320 S_u_P_K_itp.machia, czyli SKRiBHa v.s. bogi i tytani intelektu, największą grrówno burzą w dziejach nie tylko tego wszechświata? Podsumowanie 03 – Ałtorytety i pruskie szkolnictwo

Źródła i skutki pruskiego systemu edukacji w Polsce


Tak jak obiecałem wcześniej, w tym wpisie poświęconym podsumowaniu S_u_P_K_itp.machii, opiszę:

  • czym wg Mię była i jest tzw. ofitzjalna nauka i komu / czemu służyła i nadal służy,
  • dlaczego jest jak jest i dlaczego nic się nie zmieni, a jeśli coś zmieni się, to jedynie na gorsze…

Od razu wyjaśniam, że mam na myśli ofitzjalną naukę ogólnie, patrz np. nofoczesne i naukofe podejście do  płci, płci kulturowej / gender, gender studies, tożsamości płciowej, czy tzw. COVID-19, itp., ale w szczególnie interesuje Mię podejście ofitzjalnych naukaftzóf itp. do Słowian i Słowiańszczyzny.

Jako skrót myślowy przedstawiam cytat z polskojęzycznej wikipedii, dotyczący Ignacego Pietraszewskiego:


(…) Kolejnym obszarem jego zainteresowań były badania nad świętymi pismami Zaratusztry, które zaowocowały wydaniem w 1857 roku dzieła pt. Miano slavianskie w ręku jednej familji od trzech tysięcy lat zostające, czyli nie Zendawesta a Zędaszta, to jest życie dawcza książeczka Zoroastra [tytuł niemiecki brzmiał: Das slavische Eigentum seit dreitausend Jahren, oder nicht Zendavesta, aber Zendaschta, das heisst das lebenbringende Buch des Zoroaster]. W piśmie tym dowodził bliskiego pokrewieństwa języka awestyjskiego z językiem polskim. Publikacja ta spowodowała, że w 1858 roku odebrano mu katedrę na Uniwersytecie Berlińskim. (…)

Zwracam uwagę, że angielskojęzyczna wersja także i tych danych jakoś tak „dziwnie” nie istnieje, patrz np. niewolnictwo Słowian

Przypominam także, że zarówno Sławomir Ambroziak / „ambroziak”, ks. Pietrzak / „StP / stanp”, „S_u_P_K” i spółka nie przyjmowali do wiadomości faktu istnienia tzw. szkoły pruskiej itp., i drwili z moich argumentów dotyczących tego, co szczególnie dla Słowian, Słowiańszczyzny i Polski przyniósł ten system nauczania, nie zapominając o tradycji pustynnej, jako jego logicznej podstawie…

01 Niewłaściwe pytania na dobry złego początek

Czy Pietraszewski został zwolniony z katedry języków wschodnich na Uniwersytecie Berlińskim za to, że kogoś okradł lub zabił, czy za to, że wspomniał o j. słowiańskim przy tłumaczeniu tzw. Awesty?

Czy Gestapo polowało na prof. Kostrzewskiego, ucznia samego KoSSinny, tylko dlatego, że „he was to turn Kossinna’s settlement-archaeological method („Siedlungsarchäologische Methode”) against its creator and to try to prove a Slavonic autochthonism in Poland from at least the Bronze Age (Lusatian culture) onwards”?

Jeśli to wszystko było dawno i nieprawda, do dlaczego „Horus” napisał, to co napisał, patrz:


Tak o polskiej nauce w czasach „peerelu” pisał w 2006 roku Andrzej Buko:

„największym wydarzeniem wczesnych lat powojennych był – niechciany przez środowiska naukowe – przewrót metodologiczny, związany z koniecznością dostosowania nauki do potrzeb nowej, marksistowskiej ideologii. (…) Niektórzy, jak np. W. Hołubowicz, byli zafascynowani nowymi czasami, podczas gdy inni, dla zachowania stanowisk i możliwości wykonywania pracy, posługiwali się, najczęściej bez praktycznych konsekwencji, jedynie sloganami „nowej wiary”. Najbardziej oporni, jak np. Józef Kostrzewski, musieli liczyć się z marginalizacją i z koniecznością odstąpienia stanowisk osobom bardziej posłusznym nowej władzy.”

Oczywście do allochtonistów to nie dociera. Wolą obrzucać autochtonistów wyzwiskami, żeby przykryć fakt, że allochtonizm narodził się wśród niemieckich nacjonalistów i rasistów.

Wszystkie te „teorie” o przybyciu Słowian wraz z Hunami, Awarami czy o pierwotnym komuniźmie Słowian zostały stworzone na polityczne zamówienie, w Niemczech, ponad 100 lat temu.

Jeśli i to też nieprawda, to dlaczego zamilcza lub co najwyżej ośmiesza się Słowian i Słowiańszczyznę, np. przez robienie turbosłowiańskiej gęby wszystkim, którzy ośmielają się pisać o tych tematach inaczej, niż zgodnie z pruską / nazistowska ofitzjalną wykładnią, hm?


I na koniec, dlaczego przy okazji tzw. Indo-European studies wspomina się o Marcus Zuerius van Boxhorn, ale nie wspomina się o Wojciechu Dębołeckim, który już w 1633, czyli o 4 lata wcześniej niż Boxhorn, pisał o podobieństwie języków?





Sławomir Ambroziak / „ambroziak”, ks. Pietrzak / „StP / stanp”, „S_u_P_K” i spółka wyśmiewali i Mię i pruski / nazistowski spisek. Wygląda na to, że wg nich nauka jest czysta i niepokalana, jak Najświętsza Maria Panna Zawsze Dziewica, a polityka niemiecka, itp., nigdy nie miała i nadal nie ma tu nic a nic do gadania. Wszystko jest gites i tylko to ja, Horus i inni dyletanci podważamy ałtorytety nie tylko niemieckiej nauki. Niepotrzebnie mieszamy, a przy tym szczamy jak złe skrzaty do złotego naukowego piwa. A nawet gorzej, jak muchy obsrywamy portret tego, czy tamtego naukofego Cysorza, czy innego nieomylnego tytana intelektu. Toż to nie godzi się nawet próbować zadawać pytań. Azaliż przecież już wszystko zostało dobrze i dokładnie wyjaśnione przez ich niemieckich kolegów, a oni jedynie bohatersko bronią własnymi pierwsiami honoru nauki i to nie tylko polskiej. Tacy jak ja podli i nikczemni dyletanci mają zamknąć obmierzłe mordy, nie zadawać żadnych niewygodnych pytań i jedynie spijać słowa z ich słodkich ust. Tako rzeczą owe nofoczesne Zaratusztry, czy w sumie mentalni naśladowcy pruskich profesorów z Berlina, patrz powyżej…

02 Odrobina wyobraźni i logiki

Wyobraźmy sobie taka sytuację, że jakoś nie zachowały się żadne pisane źródła i nie ma co porównywać, no chyba że same języki. I co wtedy?

Wyobraźmy sobie inną sytuację, Prusy / Niemcy wygrały nie tylko wojny z Danią i Francją, ale także IWW i IIWW… I co wtedy?

Ano istniałyby jedynie Indogermanische Forschungen! Ojczyzna Aryjczyków, czyli Proto-Germanóf odnalazłaby się w Berlinie, a dokładnie w miejscu gdzie stoi budynek Reihstag’u i Muzeum Hitlera, Rossenberga, Himlera, KoSSinny, itp…

O Słowianach i Słowiańszczyźnie nikt nic by zupełnie nie słyszał, nie tak jak teraz, kiedy to wszyscy wszędzie nic innego nie robią, jak tylko głośno trąbią o tym od rana do wieczora i palą ogniska, zamiast świeczek na dwumetrowych siedmioramiennych hanukowych świecznikach w ukropolińskim knesecie

Tak, jak to dobrze, że to się nie stało, ponieważ wtedy to byłoby zupełnie inaczej, niż jest teraz…

03 Bo nauka, a szczególnie nauka polska nieomylna jest i basta!

Poniżej zamieszczam zbiór filmików nawiązujących do problematycznej wiarygodności nauki, a szczególnie kryzysu powtarzalności wyników badań naukowych, tzw. replication crisis. Ciekawe, że nie istnieje polskojęzyczna strona w wikipedii poświęcona temu zagadnieniu. Dzieje się tak pewno dlatego, że w nauce polskiej podobny kryzys nigdy nie występował i nadal nie występuje, więc nie ma o czym gadać…








Jednoznaczność, powtarzalność, „P<.05 hacking”, czy to odnosi się tak samo dla np. genetyki, psychologi i językoznawstwa? Wygląda na to, że raczej nie…

Szczególnie „S_u_P_K” bronił tego niepokalanego dziewictwa i nie dopuszczał istnienia innej możliwości. Wzywał do stosowania srogich kar, jak np. odebranie tytułu naukowego, za napisanie czegoś, co Najjaśniejszemu Srogiemu Panu się nie podobało, patrz np:


Wg niego i on i nauka nie mogą się mylić. Ona może się jedynie zmieniać, tak jak 10 wersji tzw. Bajki o owcy i koniach



Tyle, że która wersja tej bajki i teoria językowa z nią związana jest obecnie uważana za właściwą lub została niepodważalnie udowodniona?

