the Slavic cluster based on an Identity-by-Descent (IBD) genealogical analysis.

      This doesn’t mean that they’re all Slavs, but they must be closely related to Slavs if they’re in the Slavic IBD cluster.

      The authors point out that based on a PCA analysis these samples can be described as a Baltic-related population that acquired some Germanic and Sarmatian admixture.

      So this doesn’t mean they’re Balts or that they even came from near the Baltic. It just means that they’re similar to Balts, like Belorussians are similar to Balts.

      Ergo, no one is claiming that Slavs didn’t really exist until some Balts mixed with some Eastern Germanics and Sarmatians.

      The point being made is that early Slavs were Baltic-like, and they gradually changed over time due to admixture to what they are today.

      The reason I said that Slavs didn’t get most of their Germanic admixture from Goths, but rather from later Germanic groups, is because Middle Age Polish samples are still very Baltic-like and very similar to Belorussians.

      Modern Poles are more western than them due to admixture that must have arrived in Poland during the Middle Ages or later.

      And it’s not true that there’s substantial Tatar ancestry in Russians, because Tatars have significant East Asian admixture, while Russians lack this type of admixture. Russians have Uralic/Siberian ancestry instead.

      November 5, 2023 at 4:19 AM

      EastPole said…
      “The point being made is that early Slavs were Baltic-like, and they gradually changed over time due to admixture to what they are today.

      The reason I said that Slavs didn’t get most of their Germanic admixture from Goths, but rather from later Germanic groups, is because Middle Age Polish samples are still very Baltic-like and very similar to Belorussians”

      Middle Age Polish samples look very similar to modern Poles:


      The reason for this is that they are derived from Trzciniec/Lusatian populations not from Baltic.


      November 5, 2023 at 6:58 AM

      Steppe said…
      Simon W@

      I’m glad, the Germans of East Prussia also have a Baltic/Prussian admixture that they assimilated in the Middle Ages, some surnames indicate this or even place and water names, for example: Kurschat, Naujok…or the city of Danzig / Gydadanyze and refers to the Prussian „gudûne” place where there is forest (another theory the name of the city is derived from the Gothic), Tilsit (Schlauen), Krockow (Pomerania) This place name, like Krakaw and Krakow, is based on the Prussian „Kracco” Schwarzpecht , Parsęta River…, the

      November 5, 2023 at 7:41 PM

      Davidski said…
      Krakow is a Slavic name.

      November 5, 2023 at 11:56 PM

      ambron said…
      There are many place names in Poland with the root „krak”, because „krak” in Old Polish means „fork of the river”.

      November 6, 2023 at 12:39 AM

      EastPole said…
      “Uniparental markers are also very important. In particular, Y-chromosomes are vital to understanding language expansions”.

      Yes, that’s why I think that Mierzanowice/Strzyżów/Iwno –>Trzciniec/Komarów–> Lusatian/Chernoles–>Przeworsk/ Zarubintsy–>Western/Eastern Slavs is the most likely path for the development of the Slavic language.

      Also don’t exaggerate with medieval German colonists. Germans were settling mostly in cities and the population of the cities was less than 5% of the total population, and was subject to many plagues etc.

      Later German colonization also didn’t influence the Polish population much. Germans lived in German villages separate from Polish villages and didn’t mix much. Much more Poles were Germanized than Germans Polonized. After WWII the all German-speaking population was expelled.

      November 6, 2023 at 12:44 AM

      Steppe said…
      ambron @

      Is it true that Krakow is of Slavic origin (Wiślane), however there are many Baltic references in northeastern Poland, but some say the city of Krakow was founded on a Celtic hill?

      November 6, 2023 at 12:50 AM

      ambron said…
      David, on NE G25 PCA also is some MA samples grouped with Scandinavians, but I don’t want to argue about that.

      The Wielbark skeletal population is not a Scandinavian population, because the native Scandinavians did not have a 20-100% Eastern European admixture and Slavic paternal uniparental markers. This is clearly a mixed Scandinavian-Balto-Slavic population.

      And I still don’t understand why the medieval Polish population couldn’t have had ancestors in the Wielbark population? If you are not convinced by the qpAdm Stolarka models, there is another work on the way proving this using other research methods.