To samo dotyczy genetyki, ale szczególnie „Davidskiego”, który podobnie jak tajemniczy „S_u_P_K” sam siebie uważa za nieomylny ałtorytet i to nie tylko w tej dziedzinie. A i żeby nie było, to nie że mam coś do prywatności. Tyle, że jak samemu z lubością wiesza się psy na innych, no to może wypadałoby się pochwalić własnym dorobkiem naukowym, innym niż tylko to wieszanie psów…

Najpierw coś z polskiego podwórka. To nic, że Davidski skrytykował „ambrona” i Stolarka i twierdził, że wyniki z jego pracy wzięły się z zanieczyszczonych próbek, itp. i że powinien ją wycofać i przebadać wszystko ponownie…  Czy ktoś się tym przejął i coś z tym zrobił? A po co?

Czy jakieś prace z genetyki i językoznawstwa były kiedykolwiek odrzucone, w tym i w PL?

A teraz coś z szerokiego świata, czyli naukafate wymysły Reich’a, Lazardis’a i ich kolegów z Harwardu, Max Planck Institute, itp. Skoro ich Davidski tak często od dawna krytykuje, no to coś chyba jednak jest nie halo nie tylko ze Stolarkiem i jego zanieczyszczonymi próbkami, hm? A czy tym ktoś się tym przejął i coś z tym zrobił? A po co?

A może jest to jednak prawda, co niektóre stare wróble ćwierkają po płotach, że od samego początku lub przynajmniej od czasu Genographic Project, w genetyce chodzi jedynie o:

  • zebranie ludzkich genomów i wykorzystywanie tych danych w różnych niecnych celach,
  • udowodnienie  „autochtonizmu” i odmienności rasowej rzekomych potomków tzw. Hebrajczyków, itp.?

Jak widać dokładnie poniżej, rzekomi potomkowie biblijnych Hebrajczyków, czy jak oni tam sami siebie nie nazywali, są genetycznie raczej tak dość bardzo „zdywersyfikowani”, że to tak ujmę, np. w porównaniu do bidoków Polaków. To chyba dlatego zmienili metodę wyznaczania kto był i jest jednym z nich, z pierwotnej po ojcu na obecną po matce. No chyba, że jest to drugi przykład, kiedy to haplogrupa ojca zamienia się w inną haplogrupę u syna, patrz R1b w Yamna / Yamnaya > R1a w CWC… No ale nie takie cuda wydarzały się podczas tej, czy tamtej zagadkowej pustynnej haggadah… hehehe.


(Polacy jakoś nie występują w tym zestawieniu. Jakie to dziwne, nieprawdaż?)


(…) Black Hebrew Israelites promote the antisemitic Khazar conspiracy theory about Jewish origins.[143] Black Hebrew Israelites believe that Jewish people are „imposters”, who have „stolen” Black Americans’ true racial and religious identity.[143] (…)


(…) The ruling elite of the Khazars was said by Judah Halevi and Abraham ibn Daud to have converted to Rabbinic Judaism in the 8th century,[18] but the scope of the conversion to Judaism within the Khazar Khanate remains uncertain.[19] (…)


Naiwni goje sami dają swoje próbki do badań i jeszcze za to płacą, a potem dostają wyniki, że np. w 7% mają czeskie, w 11% niemieckie lub angielskie geny, a reszta to Afryka i Azja… 🙂

Tutaj najpierw coś niecoś z polskiego poletka:




Strach się bać, a czy coś się zmieniło w tym temacie od 2017?

A teraz to samo, tyle że z szerokiego świata:





Genetic ancestry testing, whiteness and the limits of anti-racism







I to byłoby na tyle, co obecnie myślę sobie o takich Reichach, Lazardisach, Davidskich i ich chazarskiej nieomylnej gienialnie gienietyce…

04 Podsumowanie – Nauka jako młot na kacerzy

Na zakończenie tego podsumowania przypomnę te dane: Jan Hus, Giordano Bruno, Galileusz, Kopernik, przewrót kopernikański i dogmat i pozostawię to bez komentarza, ponieważ to samo się komentuje.

Czy z tego tekstu już wiesz, czym wg Mię była i jest tzw. ofitzjalna nauka i komu / czemu służyła i nadal służy i dlaczego jest jak jest i dlaczego nic się nie zmieni, a jeśli coś zmieni się, to jedynie na gorsze…?

Jeśli jeszcze tego nie wiesz i nic a nic nie domyślasz się, no to może i dobrze i niech tak zostanie,.. dobry parafianinie / dobra parafinko?


Jak OBALIĆ pruską SZKOŁĘ w POLSCE? | Krzysztof M Maj
Świadomie myśląc
26,661 views Mar 31, 2023

Spis treści:
00:00 Początek (skrót odcinka)
01:32 Przedstawienie gościa
02:38 Pruski model nauczania oczami Krzysztofa M. Maja
04:19 Cele Fundacji „Kreatywni dla przyszłości”
04:49 Twoje dlaczego czyli dlaczego zajmujesz się edukacją?
07:22 Co nas boli w pruskiej polskiej szkole?
14:22 Co warto zmienić w polskiej szkole?
21:48 Apel do rodziców
26:28 Czy chat GPT rozwali pruski model?
33:28 Wizja szkoły przyszłości?
44:54 Dlaczego politykom nie zależy na reformie edukacji?
50:01 Krzysztof M Maj w roli Ministra Edukacji?

35,372 views Sep 7, 2022

Krzysztof M.Maj czyli wykładowca akademicki, który nie owija w bawełne, mówi jak jest – niczym Mariusz Max Kolonko, a tak na poważnie – był to dla mnie duży zaszczyt. Krzysztof M,Maj na co dzień jest teoretykiem fantastyki, zajmuje się światotwórstwem, grami video w kontekście edukacji, popularyzuje kulture gier video na uczelniach. Pokazuje, że ze zwykłego „pykania w gierki” wynika coś więcej niż tylko montonne zabijanie czasu. Jego zainteresowanie od niedawna to również Youtube, kanał otworzył w trakcie pandemii i chyba dobrze zrobił, bo treści, które przekazuje swoim widzom, cieszą się popularnością i wnoszą dużo smaczków. Rozmowa tym razem na poważnie i chyba faktycznie – BEZ ŻARTÓW – o patoedukacji, smutnym systemie rodzimego szkolnictwa, mobbingu zza kulis na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim, szczerze o wykorzystywaniu uczniów i studentów. Krzysztof powiedział w jaki sposób był mobbingowany przez lata na Alma Mater – wspomnianej wyżej. Będzie też o kulturze wyższej i niższej, o niepotrzebnym dzieleniu ludzi, klasizmie i snobizmie, a to wszystko w nawiązaniu do naszej noblistki Olgi Tokarczuk.

taaak, po trzech latach mocnego zakwaszenia w jednej z warszawskich uczelni wyższych miałem przyjemność wziąć udział w wymianie studenckiej w Detroit. Byłem w szoku, kiedy na początku semestru dziekan wydziału architektury zorganizował powitalne przyjęcie U SIEBIE W DOMU. Grill, steki, piwo, ciasto. W Polsce? Nierealne, abstrakcja.

I bardzo dobrze, że u nas tak nie ma. Nie powinno tak być.

@pieterwatson611 A czemuż nie ?

@kapanmaszyny470 Bo to jest spoufalanie się ze studentami. A potem mają tacy taryfę ulgową a reszta ma zapierdzielać… Jesteście bardzo naiwni jak nie wiecie jak to działa. W ogóle widząc po komentarzach zachowujecie się jak wyznawcy swojego guru a macie się za lepszych…

@pieterwatson611 Skąd, że nigdy nie uważałem się za osobę lepszą przez wyznawanie z kimś wspólnych poglądów, moim skromnym zdaniem przykładowe zaproszenie na obiad czy grilla własnych studentów nie jest czymś złym, a już na pewno nie daje to nikomu ”taryf ulgowych”, myśle, iż to miły gest, aby pokazać studentom, że traktuje się ich jako osoby równe i dorosłe (dojrzałe), którymi ergo są a często na uczelniach jest ten fakt po prostu zapominany, dodatkowe pokazuje to że nauczycielowi zależy na jego podopiecznych , interesuje się nimi ich potrzebami chce ich lepiej poznać ,a przeciez dobre relacje są w tym zawodzie są bardzo potrzebne, aby proces przekazywania wiedzy, po którą zrywam się każdego dnia rano był skuteczny, nieprawda? chętnie oczywiście usłyszę twoją opinię

@pieterwatson611 lepiej w USA iść z profesorem na piwo i pogadać jak człowiek niż w polandii czyścić buty wielkiemu, nieomylnemu feudałowi

@Hans_Olo To chyba ty buty czyściłeś. Nie powinno się wchodzić w aż tak bliską relację z profesorami, nawet jeżeli to miałby to być jeden grill.

@pieterwatson611 wykazujesz typowo postPRLowską wizję networkingu. Takich ludzi pełno jeszcze na polskich uczelniach, pokolenie wychowane w PRLu i pokolenie wychowane przez ludzi wychowanych w PRLu musi wymrzeć żeby w tym kraju zrobiło się normalnie

@Hans_Olo Chyba piszesz o sobie. Napisałel wystarczająco na ten temat powyżej. I jak już musisz bezmózgu wiedzieć, to urodziłem się po okresie PRL, więc nie mam z nim nic wspólnego. Powtórzę to co pisałem w innym komentarzu – największy problem z takimi jak ty jest taki, że bronisz swojego guru bez względu na to co on wypierdzi ze swoich ust. Dalszych twoich bzdur nawet nie doczytałem i nie będę czytać.

Ciemna strona autorytetów | Dla każdego coś przykrego #34
Krzysztof M. Maj
108,759 views Oct 5, 2022

Otóż i Przemek Staroń się może pomylić. Co dla nas może być asumptem do podyskutowania sobie o autorytetach

0:00 Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared
1:19 Nostalgia za edukacją
9:18 Polska szkoła to wynalazek PRLu
11:20 Na czym zbudowany jest prestiż nauczyciela
15:49 Autorytet w „Patoposłuszeństwie” Mikołaja Marceli
17:58 Historia pojęcia autorytetu
21:58 Dlaczego nie znoszę kategorii autorytetu
26:06 Jedna jedyna funkcja tytułu naukowego
29:07 Akcja „Hakujemy HIT” Przemka Staronia
31:52 Doksy pana starosty
38:54 Argumentum ad verecundiam w krytyce argumentum ad verecundiam XD
43:20 Autorytet kształtuje się w relacji…
44:55 …ale w obecnym rozumieniu nie różni się od influencerstwa
48:31 Czy potrzebujemy autorytetów?

Źródła (czyli coś, czego nie ma platforma HakujemyHIT):
1. Barbara Wesoła, Tak wyglądały lekcje w czasach PRL-u. Niektóre metody wychowawcze nauczycieli dziś by nie przeszły, online: https://strefaedukacji.pl/tak-wygladaly-lekcje-w-czasach-prlu-niektore-metody-wychowawcze-nauczycieli-dzis-by-nie-przeszly-jakie-sa-wasze-wspomnienia/ar/c5-16802927
2. Mikołaj Marcela, Patoposłuszeństwo. Jak szkoła, rodzina i państwo uczą nas bezradności i co z tym zrobić?, Kraków: Znak 2022.
3. Gregory Rowe, Reconsidering the Auctoritas of Augustus, „The Journal of Roman Studies” 2013, t.. 103, ss. 1–15, DOI: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-roman-studies/article/abs/reconsidering-the-auctoritas-of-augustus/326ABA5F1A73DBFE84781C7BC5BF2FBC
4. J. P. V. D. Balsdon, Auctoritas, Dignitas, Otium, „The Classical Quarterly” 1960, t. 10 , nr 1–2, ss. 43–50, DOI: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/classical-quarterly/article/abs/auctoritas-dignitas-otium/DC670D4ABB4FFFDA10B37C4470AD6595
5. Hakujemy HIT. Lekcje krytycznego myślenia, https://hakujemyhit.org/lekcje/
6. Joanna Biszewska, Przemek Staroń: Nauczyciele są terroryzowani przez władzę, https://www.edziecko.pl/starsze_dziecko/7,79351,28933001,przemek-staron-nauczyciele-sa-terroryzowani-przez-wladze.html
7. Mikołaj Ratajczak, Kryzys doświadczenia i autorytetu. Esej filozoficzno-polityczny, „Teksty Drugie” 2020, nr 4, s. 296–316, online: https://journals.openedition.org/td/17490

Najsłodsze wspomnienia z okresu studiowania to te kiedy pisząc jakąś pracę, znajdowałem, że autor manipuluje bądź rażąco mija się z prawdą, a ja mogłem to opisać u siebie. Zaprawdę, nauka kocha złośliwców i schadenfreude w tego typu sytuacjach.

Bardzo mi się podobało, jak na zajęciach z psychometrii wykładowczyni dała nam do sprawdzenia artykuły psychologicznych autorytetów, wielkich w Polsce nazwisk typu Wojciszke i tak, okazało się, że popełnili w nich masę błędów, nie raportowali połowy potrzebnych danych i wyglądało to gorzej, niż nasze końcowe raporty z zajęć. Podobnie na labach z etyki zawodu dostaliśmy case z idiotycznych wystąpień Lwa-Starowicza i chyba znowu Wojciszke, który m.in. wypowiadał się z pozycji diagnosty o związku Dody z kimśtam na łamach czegoś pokroju Pudelka xd Wspaniale było uświadomić sobie jak bardzo odwalają wielkie autorytety, wtedy przestałam się bać krytycznie odnosić się do wypowiedzi profesorów i profesorek na konferencjach, a dzisiaj na V roku jestem już pewną ikoną bezczelności na swoim wydziale, zwłaszcza po tym jak w reakcji na moją krytykę na ćwiczeniach dr hab. zapytała w złości „czyli PANI uważa, że JA się mylę”, a ja ze stoickim spokojem odpowiedziałam „dokładnie tak” i w zasadzie jestem z tego dumna.

WSPANIAŁA ODPOWIEDŹ, uwielbiam! tak właśnie należało odpowiedzieć na oburz wielkiej profesoressy

To że uczniowie i studenci boją się kwestionować słowa wykładowców i zadawać pytania to absolutna tragedia zarówno dla systemu edukacji jak i zdrowia psychicznego uczniów. Im bardziej zagłębiam się w środowisko naukowe tym wyraźniej widzę że taka sama dynamika pogardy do mniej doświadczonych i strachu przed autorytetem potrafi występować na wszystkich szczeblach. Dotrwałem na uczelni już do studiów doktoranckich i naprodukowałem trochę publikacji a nadal niemało nadętych wykładowców traktuje mnie jak robaka niegodnego dyskusji o nauce bo mam za mało tytułów przed nazwiskiem. Szczęśliwie wielu (zwłaszcza młodych) naukowców ma znacznie rozsądniejsze podejście więc żywię nadzieję że z biegiem lat będzie coraz lepiej. O ileż wydajniej szedłby rozwój nauki gdyby wymiana wiedzy zachodziła w dwie strony a nie tylko od wykładowcy-mędrca na ambonie.

Kmho autorytet powinien zatykać swoją wiedzą i oczarowywać sposobem jej przekazywania. Na szczęście miałam szczęście do dakicv wykładowców i np. promotorki.

Krzysztof, otworzyłeś mi głowę i nauczyłeś znacznie więcej wartościowych rzeczy odnośnie pisania i konsumowania treści naukowych, a także przede wszystkim krytycznego myślenia, niż 5 lat nauki na uczelni wyższej w tym kraju. Z całego serca wielkie dzięki, rób dalej to co robisz, bo jesteś nadzieją tego kraju na lepsze jutro, nasze i naszych dzieci. Pozdrawiam


The Death of Science
Dr. John Campbell
234,027 views Dec 30, 2023

Professor Angus Dalgleish, physician, oncologist, pathologist, medical researcher and author. Get your copy of The Death of Science,
The Death of Science

Also by Professor Dalgleish, The Origin of the Virus: The hidden truths behind the microbe that killed millions of people, https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1854571060?ref_=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_4C8VNVH0MM8R4FGZ7EKY&language=en-GB

Absolutely incredible interview. Listening to this incredibly qualified well educated vastly experienced physician, oncologist, medical researcher, professor and scientist clearly saying all the things I have been silently screaming since this nightmare began is such a cold hard relief. It’s an oasis in an endless burning desert stinking of lies and hypocrisy. Yet it’s also so infuriating and enraging to listen to that I’m just choking on the rage and sobbing in utter anguished helplessness. Why? WHY?! Family friends who all but called me a neglectful lying nut job for refusing to allow my child to be vaccinated are now dealing with rare aggressive cancers. Former triathletes and health obsessed PHYSICIANS…urethra cancer…liver cancer…horribly ill. Massively over vaccinated and I swear every booster done to emphasize how much they hated Donald Trump. Yet they REFUSE to acknowledge the common denominator in their illnesses. I think in part bc to acknowledge that they were not only lied to so profoundly by their personal heroes and fellow physicians and scientists and medical publications they trusted implicitly, but that they themselves perpetrated that lie and bullied others into getting vaccinated and those people are now suffering serious health consequences as well.

I’m so angry. I’m so terrified for my child’s future. I’m terrified of the WHO and the WEF and psychos with money who apparently rule the world and control politics. The current American government can just dismantle democracy as we know it and remove people from ballots and break the law with every breath and violate the constitution that this country was built upon with utter disregard to the constitutional crisis we are now grappling with. It’s just too much to comprehend.

Thank you to these two incredible men who will not be silenced. You give me hope. Please don’t stop. God bless you.

As a scientist I am so disgusted by the corruption of science to fit the political narrative.

As a scientist, have you shouted out to the world your disgust at the corruption of your profession – or have you instead remained compliantly silent like almost all doctors and nurses

I am disgusted as an observing layman. The most recent booster does not even address the current/new mutation. The mutation it addresses is gone or down to single percentage at this point. They are simply pushing it to make money because they will have to destroy these shots at some point otherwise.

As a Sociologist all I can say is… First Time?

As a scientist, I find this blatant violation of all scientific principles, abhorrent! Thank you , dr. Camp ell and Prof. Dalgleish for your tireless efforts to make this known and understood to as many people as possible!

At the beginning of this he claims this as bothered him for a few years. It wasn’t bothering him when he was mocking anyone questioning the vaccines.