      November 6, 2023 at 1:00 AM


    • Davidski said…

      The Wielbark population is obviously Scandinavian by and large. These Wielbark samples have the same „Baltic” component that the ancient Germanics from Scandinavia have, which effectively means they don’t actually have any real Baltic ancestry. It’s just northern ancestry. You don’t need any new methods to work this out. You just need to be objective.

      November 6, 2023 at 1:43 AM

      Steppe said…
      Eastpole @

      No, not all Germans, my two grandmas married Poles (one grandma also has Romanian ancestors), a grandpa was of Polish/Lithuanian origin, so not all Germans were expelled but were assimilated into the People’s Republic of Poland and some mixed marriages arose, my dear

      November 6, 2023 at 1:49 AM

      ambron said…
      David, that’s right, we have to stay objective. Objectivity and consistency! After all, it is the „Baltic” component, which is non present in the native Scandinavians, that distinguishes in first the Scandinavians from the Balto-Slavics.

      November 6, 2023 at 2:03 AM

      Davidski said…

      This PCA tells us most of what we need to know about the formation of the modern Polish gene pool, and this process happened during and after the Middle Ages.


      The Polish MA samples cluster strongly with modern Belorussians, but what is really interesting is that a good number of the Polish MA samples are more eastern than the modern Belorussians. This suggests that proto-Slavs may have been genetically more eastern than modern Belorussians. So it’ll be interesting to see Pavel’s early Slavic samples, and also which of these samples are the first to show the East Germanic IBD links.

      November 6, 2023 at 2:18 AM

      EastPole said…
      “The PCA you posted shows that both the MA Poles and modern Poles form an elongated east to west cluster.


      This cluster didn’t exist until the Middle Ages. And there’s a good reason for that.

      Also, the Slavic IBD cluster shows the strongest links to the Germanic cluster.

      Get over it”

      First, you don’t know what Slavic cluster looked like before the Middle Ages, because Slavs cremated.
      In my opinion, both the MA Poles and modern Poles form an elongated east to west cluster because their ancestors from Trzciniec/Lusatian cultures formed an elongated east to west cluster. And the reason for this is that post-Corded Ware Proto-Slavic populations from Mierzanowice/Strzyżów/Iwno cultures mixed with farmers who had more Balto-Slavic drift in the East and farmers who had less Balto-Slavic drift in the west. That elongation is caused by the level of Balto-Slavic drift. I thought you understood this.


      There are rumors that Lusatian culture was full of Slavic R1a and most similar to Poles.
      The Germanic IBD cluster shows the strongest links to the Slavic cluster because Germans assimilated a lot of Slavs. Half of East Germany is Slavic. Germans from Pomerania, Silesia etc. are mostly Germanized Slavs.
      The theory that Slavs are mixed Balts and Germans is nonsense. Get over it.

      November 6, 2023 at 2:52 AM

      Davidski said…

      Luckily, we can test these sorts of things.

      If the more western shifted MA and modern Poles show higher IBD sharing with Germanic samples and more I1 and U106, then you’re wrong.

      November 6, 2023 at 3:02 AM

      EastPole said…
      David, look at what was the situation in Poland when Mierzanowice/Strzyżów/Iwno (one population with Slavic Y-DNA) started to mix with farmers. Globular Amphora without BS drift in the west and Strzyżów outlier with BS drift in the east:



      This explains the elongation east to west of the Slavic cluster. Trzciniec, Lusatian were very populous cultures full of Slavic Y-DNA. They didn’t evaporate.

      November 6, 2023 at 3:21 AM

      Davidski said…

      We’re not too far off from getting a detailed genetic transect of time from Poland. I can assure you that the earliest Polish Slavs will be Baltic-like, and more eastern than Belorussians. Then things will change rapidly into a more elongated east > west cluster, and we’ll see a good correlation with a changing Y-chromosome gene pool with a lot more R1b appearing.

      November 6, 2023 at 3:32 AM


    • Ambron, no i co powiesz teraz nieustraszony bohaterze? Czujesz już smak swojego zwycięstwa? Ciekawe, czy zagotowało się u Ciebie to i owo lub ten i ów napisał coś na forum? Nadal drapiecie się po pleckach i obwąchujecie doły plecków? Pewno tak… 😦

      Zobaczymy co tam zadziało się, j.w., no bo trochę muszę szczerze się przyznać, że po tym Twoim odpale z S_u_P_K, straciłem kontakt z tymi sprawami… A przeca śmiać się trza i radować, co nie?


      • https://slawomirambroziak.pl/forum/index.php?topic=5297.msg110325#msg110325

        Odp: Genetic history of East-Central Europe in the first millennium CE « Odpowiedź #1939 dnia: Listopad 05, 2023, 08:06:00 am »

        Na Eurogenes wywiązała się w końcu dyskusja na temat pracy Symfoników:


        Zobaczymy, jak się dalej potoczy…


        Odp: Genetic history of East-Central Europe in the first millennium CE « Odpowiedź #1940 dnia: Listopad 06, 2023, 07:32:26 am »

        Wojtek zręcznie rozprawia się na Eurogenes z forsowanym przez kolegów allo mitem, że wcześni Słowianie przypominali najbardziej genetycznie Białorusinów, dowodząc podlinkowanym poniżej PCA, że byli najbardziej podobni genetycznie do współczesnych Polaków:



        Odp: Genetic history of East-Central Europe in the first millennium CE « Odpowiedź #1941 dnia: Listopad 06, 2023, 09:35:21 am »

        Dawid, chyba z baraku argumentów, zaczyna wymyślać jakieś niestworzone historie:


        The Wielbark population is obviously Scandinavian by and large.

        These Wielbark samples have the same „Baltic” component that the ancient Germanics from Scandinavia have, which effectively means they don’t actually have any real Baltic ancestry. It’s just northern ancestry.

        You don’t need any new methods to work this out. You just need to be objective.

        Dlatego mu odpisałem:

        David, that’s right, we have to stay objective. Objectivity and consistency! After all, it is the „Baltic” component, which is non present in the native Scandinavians, that distinguishes in first the Scandinavians from the Balto-Slavics.


        Odp: Genetic history of East-Central Europe in the first millennium CE « Odpowiedź #1942 dnia: Listopad 06, 2023, 09:41:13 am »

        Odpowiedź Dawida dotyczyła tego mojego wcześniejszego wpisu:

        The Wielbark skeletal population is not a Scandinavian population, because the native Scandinavians did not have a 20-100% Eastern European admixture and Slavic paternal uniparental markers. This is clearly a mixed Scandinavian-Balto-Slavic population.

        And I still don’t understand why the medieval Polish population couldn’t have had ancestors in the Wielbark population? If you are not convinced by the Stolarek’s qpAdm models, there is another work on the way proving this using other research methods.


        Odp: Genetic history of East-Central Europe in the first millennium CE « Odpowiedź #1945 dnia: Listopad 08, 2023, 05:31:55 pm »

        Kolegom śledzącym dyskusję na Eurogenes zwracam uwagę, że Dawid cały czas upiera się przy tym, że ludność wielbarska jest populacją skandynawską bez żadnej domieszki bałtosłowiańskiej. Jednym słowem mówi na na białe – czarne. Gdyby nie to, że ze mnie niespotykanie spokojny człowiek, mogłoby to być nieco irytujące. Przy czym Dawid nie potrafi przedstawić żadnych dowodów na tę rzekomą, czystą skandynawskość populacji wielbarskiej, o które go proszę. Dlatego teraz on prosi o pomoc Matta:

        Can you think of any simple formal stats that will show decisively that the Wielbark samples are unmixed Scandinavians?

        Czyli co…? Matt miałby zaprojektować jakiś model badawczy, którym dałoby się oszukać rzeczywistość. Nie wróży do dobrze, bo pokazuje, że koledzy allo – wbrew oczywistym faktom – zamierzają dotąd manipulować wynikami badań genetycznych, aż uda się je dopasować do ich z góry założonej koncepcji. Tylko pytanie: czy im się to uda…?