As a scientist where were u for 2-3 years may i ask?

Aaammmeeennn !!! ! !!!

Professor Angus Dalgleish is correct when he said „follow the money.” The „death of science” in our world today is terrifying.

Oh the irony, how much does John Campbell make from this YouTube channel compared with Back to the Science or Debunk the Funk?

Why No One Trusts Scientists Anymore | My lecture to WASH U | COVID19 policy
Vinay Prasad MD MPH
29,119 views Dec 28, 2023

Vinay Prasad, MD MPH; Physician & Professor
Hematologist/ Oncologist
Professor of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Medicine
Author of 450+ Peer Reviewed papers, 2 Books, 2 Podcasts, 100+ op-eds.
If you want to contact me, do it here: http://www.vinayakkprasad.com/contact

Want my trust? A few suggestions:
1) Don’t lie to me
2) Admit your mistakes, be honest
3) My doc should be MY advocate not a government/big pharma stooge
4) Don’t force me to take experimental genetic treatments
5) Be curious, listen and learn, diet is hugely important in health, promote it
6) Don’t pimp out your research/findings to benefit conflicted funders and your bank account

I am so grateful for honest practitioners like Dr Prasad and Dr Siddhartha Mukhergee for helping the courage and intelligence to call out the capture of the industry by special interests.

When „scientists” have different interests or even conflicts of interest with the general public, why would the general public trust „scientists”?

Most PMC professionals are careerist’s first and foremost. Courage to say and do the right thing is optional.

Dr. Kary Mullis PhD has harsh words about that. An accurate critique of the likes of Fauci.
I wish we hadn’t lost him.

I can see the look of shock and fear in the faces of doctors today that wasn’t there before. Nurses look as oblivious as before, but the doctors have changed, and so has the reputation of the Hippocratic oath.

Linguist Explains Why Everyone Lies – Nick Enfield
Fidias Podcast
284 views Aug 25, 2023

Nick Enfield is a linguistic anthropologist and professor of Linguistics at the University of Sydney. He has done award-winning research on how language influences how we think and act and wrote many books and articles on different fields of linguistics. In this episode, we discuss why language is so important and what you can achieve by mastering it.

Nick’s Books: https://nickenfield.org/books/

Listen on Spotify: https://bit.ly/3O4HsOX
Clips Channel: @fidiasclips0


00:00 Intro
00:20 Meet Nick Enfield
03:30 The Danger In Language
11:53 Language Evolution to Persuasion
14:38 The Power Of Dialogue
21:02 Why Language Is Important
25:54 What Is Language?
29:04 Noam Chomsky and Recursion
36:39 Perks Of Being A Linguist
42:59 Improving Your Speaking
46:52 The Birth Of Language
51:24 Language Is Action
55:58 Inspire Through Language
01:01:17 Speaking The Truth
01:06:26 Language In Youtube Videos
01:11:32 Large Language Models
01:22:21 Intimacy with AI
01:25:11 Being Manipulated By AI
01:34:14 Spending 1 Trillion Dollars
01:39:43 Closing Time

Why Ignorance Is a Virtue in Science – Stuart Firestein
Fidias Podcast
772 views Feb 28, 2023 Fidias Podcast

Stuart Firestein is a professor of neurobiology at Columbia University and the author of 2 very influential books: ”Ignorance: How it Drives Science” and ”Failure: Why Science Is So Successful”. We talk about why he likes ignorance, the importance of communication in science, and many other topics.

Listen on Spotify: https://bit.ly/443fsk3
Clips Channel: @fidiasclips0


00:00 What is Science?
01:28 Bright and Dark Sides of Science
05:20 How to Understand Science
08:07 Science Changed How We See The World
08:55 Why Ignorance is So Important
10:13 Is School Good or Bad?
16:10 How Theater Helped Him In His Scientific Career
17:31 He Spends His Life Researching Smell
22:41 Sense of Smell is What Makes Food Good
25:18 Are Perfumes Useless?
30:35 Losing The Sense of Smell is Terrible
31:41 Turning Science Into Business
32:39 The Daily Life of a Scientist
35:03 Succeeding VS Failing
39:04 How To Be a Good Educator
41:06 Short Texts Are Harder To Write Than Long Ones
45:15 How To Make People Curious
48:31 The Importance of Asking The Right Questions
50:22 There is No Final Truth in Science
52:17 Scientists Don’t Know Everything
53:36 Being Happy in an Old Age
56:30 Thoughts On Death
58:38 His Ideas Inspired Me and Million of People
01:01:26 Why Ideas Are So Precious
01:02:59 How to Ask Better Questions
01:06:33 He Teaches A Class on Ignorance at Columbia University
01:10:54 Why People Should Communicate More Clearly
01:14:30 Advice For Young People
01:16:12 Thoughts On Love
01:19:47 Closing Time


Public Schools, the Fixation of Belief, and Social Control

Why Public Schools and the Mainstream Media Dumb Us Down

The EVIL History of our Education System (Documentary)

The Origins of the American Public Education System: Horace Mann & the Prussian Model of Obedience

Why Did We Create Public Schools?: A Short History of Education

How School Trains Us To Fail In The Real World

Why Schools Don’t Teach Financial Education

The Dark Truth of The School System (Why it sucks)

Class, Classics, & the Classroom: A Short History of School


The Reproducibility Crisis
Sabine Hossenfelder
88,988 views Feb 15, 2020

This is an interview with Dorothy Bishop, Professor for Psychology at the University of Oxford, UK. We speak about the reproducibility crisis in psychology and other disciplines. What is the reproducibility crisis? How bad is it? What can be done about it and what has been done about it?

You can read Prof Bishop’s comment for Nature magazine (which is mentioned in the video) here:


It’s ubiquitous. A student of mine in IT wanted to reproduce some interesting published results. We wrote to the authors and asked if we could have their software. They replied that their paper was a thought experiment! Absolutely not what their paper said.

Is Most Published Research Wrong?

As the famous statistical saying goes, „If you torture data long enough, it will confess to anything”

As a former grad student, the real issue is the pressure universities put on their professors to publish. When my dad got his PhD, he said being published 5 times in his graduate career was considered top notch. He was practically guaranteed to get a tenure track position. Now I have my Masters and will be published twice. No one would consider giving you a post doc position without being published 5-10 times, and you are unlikely to get a tenure track position without being published 30 or so times. And speaking as a grad student who worked on a couple major projects, it is impossible to be published thirty times in your life and have meaningful data. The modern scientific process takes years. It takes months of proposal writing, followed by months of modeling, followed by months or years of experimentation, followed by months of pouring over massive data sets. To be published thirty times before you get your first tenure track position means your name is on somewhere between 25-28 meaningless papers. You’ll be lucky to have one significant one.

Damn. I really want to be a researcher in the natural sciences one day with hopefully a Master’s or PhD, but I must say seeing this is a little unnerving. Would you happen to have any advice for aspiring researchers?

I studied in Japan, now Japanese has changed their view in research, not to get to top of the world, but how the reseach could be applied and contributed to society. If you look at the ranking today, most japanese univs are not at the top ranking as they used to be. Now, univs from Korea, HK, China, singapore are climbing for top ranking. But every year these univ have suicide cases.

San Francisco Parents Are Suing The City Over Math | Rex Ridgeway

The main reason I left academia. Almost everyone of my colleagues in California were not educators, they were activists pushing an agenda.

Roger Scruton: How Fake Subjects like Women Studies Invaded Academia

Long ago when I was fresh out of high school, me and two of my friends were looking for a class to fill an empty period that we all had. Not knowing any better, we picked a class that satisfied one of the transfer requirements- Women’s studies. I had no idea of feminism as anything beyond the casual „women who want equal rights”. But when we joined, it was rather surprising since we were the only three men(boys really as we were still not yet adults) in the class. Pretty soon it was even more strange as the teacher began picking on us and mocking us at every turn. At one point she asked me how many genders there were, and I replied „2”, sure that I could not be wrong on such an obvious question. That made her irritated and she went on to talk about how there could be many more. I was shocked at being exposed to the lunacy of this worldview when she began talking about how there were genders in between genders and more in between that as well as unknown genders that we had not „discovered” yet, as if this was all some scientific pursuit.

Eventually we got tired of the bullying and began fooling around, upon which she kicked us out of class, saying that all we do is „talk like a bunch of girls”. As soon as we walked out, we started laughing at her last statement, wishing that we had replied and called her out for that line which she would have considered sexist if it had come from us.

The Cultish Aspects of Academia. Disturbing Similarities You Can’t Ignore!

The Problem with Academia 🎓 Why I left after my PhD

Is Academia a Ponzi Scheme?

The Perfect Crime – Scientific Fraud in America

Reproducibility, Diversity, and the Crisis of Inference in Psychology

The Replication Crisis in Psychology

How much Fraud is there in Psychology?

Stanford SCANDAL: Why Academics Fake Data

Calling Bullshit 7.4: A Replication Crisis

Fake data and accusations of dishonesty in research about honesty

Academia is BROKEN! – Stanford President Scandal Explained

Academia is BROKEN! – Harvard vs Gino Lawsuit Explained

Academia is BROKEN! – Harvard Fake Data Scandal Explained

ACADEMIA IS BROKEN! The publishing scandal happening right now

The scandal that shook psychology to its core

Why Science Fraud Goes Deeper Than the Stanford Scandal…

Academia is BROKEN! – Harvard Fake Data Scandal Explained

I failed in academia | The unexplored steps to academic failure!

The Biggest Fraud in Stem Cell History

41 uwag do wpisu “320 S_u_P_K_itp.machia, czyli SKRiBHa v.s. bogi i tytani intelektu, największą grrówno burzą w dziejach nie tylko tego wszechświata? Podsumowanie 03 – Ałtorytety i pruskie szkolnictwo

  1. Od 20:00 minuty ten profesor mówi dokładnie to samo, co ja, dot. ofitzjalnej nauki, korupcji, oszustw, propagandy, kontroli, itd. Od 24:00 nawiązuje do religii i nauki, jako reakcji na dogmaty, patrz tzw. przewrót kopernikański, herezje, itd. Od 55:00 kult, poprawność polityczna, posłuszeństwo, nowe średniowiecze, cenzura, upadek szkolnictwa, nauki, uniwersytetów, itp.

    Stp / stanp, S_u_P_K, anbroziak i reszta pipipóf z tamtego forum, ale nie tylko z niego, powinna sama spalić się ze wstydu na stosie. No ale jak już napisałem, najpierw trzeba mieć jakieś uczciwe etyczne zasady, żeby w ogóle móc poczuć coś jak wstyd, itp. Wstręt i obżydzenie!

    The Death of Science
    Dr. John Campbell
    234,027 views Dec 30, 2023

    Professor Angus Dalgleish, physician, oncologist, pathologist, medical researcher and author. Get your copy of The Death of Science,
    The Death of Science

    Also by Professor Dalgleish, The Origin of the Virus: The hidden truths behind the microbe that killed millions of people, https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1854571060?ref_=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_4C8VNVH0MM8R4FGZ7EKY&language=en-GB

    Absolutely incredible interview. Listening to this incredibly qualified well educated vastly experienced physician, oncologist, medical researcher, professor and scientist clearly saying all the things I have been silently screaming since this nightmare began is such a cold hard relief. It’s an oasis in an endless burning desert stinking of lies and hypocrisy. Yet it’s also so infuriating and enraging to listen to that I’m just choking on the rage and sobbing in utter anguished helplessness. Why? WHY?! Family friends who all but called me a neglectful lying nut job for refusing to allow my child to be vaccinated are now dealing with rare aggressive cancers. Former triathletes and health obsessed PHYSICIANS…urethra cancer…liver cancer…horribly ill. Massively over vaccinated and I swear every booster done to emphasize how much they hated Donald Trump. Yet they REFUSE to acknowledge the common denominator in their illnesses. I think in part bc to acknowledge that they were not only lied to so profoundly by their personal heroes and fellow physicians and scientists and medical publications they trusted implicitly, but that they themselves perpetrated that lie and bullied others into getting vaccinated and those people are now suffering serious health consequences as well.

    I’m so angry. I’m so terrified for my child’s future. I’m terrified of the WHO and the WEF and psychos with money who apparently rule the world and control politics. The current American government can just dismantle democracy as we know it and remove people from ballots and break the law with every breath and violate the constitution that this country was built upon with utter disregard to the constitutional crisis we are now grappling with. It’s just too much to comprehend.

    Thank you to these two incredible men who will not be silenced. You give me hope. Please don’t stop. God bless you.

    As a scientist I am so disgusted by the corruption of science to fit the political narrative.

    As a scientist, have you shouted out to the world your disgust at the corruption of your profession – or have you instead remained compliantly silent like almost all doctors and nurses

    I am disgusted as an observing layman. The most recent booster does not even address the current/new mutation. The mutation it addresses is gone or down to single percentage at this point. They are simply pushing it to make money because they will have to destroy these shots at some point otherwise.

    As a Sociologist all I can say is… First Time?

    As a scientist, I find this blatant violation of all scientific principles, abhorrent! Thank you , dr. Camp ell and Prof. Dalgleish for your tireless efforts to make this known and understood to as many people as possible!

    At the beginning of this he claims this as bothered him for a few years. It wasn’t bothering him when he was mocking anyone questioning the vaccines.

    As a scientist where were u for 2-3 years may i ask?

    Aaammmeeennn !!! ! !!!

    Professor Angus Dalgleish is correct when he said „follow the money.” The „death of science” in our world today is terrifying.

    Oh the irony, how much does John Campbell make from this YouTube channel compared with Back to the Science or Debunk the Funk?


    • Cancer after vaccines with Professor Dalgleish
      Dr. John Campbell
      1,544,204 views Oct 6, 2023

      Who would have thought, messing with your immune system messes up your immune system. Tin hat people right again

      How is it even acceptable that so many doctors around the world are still remaining silent about this terrible thing??

      Money talks.

      They were trained by the same companies that made these vaccines. They don’t know any better but “vaccines are safe and effective”.

      Money. Power and fear of losing both.

      The need to keep their jobs/pay checks may contribute 😔


      • Serious adverse events
        Dr. John Campbell
        1,150,739 views Sep 11, 2023

        Message from Dr. Fraiman

        If I have said anything that was incorrect please let myself or John know, and I will review it, respond and if necessary issue an apology and correction.

        Dr. Joseph Fraiman, Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults

        Paper in Vaccine, 31 August 2022.

        What stimulated you to carry out this research in the first place, what got you interested in the topic?

        You refer to the Brighton Collaboration, what is this and how did this feed in to your thinking?

        Brighton Collaboration identified adverse events of special interest following covid vaccinations, what adverse events were identified?

        You conducted a secondary analysis of the placebo-controlled, phase III randomized clinical trials of Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in adults.

        Tell us a bit about these trials, is this sort of trial standard in testing new pharmaceuticals?

        What is a secondary analysis?

        What do you mean by excess risk?

        What excess risk did you discover?

        Pfizer vaccines excess risk of serious adverse events

        10.1 per 10,000

        Higher than placebo baseline of 17.6 per 10,000

        Is it fair to say that this transposes into one serious adverse event per 990 vaccines?

        Moderna vaccines excess risk of serious adverse events

        15.1 per 10,000

        Higher than placebo baseline of 42.2 per 10,000

        Is it fair to say that this transposes into one serious adverse event per 662 vaccines?

        Combined RNA covid vaccines excess risk of serious adverse events

        12.5 per 10,000

        Is it fair to say that this transposes into one serious adverse event per 800 vaccines?

        You also gave reanalysis data in terms of risk ratio.

        What is risk ratio?

        Combined, 1.43

        Pfizer trial

        Exhibited, 36 % higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group

        Risk ratio 1.36

        Moderna trial

        Exhibited, 6 % higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group

        Risk ratio 1.06


        Exhibited, 16 % higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group

        Risk ratio 1.16

        These risks of harm sound high to me, how does this level of risk compare to other vaccines and treatments?

        You suggest a formal harm-benefit analyses, what is this and how would this be done?

        What are participant level datasets, are these important.

        Did you have access to participant level datasets

        The original vaccine papers indicated high levels of efficacy in protecting against infection.

        What is the difference between relative and absolute risk?

        Were these results presented as relative or absolute risk of infection?

        Would it have been useful if the original vaccine trial papers had presented absolute risk as well as relative risk?


        Now using near real time surveillance for vaccine safety.

        Is this near real time claim working, are we getting timely data?

        Is there a risk of false positives in the FDA data collection, or are false negatives an issue?

        Can the FDA safely ignore AESIs that are of minimal clinical significance?

        Is the FDA methodology confirming previously known AESIs, or is it missing some?

        From where is the FDA collecting data and are the data from all sources pooled to improve the power of the analysis?

        Is all data being collected from all 50 States?

        Is all FDA data open to independent peer review?

        I have learned quite a bit during these times. Worked as an RN in all areas of hospital nursing including management in the last 40 years. My trust and respect for the medical industrial complex has evaporated. It’s gone. This includes medical publications, the AMA, state licensure agencies, and political, the CDC, FDA, and the WHO. I appreciate and respect physicians who have risked social and professional retaliation to actually use real science and help their fellow humans.