        Odp: Genetic history of East-Central Europe in the first millennium CE « Odpowiedź #1946 dnia: Listopad 09, 2023, 09:08:12 am »

        Stanowisko Dawida się nieco rozmiękcza:

        Yeah, the Trzciniec population is in part closely related do Balts and Slavs.

        And there is indeed some very specific Y-chromosome continuity from Bronze Age to Medieval and modern Poland.


        Odp: Genetic history of East-Central Europe in the first millennium CE « Odpowiedź #1947 dnia: Listopad 09, 2023, 03:18:26 pm »

        O, kombinowali, kombinowali i coś wykombinowali:

        OK, as it turns out it’s pretty easy to show with f3 stats that the Wielbark groups from Kowalewko, Maslomecz and Weklice are North Germanic.

        I’ll demonstrate this tomorrow with a short blog post.

        Marnie to widzę…


        Odp: Genetic history of East-Central Europe in the first millennium CE « Odpowiedź #1948 dnia: Listopad 10, 2023, 05:55:29 pm »

        Jak więc było do przewidzenia, Dawid w żaden sposób nie udowodnił, że populacja Gotów wielbarskich nie była mieszanego pochodzenia skandynawsko-słowiańskiego:


        Skomentowałem ten wpis, ale ponieważ teraz w Australii jest noc, mój komentarz ukaże się dopiero jutro rano. Dlatego cytuję go tutaj teraz po polsku:

        Użyłeś tylko połowy z 68 próbek wielbarskich z badania Stolarka. Dlatego na PCA populacje ci się wyraźnie rozdzieliły. Ale i tak widać dużą grupę próbek wielbarskich położonych względem współrzędnej poziomej (dryf bałtosłowiański) na wysokości Słowian Zachodnich i Wschodnich Niemców.

        Statystyki f3, w przeciwieństwie do statystyk f4, nie są w stanie pokazać domieszki. W statystykach f4 Stolarka większość próbek wielbarskich dzieli podobną ilość pochodzenia z populacjami północno-zachodnioeuropejskimi i wschodnioeuropejskimi.

        Domieszkę bałtosłowiańską u Gotów najlepiej pokazują modele z użyciem Baltic Est BA, które wykonał swojego czasu Arza dla opublikowanych wówczas próbek wielbarskich. Wystarczy je powtórzyć dla nowych próbek z badania Stolarka:

        „Claims that samples from Kowalewko represent unmixed and purely Germanic population are clearly contradicted by the genomic data.”



        Odp: Genetic history of East-Central Europe in the first millennium CE « Odpowiedź #1949 dnia: Listopad 10, 2023, 06:30:43 pm »

        Cytat: ambroziak w Listopad 10, 2023, 05:55:29 pm
        Jak więc było do przewidzenia, Dawid w żaden sposób nie udowodnił, że populacja Gotów wielbarskich nie była mieszanego pochodzenia skandynawsko-słowiańskiego:



        Dawid faktycznie całą duszą zajęty jest kulturą Yamnaya.
        A już Polskie genomy odstawił sobie na bok
        Wiele ciekawych prac nie tknął ani słowem.
        Ale szkoda, że do linku nie dodałeś osobno tej legendy, którą Stolarek umieścił pod obrazem.


        • https://slawomirambroziak.pl/forum/index.php?topic=5297.msg110364#msg110364

          Odp: Genetic history of East-Central Europe in the first millennium CE « Odpowiedź #1950 dnia: Listopad 10, 2023, 06:41:21 pm »

          Skrypt do wklejania obrazów mi nie działa, i nikt nie potrafi tego naprawić.

          Tak, Dawid zupełnie olewał ostatnio genetykę polskiej populacji. Tak więc poczytuję sobie za dobrą monetę, że udało mi się go sprowokować do powrotu do tej tematyki. Zapowiedział już, że zajmie się też genomami trzcinieckimi.


          Odp: Genetic history of East-Central Europe in the first millennium CE « Odpowiedź #1954 dnia: Listopad 12, 2023, 04:35:29 pm »

          Ten wpis Dawida musiał rozczarować chyba tych kolegów allo, którzy już byli niemal pewni, że Dawid przeszedł całkowicie na ciemną stronę mocy:

          Proto-Slavs formed in large part from a subset of the Trzciniec population that was Baltic-like, and thus eastern genetically.