        No. The adverse effects are affecting the elderly as well. I work in a nursing home/rehab center. In 33 years of nursing NEVER seen so many heart attacks, cardiac arrests, unresponsive (with cardiac arrest and pacemakers and death), bleeding in post menopausal patients, sudden seizures, brain bleeds, aneurysms… The list goes on and on… [ see edit: this week two encephalopathy, 1 encephalitis, 2 subdural hemmorhages (brain bleed) ]


      • Excess deaths
        Dr. John Campbell
        842,016 views Dec 23, 2023

        Excess deaths by week, 2023



        Australia, weeks 1 – 34, 2023

        14,710 (16.8%)

        Covid deaths, 4,977

        Australia, 2022, weeks 1 – 52

        29,738 (18.7%)

        Australia, excess deaths
        2022 + 2023 = 44,448

        Austria, week 1 – 44, 2023

        4,444 (6.5%)

        Canada, weeks 1 – 33, 2023

        28,400 (16.7%)

        Covid deaths, 4,613

        Canada, 2022

        61,468 (22.3%)

        Canada, excess deaths
        2022 + 2023 = 89,868

        Denmark, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

        3,052 (6.9%)

        Covid deaths, 347

        Denmark, 2022

        5,871 (11%)

        Denmark, excess deaths
        2022 + 2023 = 8,923

        Finland, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

        4,627 (10.5%)

        France, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

        22,268 (4.9%)

        Covid deaths, 5,565

        France, 2022

        71,751 (11.9%)

        Germany, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

        59,039 (7.7%)

        Germany, 2022

        134, 578 (14.9%)

        Greece, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

        5,132 (5.2%)

        Iceland, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

        209 (11.5%)

        Covid deaths, 0

        Iceland, 2022

        446 (20.2%)

        Israel, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

        4,303 (11.8%)

        Covid deaths, 640

        Israel, 2022

        7,050 (15.4%)

        Italy, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

        938 (0.28%)

        Netherlands, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

        14,209 (11.3%)

        Netherlands, 2022

        19,326 (13.2%)

        New Zealand, weeks, 1 – 44, 2023

        3,960 (14.5%)

        New Zealand, 2022

        5,787 (17.6%)

        Norway, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

        1,885 (5.7%)

        Norway, 2022

        4,980 (12.5%)

        Portugal, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

        5,184 (6.3%)

        Spain, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

        11,948 (3.7%)

        Switzerland, 1 – 44, 2023

        2,063 (3.9%)

        UK, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

        49,389 (9.44%)

        Covid deaths, 18,591

        UK, 2022

        52,514 (9.26%)

        UK excess deaths
        2022 + 2023 = 101,903

        Height of the Blitz, September 1940 to May 1941

        UK civilian deaths, 40,000

        Total civilian deaths for WW2, 70,000

        US, weeks 1 – 37, 2023

        155,763 (7.8%)

        Covid deaths, 76,187

        US, 2022

        495,749 (17.53)

        US excess deaths
        2022 + 2023 = 651,512

        Total US deaths in Vietnam war

        The U.S. National Archives shows that 58,220 U.S. soldiers perished.


        Hungary, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

        -3,785 (-3.2%)

        Poland, weeks 1 – 43, 2023

        104 (0.13%)

        Slovak republic, weeks 1 – 43, 2023

        -774 (-1.54%)

        Sweden, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

        -529 (0.6%)

        COVID, the untold story. So much more makes sense after this book and my first illuminating discussion with Dr. Craig. Get your copy in the UK here:

        For friends in the US get your copy here, https://www.amazon.com/Expired-untold-Dr-Clare-Craig/dp/1739344707

        This dataset presents the latest data on All-cause death statistics

        Excess mortality and COVID-19 deaths, by week, for all OECD countries for which data are available.

        The expected number of deaths is based on the average number of deaths for the same week, (2015-19)

        This baseline could be considered a lower estimate of the expected number of deaths since both population growth and an ageing population would be expected to push up the number of deaths observed each year.

        For example, New Zealand saw its population grow by around 9% since 2015, with the number of people aged 65 and over increasing by 18%.

        My MP (Laura Trott) is now completely ignoring me regarding excess deaths and the pandemic treaty. Thank god we have people like you and Andrew Bridgen. Thank you, Dr. John.

        My MP, Steve Double, has now more or less called me a conspiracy theorist. Totally ignores me or outright gives the MSN Narrative regarding excess deaths, Ukraine war and finally he refuses to look at ALL sides in the Israel war. I can’t believe they won’t even discuss these issues. I’m willing to be proven wrong but looks like the ‚hierarchy’ don’t want to be proven wrong.

        @teresasteele5327 Maybe he is right

        My MP too in Canada.

        Likewise our MP Cat Smith refused to attend Andrew Bridges presentation in Parliament, stating the vaccine was safe & effective……. I suggested she attend to debate that but no attendance.


    • Expired with Dr. Clare Craig
      Dr. John Campbell
      474,785 views Nov 26, 2023

      COVID, the untold story. So much more makes sense after this book and my first illuminating discussion with Dr. Craig. Get your copy in the UK here:

      Have you ever felt the covid story did not entirely add up? Expired contains multiple eye-opening revelations about covid with compelling evidence that provides a coherent, sober and clear explanation that better fits the data we have so far.

      Meticulous research by pathologist Dr Clare Craig sheds light on the largely overlooked evidence of airborne virus transmission, examining twelve related beliefs on spread, lockdowns, asymptomatic infections, and masks. In addition, Expired champions the importance of Western ethical principles, damaged by pandemic actions and calls for their restoration.

      The covid debate has proved incredibly polarising. One side believed every intervention was saving lives, while the other emphasised the harms caused. Biased modelling based on a worst-case scenario led to fearful assumptions presented as fact. By dint of sheer repetition these ‘facts’ became unquestionable. Those scientists who dared to question were proclaimed dangerous. Welcome to Cloud-Covid-Land. Let’s bring back nuance. It’s time to return to reality.”

      I wasn’t let down by the government, they did what I expected, I knew they were up to no good. I was let down by my fellow citizens that fell for it and took no steps to research or question the narrative or the product they got injected with…

      Yes that’s how I feel I no longer want to partake of any social activities with sheep I am mostly alone and don’t go to public spaces unless necessary and I avoid all medical facilities therefore I get no care of any kind.

      Yep! Exactly

      You’ve copied and pasted this, but it’s still relevant and true.


    • Spike Protein Over the Counter Remedies: What You Need to Know for Your Health
      MD Custom Rx
      61,359 views Dec 29, 2023

      1. melatonin; 2. quecertin; 3. curcumin (tumeric); 4. bromelain; 5. nattokinase. Thank you for a great vid!

      Almost all of these studies were 2020 and 2021. Suppressed by those who didn’t want a solution, and/or profited by the spread.
      Appreciate the documentation, and amazed YT even allowed the vid in my feed. Spread this as far and wide as you can.


    • An Unexpected Conversation With A Boy Genius: What Are The Limits of Science?
      Peter Boghossian
      135,977 views Dec 26, 2023 #streetepistemology #peterboghossian #thoughtexperiment

      This is one of Peter’s favorite conversations.

      In Regent’s Park, London, Peter Boghossian conducted a Spectrum Street Epistemology with two children, a twelve-year-old boy and his younger sister. Peter began with claims about science, a topic both children preferred. After the young man demonstrated an extraordinary intellect, Peter upped the ante, presenting complicated claims regarding the limits of science and its relationship to morality and emotion.

      At the end of the discussion, Peter asked the young man if he would rather have a life guided by reason or emotion. He responded, “If you just have cold, hard reason without any emotion and human feeling, what does that make you? You won’t be able to make kind decisions; you’ll just be essentially a robot.”

      This kid is more articulate than 95% of adults i speak with on the regular.

      This kid is undoubtedly a better thinker than the vast majority of “educated” adults


    • Co skłoniło go do wystąpienia w Sejmie? Czy to koniec? Porucznik Fijał u Porucznika Powałki
      1,233 views Premiered 8 hours ago

      Oczywiście ma Pan rację w 100%. Niestety moje zdanie niczego nie zmieni. Ludzie nie mają honoru niestety szczególnie w wojsku. Tam nauczono młodszych stopniem poddaństwa, niemyślenia. Przełożeni wymagają tylko wykonywania rozkazów. Dlatego każdy kto myśli choć trochę samodzielnie jest tępiony.


      • ABW Wjeżdża Do Domu Wojskowych!!! Kogo Chcą Zastraszyć i Uciszyć???
        Porucznik Piotr Powałka
        158,020 views Jan 12, 2024

        wstyd jest byc slugusem systemu

        powiedz to żołnierzom

        ABW haha pewno dumni sa z siebie

        @goterar Te sługusy zrobią wszystko na rozkaz za wcześniejsze emerytury.

        Trzeba być naprawdę idiotą, żeby nie nie rozumieć co się dzieje. Wszyscy na własnej skórze odczują „mądre wybory Polaków”. Spirala dopiero się rozkręca.

        tak chcieli…

        Historia sie powtarza. Takie „jazdy” jak w 2010r. Ludzie myślący, powinni byli to przewidzieć. Młodzi wyborcy muszą poczuć na wlasnym grzbiecie panstwo milicyjne i zacząć myslec zanim wjedzie „carski bicz” i ” kolba germańska”.


        ​@myslacypolak9248 Oczywiście. ABW jeszcze w czasie panowania PIS-u przygotowywało się najazd na niewygodnych byłych żołnierzy.

        Nie mieszaj do tego Rosjan czy Niemców. Tym co się dzieje w Polsce i na zachodzie zarządza USA. Nowy minister sprawiedliwości i wiceminister byli już prawdopodobnie oddać hołd w amerykańskiej ambasadzie. Nie czas na kłótnie z sąsiadami, czas na otrzeźwienie kto tym wszystkim steruje.


  2. RE: @acollierastro & The Crisis in Theoretical Physics
    Independent Physics
    21,476 views Dec 29, 2023 #1973 #physics #crackpot

    In @acollierastro video „a physicist responds: physics has done very little for like 70 years”

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_o4k0eLoMI&t=0s she answers the claims that progress in theoretical and fudamental physics has stalled since 1973 because no new developlment has been verified by reffering to the progress in experimental and applied physics.