          Whether this means that this Trzciniec or Trzciniec-derived group was also eastern geographically is still an open question. Lots of options here, don’t you think?

          But it’s likely that there were other peoples involved in the formation of the early Slavs, probably including the Wielbark Goths. Hopefully more samples from the Iron Age and early Middle Ages will help to clarify this.

          Poles are largely derived from proto-Slavs, but with some extra Germanic admixture from the Wielbark Goths, Vikings, recent German migrants and so on. There might also be some significant West Baltic ancestry in parts of Poland today.

          Indeed, gradual gene flow into the ethnic Polish population from basically all of the populations living in and near Poland seems to have had a minor but noticeable impact on the Polish gene pool and the shape of the Polish cluster in my PCA plots.


          Odp: Genetic history of East-Central Europe in the first millennium CE « Odpowiedź #1956 dnia: Listopad 12, 2023, 05:25:26 pm »

          Zwracam uwagę, że w przypadku dociekań etnolingwistycznych nie można analizować danych genetycznych w oderwaniu od faktów językowych. A fakty językowe (najstarsza warstwa toponimii słowiańskiej) pokazują, że
          w obrębie areału trzcinieckiego ojczyzny prasłowiańskiej możemy poszukiwać jedynie w pasie pomiędzy środkową Wartą a środkowym Dniestrem.


          Odp: Genetic history of East-Central Europe in the first millennium CE « Odpowiedź #1957 dnia: Listopad 12, 2023, 05:42:01 pm »

          Cytat: ambroziak w Listopad 12, 2023, 05:25:26 pm
          Zwracam uwagę, że w przypadku dociekań etnolingwistycznych nie można analizować danych genetycznych w oderwaniu od faktów językowych. A fakty językowe (najstarsza warstwa toponimii słowiańskiej) pokazują, że w obrębie areału trzcinieckiego ojczyzny prasłowiańskiej możemy poszukiwać jedynie w pasie pomiędzy środkową Wartą a środkowym Dniestrem.

          Nie wiem, jaki masz cel w tym zacieśnieniu kręgu kultury trzcinieckiej. To znaczy kwestionujesz mapę Makarowicza? Mnie się wydaje, że nie mamy podstaw kwestionować archeologów i szerszego areału tego zlożonego kręgu. Oczywiści że kultura (nie krąg) trzciniecka, a właściwie trzciniecka środkowa (patrz wikipedia) może być w tym pasie od Środkowej Warty poprzez północną Małopolskę i teren przyległy, Prypeć do Środkowego Dniepru. Ale pod co odmawiać kulturze Sośnickiej tworzenia się już atedy odrębnej tam podgrupy etnicznej, i to samo na Ukrainie. Tak pokazują mapki.


          Odp: Genetic history of East-Central Europe in the first millennium CE « Odpowiedź #1958 dnia: Listopad 12, 2023, 05:46:25 pm »

          Cytat: ambroziak w Listopad 12, 2023, 04:35:29 pm
          Ten wpis Dawida musiał rozczarować chyba tych kolegów allo, którzy już byli niemal pewni, że Dawid przeszedł całkowicie na ciemną stronę mocy:

          Proto-Slavs formed in large part from a subset of the Trzciniec population that was Baltic-like, and thus eastern genetically.

          Whether this means that this Trzciniec or Trzciniec-derived group was also eastern geographically is still an open question. Lots of options here, don’t you think?

          But it’s likely that there were other peoples involved in the formation of the early Slavs, probably including the Wielbark Goths. Hopefully more samples from the Iron Age and early Middle Ages will help to clarify this.

          Poles are largely derived from proto-Slavs, but with some extra Germanic admixture from the Wielbark Goths, Vikings, recent German migrants and so on. There might also be some significant West Baltic ancestry in parts of Poland today.

          Indeed, gradual gene flow into the ethnic Polish population from basically all of the populations living in and near Poland seems to have had a minor but noticeable impact on the Polish gene pool and the shape of the Polish cluster in my PCA plots.

          Wcale mnie nie rozczarował, Trzciniec obejmuje całą Białoruś, zachodnią Rosję i większość Ukrainy. W tym poleskie błota:)

          W pełni zgadzam się z Davidem że wschodni genetycznie Trzcincianie mogli dać początek Słowianom. Z oczywistych względów trudno zakładać by pochodzili oni z zachodniej części tej kultury, bo ci zachodni mieli by żyć na jej wschodzie?:) A skoro ty uznajesz Wielbark za wieloetniczną kulturę to nie możesz odmówić tego Trzcińcowi?

          PCA ph2tera pokazuje że 99% trzcinieckich próbek tworzy odrębny klaster od MA Slavs.

          Nie Sławku, nie zakładam że Słowianie powstali na wschód od wschodniej granicy kultury trzcinieckiej czyli nad Donem i Oką:)

          Obrazek pochodzi z pracy z UAM https://repozytorium.amu.edu.pl/handle/10593/19617


          Odp: Genetic history of East-Central Europe in the first millennium CE « Odpowiedź #1963 dnia: Listopad 17, 2023, 06:42:12 pm »

          Dyskusja nad najnowszym wpisem Dawida na Eurogenes jeszcze trwa, ale myślę, że można ją już podsumować, a przynajmniej obecny jej etap…

          Tak więc wbrew wcześniejszym zapowiedziom, Dawid w żaden sposób nie dowiódł, że Goci wielbarscy byli populacją czysto skandynawską, bez domieszki słowiańskiej. A miał tego dowieść w odpowiedzi na moje twierdzenie, że Goci wielbarscy to genetycznie mieszana populacja skandynawsko-słowiańska. Nie dowiódł, gdyż nie można uznać za wiarygodne wyniki uzyskane po usunięciu 50% danych, w tym niemal wszystkich niosących informacje o słowiańskich wariantach genetycznych. Dawid próbował też pominąć sprawę typowo słowiańskich haplotypów chromosomu Y wielbarskich Gotów, sugerując, że mogą być one zanieczyszczeniem współczesnym DNA. Na co ja przypomniałem, że zgodnie z procedurą badawczą, próbki zanieczyszczone współczesnym DNA wyłączane są z dalszych analiz już na etapie wstępnych badań przesiewowych. Tak więc słowiańskie haplotypy chromosomu Y są kolejnym dowodem na mieszany, skandynawsko-słowiański charakter genetyczny Gotów wielbarskich.

          Natomiast niewątpliwym pożytkiem analiz Dawida jest ustalenie bardzo bliskiego pokrewieństwa polskiej populacji trzcinieckiej i średniowiecznej. Dawid obiecał poświęcić tej problematyce odrębny wpis, tak więc zamierzam trzymać go za słowo.


          Odp: Genetic history of East-Central Europe in the first millennium CE « Odpowiedź #1965 dnia: Listopad 18, 2023, 08:05:52 am »

          Tak, ciągłość genetyczna polskiej populacji od czasów trzcinieckich jest jaskrawo widoczna. Gdyby działał mi skrypt do załączania obrazków, wrzuciłbym mapkę korelacji autorstwa Domena, z której wynika, że współcześni Polacy dzielą nawet do 89% pochodzenia z ludnością trzciniecką.

          Niestety, jak wiadomo z kuluarów i czego przedsmak daje już Dawid, autorzy nadchodzących publikacji zamierzają wnioskować o braku bezpośredniej ciągłości średniowiecznej populacji polskiej od ludności trzcinieckiej. Tak więc możemy spodziewać się jakiejś wolty typu migracji w kulturze Pomorskiej ludności postrzcinieckiej do kultury zarubinieckiej i jej powrotu do Polski we wczesnym średniowieczu.

          Odp: Genetic history of East-Central Europe in the first millennium CE « Odpowiedź #1968 dnia: Listopad 19, 2023, 09:27:01 am »

          Tym, którzy śledzą dyskusję na Eurogenes, chciałem zwrócić uwagę, że Dawid nie potrafił mi w przekonujący sposób odpowiedzieć ma moje pytanie, w jaki sposób proponuje interpretować fakt, że w statystyce f3(CmeroonSMA, EstoniaBA) Weklice ulokowały się pomiędzy Niemczą a Lądem. Oczywiście interpretacja może być tylko taka, że Weklice okresu rzymskiego wywodzą podobną ilość pochodzenia od Bałtosłowian (Baltic BA), jak średniowieczna Niemcza i Ląd.