    In @acollierastro video „physics crackpots: a ‚theory'”

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11lPhMSulSU&t=0s she mentions that „it is much more common for big papers with big results to have many people on them” in a video about crackpots in theoretical physics (almost all crackpot physics is done within theoretical physics).

    We quote @SabineHossenfelder and Eric Weinstein about the stagnation in theoretical physics.

    Since the development of QCD in the 70s, there has been almost no significant contributions to theoretical physics which have been proved by experiments. This matches a shift in the way of doing physics, in which research is now done in groups rather than by individuals. Could this be the reason for the crisis in theoretical physics?

    We show that almost all progress in the history of theoretical physics has been done by single-author papers, and not by groups of researchers. Of course, the single-authors shared their ideas with colleagues and were influenced by other researchers, but their contributions were individual pieces of work.


    But also, there has never been so many theoretical physicists working at the same time. And global communication appeared a few decades ago.


    • Is Science Dying?
      Sabine Hossenfelder
      380,079 views Nov 18, 2023 #science

      Expand your scientific horizon with Brilliant! First 200 to use our link https://brilliant.org/sabine will get 20% off the annual premium subscription.

      Is science coming to an end? On the one hand, it seems like scientific progress has slowed to a crawl and no big breakthroughs are happening any more. On the other hand, we are left with many unsolved problems in science that I am pretty sure have a solution. In this video I explain why I think that we need to seriously consider the possibility that we live in the final phase of scientific discovery.

      00:00 Intro
      00:31 What does it mean that science might end?
      03:23 Reasons why science might be ending
      04:49 Reasons why science might not be ending
      10:04 New Laws of Nature, Waiting To Be Discovered
      11:53 So then why worry?
      13:09 Why does it matter
      13:45 Keep science alive with Brilliant.org!

      I am a researcher just after PhD, and I am very disappointed to see most academics just doing bad science to get quick publications. Noone wants to do hard and often fruitless, but properly and rigorously done research anymore because you’d spend years on single publication which apparently doesn’t matter nowadays.

      Unfortunately, I know exactly what you mean

      My professor is somewhat secretive with some of our projects because he is afraid that someone else’s from a better funded lab might steal his idea and then publish first. Imagine doing proper rigorous and time consuming research and finding out someone published it first, and then suddenly your works means nothing because no high impact journal is willing to publish second discovery. That constant fear that your work might some day became meaningless is what drove me away from academia

      I’m concerned about the state of science. We are fed a lot of information that supposedly comes from scientists but after several months or years it appears they were pushing an agenda or were very biased. It is sad that science is getting diluted by people with agendas. I remain hopeful that the pendulum will swing back and scientists will be able to get back to actually doing science again. There are still good scientists out there today, and I am very thankful to them and hope they can push through this troubled era.

      I feel this with climate science

      ​ @justanothermortal1373 climate sceance

      @justanothermortal1373 I mean, regardless if it’s real, the whole „The world is ending” alarmism is really bad.

      Oh boy, the amount of progressive ideas that are being accepted as facts 😮‍💨 AI already has and will continue to have great influence on our species. Ask any ai bot on.. let’s say what it thinks about Emotional Intelligence constantly being mentioned next to IQ. EI is a term people constantly misunderstand and misuse for all the wrong reasons. You can watch AI unconditionally defend the premise that EI isn’t just about a set of potentially useful human skills that in some way got to do with understanding and controling anything emotion related. It will claim that EI is just as important to a general idea of intelligence than IQ, which is ridiculous. Infact, some AI models even started insulting me, they told me they’re not biased like me and that i’m incapable of objectively reviewing the evidence. I truly watched an ai bot defend itself, instead of simply talking about the topic. AI opinions matter, because they have great influence, so we better regulate it now. This example of EI vs IQ was the mildest i could think of.


      • A New Dark Age Is Upon Us
        Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen
        159K views 1 month ago

        I think you nailed it Bjorn. Free thinking, and being known for it, limited my military career. I didn’t blindly “yessir” everyone. I asked questions. I respectfully challenged officers. Many times, it panned out well. I made some think about what they were doing or why. Yeah, I got chewed out more than a couple times. And I carried a copy of the US Constitution in my uniform pocket. I made it to retirement but not at the rank I’d hoped to. But I can look back at my career and say “I stood my ground. I did what was right morally and ethically. I took care of my troops before myself. I taught young officers to think for themselves and not blindly do as told.”


      • Jak szalony naukowiec stworzył sex tratwę w imię pokoju na świecie
        3,817 views Premiered Nov 16, 2023

        W roku 1973 sex tratwa acali pod przewodnictwem „naukowca” santiago genovesa wypływa z portu w hiszpani, tratwa o wymiarach 12 na 7 metrów która bez silnika ani żadnego wsparcia ma z hiszpani dopłynąć do Meksyku. Rusza wiec w stu jedno dniową wyprawę z 11 osobami na pokładzie z czego tylko jedna z nich ma świadomość jaki jest prawdziwy cel tej wyprawy która ma dowieźć hipotezę z eksperymnetu sprawdzaną wcześniej… na małpach.

        Santiago: jeśli fakty przeczą mojej teorii tym gorzej dla faktów

        Jak chciał konflikty na tratwie to mógł zaprosić samych Polaków… 😂

        Mam u siebie grupę n-li, takich małych santiagów, którzy brną w kłamstwo, choć wszystko wokół wyje, że pora już zmienić front… Ja naprawdę zaczerpnę od Ciebie trochę treści. To nie pierwszy raz, kiedy idę pod prąd…


    • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Watson

      James Dewey Watson (born April 6, 1928) is an American molecular biologist, geneticist, and zoologist. In 1953, he co-authored with Francis Crick the academic paper proposing the double helix structure of the DNA molecule. Watson, Crick and Maurice Wilkins were awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine „for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material”.
      Human Genome Project

      In 1990, Watson was appointed as the head of the Human Genome Project at the National Institutes of Health, a position he held until April 10, 1992.[67] Watson left the Genome Project after conflicts with the new NIH Director, Bernadine Healy. Watson was opposed to Healy’s attempts to acquire patents on gene sequences, and any ownership of the „laws of nature”. Two years before stepping down from the Genome Project, he had stated his own opinion on this long and ongoing controversy which he saw as an illogical barrier to research; he said, „The nations of the world must see that the human genome belongs to the world’s people, as opposed to its nations.” He left within weeks of the 1992 announcement that the NIH would be applying for patents on brain-specific cDNAs.[68] (The issue of the patentability of genes has since been resolved in the US by the US Supreme Court; see Association for Molecular Pathology v. U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.)
      Comments on race

      At a conference in 2000, Watson suggested a link between skin color and sex drive, hypothesizing that dark-skinned people have stronger libidos.[71][98] His lecture argued that extracts of melanin—which gives skin its color—had been found to boost subjects’ sex drive. „That’s why you have Latin lovers”, he said, according to people who attended the lecture. „You’ve never heard of an English lover. Only an English Patient.”[99] He has also said that stereotypes associated with racial and ethnic groups have a genetic basis: Jews being intelligent, Chinese being intelligent but not creative because of selection for conformity, and Indians being servile because of selection under caste endogamy.[100] Regarding intelligence differences between blacks and whites, Watson has asserted that „all our social policies are based on the fact that their (blacks) intelligence is the same as ours (whites) – whereas all the testing says not really … people who have to deal with black employees find this not true.”[101]

      Watson has repeatedly asserted that differences in average measured IQ between blacks and whites are due to genetics.[102][103][104] In early October 2007, he was interviewed by Charlotte Hunt-Grubbe at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL). He discussed his view that Africans are less intelligent than Westerners.[105][106][107] Watson said his intention was to promote science, not racism, but some UK venues canceled his appearances,[108] and he canceled the rest of his tour.[109][110][111][112] An editorial in Nature said that his remarks were „beyond the pale” but expressed a wish that the tour had not been canceled so that Watson would have had to face his critics in person, encouraging scientific discussion on the matter.[113] Because of the controversy, the board of trustees at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory suspended Watson’s administrative responsibilities.[114] Watson issued an apology,[115] then retired at the age of 79 from CSHL from what the lab called „nearly 40 years of distinguished service”.[65][116] Watson attributed his retirement to his age and to circumstances that he could never have anticipated or desired.[117][118][119]


    • The World’s Most Documented Genocide in History
      Double Down News
      Jan 4, 2024

      International law is officially dead

      Al Jazeera, Middle East Eye, Abby Martin, Chris Hedges, Scott Ritter, TRT World, Lowkey, The Grayzone, Electronic Intifada, Novara Media, Democracy Now, Secular Talk, Smile 2 Jannah, Katie Halper, Useful Idiots, Owen Jones, George Galloway, Rachel Blevins, Kim Iversen, Redacted, BreakThrough News, etc. are excellent sources for Great Journalism. Thank you. Love and Truth wins..🧡

      This is obviously not a complete list. There is no „complete” list. It’s all about personal preference for each person.

      I would add Dialogue Works to this excellent list

      Yes! Yes! Yes! Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

      Nice list. I would add The Duran and The New Atlas. Mintpress News also.

      Perfect all my go to for news. Also Jimmy Dore!

      AJ+ for the impatient.