          Warto zestawić więc ten wynik z badaniem dr Pauliny Borówki, w którym część próbek weklickich grupuje się na IBS-UMAP z populacją Brześcia Kujawskiego i ogólnie Weklice dzielą najwięcej pokrewieństwa z populacją średniowiecznego Piotrowa, a w statystykach f3 wywodzą podobną ilość pochodzenia od Baltic BA, jak średniowieczne populacje Brześcia Kujawskiego, Chełmna i Ostrowite.


          Odp: Genetic history of East-Central Europe in the first millennium CE « Odpowiedź #1969 dnia: Listopad 20, 2023, 06:44:49 pm »

          W wątku na Eurognes dyskusja kręci się ostatnio wokół tego, która próbka gocka jest bardziej słowiańska – czy PCA0193 z Masłomęcza, czy MJ-19 z Legedzine. A ja przypominam, że najbardziej słowiańska próbka gocka to PCA0002 z Kowalewka, która jest M458 i grupuje się na PCA ze średniowiecznymi Polakami:

          Distance is: Wielbark_culture_Kowalewko_o:PCA0002
          0.03520301 Ukrainian_Volyn
          0.03809343 Cossack_Ukrainian_Dnipropetrovsk
          0.03881902 Russian_Lipetsk
          0.03902537 Ukrainian_Donetsk
          0.03950398 Ukrainians
          0.04016299 Ukrainian_Crimea
          0.04037858 Russian_Smolensk
          0.04041922 Ukrainian_Sumy
          0.04141225 Ukrainian_Poltava
          0.04186307 Russian_Oryol
          0.04186389 Belarusian
          0.04193451 Polish


  6. https://eurogenes.blogspot.com/2023/11/wielbark-goths-were-overwhelmingly-of.html

    Friday, November 10, 2023

    Wielbark Goths were overwhelmingly of Scandinavian origin

    When used properly, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is an extraordinarily powerful tool and one of the best ways to study fine-scale genetic substructures within Europe.

    The PCA plot below is based on Global25 data and focuses on the genetic relationship between Wielbark Goths and Medieval Poles, including from the Viking Age, in the context of present-day European genetic variation.

    I’d say that it’s a wonderfully self-explanatory plot, but here are some key observations:

    – the Wielbark Goths (Poland_Wielbark_IA) and Medieval Poles (Poland_Middle_Ages) are two distinct populations

    – moreover, the Wielbark Goths form a relatively compact Scandinavian-related cluster and must surely represent a homogenous population overwhelmingly of Scandinavian origin

    – on the other hand, the Medieval Poles form a more extensive and heterogeneous cluster that overlaps with present-day groups all the way from Central Europe to the East Baltic, and that’s because they are likely to be in large part of mixed origin

    – I know for a fact that at least some of these early Poles harbor recent admixture, because their burials are similar to those of Vikings and their haplotypes have been shown to be partly of Scandinavian origin (see here)

    – one of the Wielbark females is an obvious genetic outlier (Poland_Wielbark_IA_outlier), and basically looks like a first generation mixture between a Goth and a Balt.

    Please note that the PCA is only based on relatively high quality genomes, so as not to confuse the picture with spurious results and noise. Also, all outliers with potentially significant ancestry from outside of Central, Eastern and Northern Europe were removed from the analysis. The relevant datasheet is available here.

    However, sanity checks are always important when studying complex topics like fine-scale genetic ancestry. To that end I’ve prepared a graph based on f3-statistics of the form f3(X,Cameroon_SMA,Estonia_BA)/(X,Cameroon_SMA,Ireland_Megalithic), that reproduces the key features of my PCA. The relevant datasheet is available here.

    Polish groups from the Middle Ages are marked with the MA suffix, while the Iron Age Wielbark Goths are marked with the IA suffix.

    If you’re wondering why I plotted the f3-statistics that I did, take a look at this (all groups largely of Scandinavian origin are emboldened):

    Poland_Legowo_MA 0.226406
    Poland_Ostrow_Lednicki_MA 0.225996
    Poland_Plonsk_MA 0.225017
    Poland_Trzciniec_Culture 0.224215
    Poland_Lad_MA 0.224142
    Poland_Viking 0.223838
    Poland_Niemcza_MA 0.223659
    Poland_Weklice_IA 0.223549
    Poland_Kowalewko_IA 0.222584
    Poland_Pruszcz_Gdanski_IA 0.222324
    Sweden_Viking 0.222091
    Russia_Viking 0.222042
    Poland_Maslomecz_IA 0.221914
    Norway_Viking 0.221825
    Denmark_EarlyViking 0.221257
    Denmark_Viking 0.221174
    England_Viking 0.220979

    Poland_Maslomecz_IA 0.219816
    Poland_Weklice_IA 0.219501
    Denmark_Viking 0.2192
    Poland_Kowalewko_IA 0.219176
    Poland_Ostrow_Lednicki_MA 0.218916
    Norway_Viking 0.218854
    Poland_Pruszcz_Gdanski_IA 0.218684
    Sweden_Viking 0.218626
    Denmark_EarlyViking 0.218529
    England_Viking 0.218308
    Russia_Viking 0.217999
    Poland_Viking 0.217914
    Poland_Plonsk_MA 0.217756
    Poland_Lad_MA 0.217719
    Poland_Legowo_MA 0.21765
    Poland_Niemcza_MA 0.217001
    Poland_Trzciniec_Culture 0.216551

    Interestingly, the Middle Bronze Age samples associated with the Trzciniec Culture (Poland_Trzciniec_Culture) show a closer genetic relationship to Medieval Poles than to Wielbark Goths or Northwestern Europeans. This is indeed the case both in terms of genome-wide and uniparental markers, including some very specific lineages under Y-chromosome haplogroup R1a.

    But that’s a much more complex issue that I’ll leave for another time. So please stay tuned.

    See also…

    Slavs have little, if any, Scytho-Sarmatian ancestry

    Posted by Davidski at 3:59:00 AM

    Labels: ancient ancestry, ancient DNA, Balts, Eastern Europe, Germanic, Goths, Iron Age, Middle Ages, Northern Europe, PCA, Poland, Poles, Scandinavia, Slavic, Slavs, Wielbark


  7. https://eurogenes.blogspot.com/2023/11/musaeum-scythia-on-seima-turbino.html

    Sunday, November 19, 2023

    Musaeum Scythia on the Seima-Turbino Phenomenon

    A few weeks ago bioRxiv published two preprints on the Seima-Turbino Phenomenon (see here and here).

    I can’t say much about these manuscripts until I see the relevant ancient DNA samples, and that might take some time.

    However, for now, I will say that both preprints really need to emphasize the profound impact that the Sintashta-related early Indo-Iranian speakers had on the Seima-Turbino Phenomenon. This, of course, would require Wolfgang Haak and friends to pull their heads out of their behinds and admit that the proto-Indo-Iranian homeland was in Eastern Europe, not in Iran.

    At the same time, it’s likely that the Seima-Turbino Phenomenon originated deep in Siberia, and its inception was probably most closely associated with the West Siberian Hunter-Gatherer (WSHG) genetic component. It’s important that the preprints emphasize this too.

    Moreover, I can’t see any convincing arguments in either preprint that the Seima-Turbino Phenomenon was mainly associated with proto-Uralic speakers, or even that it was an important vector for the spread of proto-Uralic. So there’s not much point in forcing the Uralic angle on studies focused on the Seima-Turbino Phenomenon. Indeed, what we also need is an archaeogenetics paper dealing specifically with the proto-Uralic expansion.

    Apart from that, I’d like to direct your attention to the fact that Musaeum Scythia has already written a fine blog post about these preprints:

    Genomic insights into the Seima-Turbino Phenomenon

    See also…

    Finally, a proto-Uralic genome

    The Uralic cline with kra001 – no projection this time

    Slavs have little, if any, Scytho-Sarmatian ancestry

    Posted by Davidski at 6:04:00 PM


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