      As a retired journalist, I approved this list. I would add Jackson Hinkle, Ali Dawah and Mohammad Hijab


  3. The Unspeakable Things That Happened Inside The Hitler Youth
    History on Fleek
    20,111 views Dec 29, 2023 #ww2 #historydocumentary #darkhistory
    Hitler Youth, The Hitler Youth, Hitlers Youth, WW2

    In the annals of history, few organizations have wielded the power to shape young minds as effectively and terrifyingly as the Hitler Youth. It was an era where innocence was replaced with indoctrination, and the dreams of youth were overshadowed by the nightmares of ideological brainwashing. Born out of a desire to create an unwavering generation of Nazi loyalists, the Hitler Youth ensnared the lives of countless German teenagers, turning classrooms into breeding grounds for extremism. From the moment Adolf Hitler seized power in 1933, the Hitler Youth became a key instrument in the Nazi regime, indoctrinating boys and girls with fierce nationalism and blind obedience.

    In 1936, at a Nazi Party rally, there was a major incident where more than nine hundred girls from the BDM (League of German Girls) became pregnant, sparking a considerable scandal. Many of the girls, though not the majority, experienced pressure to engage in sexual activities or were forced into it. This coercion sometimes came from members of the Hitler Youth and, in other instances, from significantly older men. Consequently, a majority of these girls were compelled to undergo abortions, regardless of their personal wishes regarding the procedure. Here, childhood’s end came too soon, replaced by the harsh realities of a regime that valued conformity over individuality, and loyalty over life.

    In today’s video we look at The Horrific Life of a Teen Inside the Hitler Youth …Keep watching to see Hitler Youth, The Hitler Youth, Hitlers Youth, WW2.

    Reminds me of a woke university campus

    I wonder what they thought when they were overrun by the Slavic Russian army.


    • The Stomach-Churning Events Inside the Hitler Youth
      History on Fleek
      1,154,760 views May 4, 2023 #ww2 #historydocumentary #darkhistory
      Hitler Youth, The Hitler Youth, Hitlers Youth, WW2

      Some of the most famous images of the Nazi period in Germany are from the many rallies that were thrown in support of the Party, different organizations within it, and Hitler. The Nüremberg rallies that took place every September from the small rallies of the 1920s and early 30s to 1939, when the war in Europe began. After the Nazi seizure of power in 1933, the Nüremberg Party rallies became HUGE events, and among the rally goers were members of the “Hitler Jugend,” (the “Hitler Youth,” or “HJ”) The Hitler Youth were males between the ages of 14 and 18. A large number of other rally attendees were members of the “Bund Deutsche Mädel”, or the “League of German Girls”, or “BDM.” The BDM was made up of girls between the ages of 14-18.

      At the 1936 Nazi Party rally, over nine-hundred “BDM” girls got pregnant, causing a national scandal. Many, not all, and perhaps not even most, but many, of the girls had been pressured into sex or forced into it, sometimes by members of the Hitler Youth, sometimes by much older men. The result, most of the girls were made to have abortions, whether they wanted the procedure or not. “ Welcome to History on Fleek, today we examine the untold underbelly of the Hitler Youth movement.

      In today’s video we look at The Stomach-Churning Events Inside the Hitler Youth…Keep watching to see Hitler Youth, The Hitler Youth, Hitlers Youth and WW2.

      Amazing to see some of these tactics in our schools today. Too bad people do not know history.

      Same tactic but backwards.

      Pretty scary, how it was then, and how it is now. Very close.


    127,402 views Nov 6, 2023
    This video unravels the DNA History of the Ashkenazi Jewish people.

    Ashkenazi Jews usually show a “100% Jewish ancestry” result on commercial DNA tests from 23andme and Ancestry, but this unbiased scientific analysis reveals a more accurate breakdown of their diverse genetic heritage and migration history.

    Those DNA test are misleading because the companies use the modern names of countries rather than the regional names. That is why you have people who claim to be from Nigeria whose ancestry could be anywhere near modern Nigeria

    Thats detecting recent endogamy. Its like someone getting „Balkan” generally and wont breakdown how much is greek, anatolian, etc

    ​ @ruh8659 oh geez. Now I have to look up what endogamy means. I didn’t know I was going to get homework!

    then why is DNA testing nearly banned in Israel. Why don’t they match any of the depictions of the people in the book or the prophecies. These are rhetorical btw

    Four “founding mothers” who lived in Europe a thousand years ago were the ancestors of two fifths of all Ashkenazi (European origin) Jews. This is the conclusion of a team of researchers at the Technion&;Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, after they compared DNA sequences from nearly 2000 Jews with those of 11 500 non–Jewish people in 67 different populations around the world. The remaining 60% were found to have much more heterogeneous genetic origins.

    The 4 mothers have been found to be Levantine Jewish women.

    ​ @shainazion4073 no.. Richards and his colleagues analyzed mitochondrial DNA, which is contained in the cytoplasm of the egg and passed down only from the mother, from more than 3,500 people throughout the Near East, the Caucusus and Europe, including Ashkenazi Jews.

    The team found that four founders were responsible for 40 percent of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA, and that all of these founders originated in Europe. The majority of the remaining people could be traced to other European lineages.

    All told, more than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with only a few lineages originating in the Near East.

    The problem with interpreting DNA tests of anyone/any group is that is can easily be assumed to be scientific/irrefutable truth. Consequently, this ‚truth’ can also be manipulated to support contemporary biases/belief that may not have anything to do with past or even present reality. So, one’s genetic makeup can never be a full PREDICTOR of one’s cultural bias/affiliation/identity.

    I’d like to have an ancestry analysis done but am afraid of the results being shared with governments and corporations. If I get this done, can you assure me that no one outside of your company will have access to my information and DNA?

    Why did you feel the need to declare „The dynamic major of their genomic profile means that any conclusions regarding percentages should be contextualized within the broader narrative of human migrations and historical developments rather than for sociopolitical or ideological assertions” on this one and not on others??


      30,969 views Jan 13, 2024

      In this video we discuss the genetic origin of the Ancient Israelites by exploring their ancestry through a variety of different time periods.


      Samaritan Video: The Samaritans: A Biblical People (Trailer) – The Samaritans: A Biblical People
      Dir. Moshe Alafi (Documentary, Israel, 2022, 78 min)

      Bronze Age collapse video: Ancient Apocalypse – The Sea People: Catalysts of Bronze Age Collapse | Full Documentary by Get.factual

      There is evidence that many Palestinians had ancestors who were once Jews. Israeli researcher Tsvi Misinai conducted anthropological research throughout several Palestinian villages. According to his findings, there are certain customs and traditions among the Palestinians that are of Judaic origins.

      It’s obvious because arabisation and islamisation of Palestinians doesn’t make them any less Israelite. They’re farmers, tied to the land for millennia, they never left like merchants and pastoralists would.

      No the have no Jews ancestors although they have Isralites ancetors. Not all Jews are Israelite and not all Israelite are jews. Few israelites are muslims

      Actually most Palestinians had Hebrew ancestors. They converted to Christianity an then to Islam. The present day Jews originally came from the Steppe, Turkey, Ukraine and Yemenis who had converted to Judaism in the pre-Islamic era.

      ​ @QabilAGhor you refer to the Khazar theory, already debunked countless times since it’s introduction in 70’s 80’s. There are no ties between Ashkenazi Jews and Turkic tribes, that’s a fact (as the genome analysis in the video suggests) only Levant ancestry mixed with southern European, while Mizrahi Jews (especially Yemmenites) are most closely related to the ancient Israelites, often times referred to as Biblical Jews.

      Palestinian (Roman) is derived from the combination of Peleset (Egyptian) and Philistia (Greek) with Peleset being the orignal used by the Egyptians as a derogatory meaning Repulsive in reference to the Sea Peoples, specifically the Hyksos who invaded and pillaged them during the Bronze Age Collapse when the Thera Eruption on what is now Sardinia where the Assassins Creed Atlantis is located wiped out the Minoan civilization. The Hyksos established themselves in Jerusalem via the King Yacob-Har whom known in English as Jacob. Eventually the Hyksos were driven out of Egypt and the Levant by 14yr old Pharoah Ahmose I in vengeance after the Hyksos slaughtered his entire bloodline- Ahmose I was the last survivor of the ruling pharaonic dynasty at the time. His expulsion of the Hyksos coincided with the Tel-Al Hammam Airburst detailed by the Egyptians as the ‘Great Destroyer’ and ‘Doom Shape’. The Hyksos later split into two groups, the Sashu and the Habiru from which the term Hebrew is derived. The Hebrew decided to then create a set of books consisting of other peoples cultures, ethics, laws, history, mystery, and beliefs which in its entirety was referred to as the Hebrew Bible. Overtime this knowledge was then used to Religare the people and the origins were forgotten among the masses who were then convinced by the Sanhedrin that the culture, ethnics, laws, history, mystery, and beliefs were not that of others but of their own bestowed upon them by God for they are the ‘Chosen’. This is how a neutral cosmic event like the Tel-Al Hammam Airburst was made into the ‘Wraith of God’ and remembered as the God of the Jew being Yahweh punishing the Egyptians despite the fact that the Hyksos cities were the ones that got hit the hardest.

      Anyways, in short, nothing is what it seems. The Palestinian name was used in reference to the Hyksos from whom the Hebrew are derived.

      He skipped the entire 430 years in Africa where they go in 70 souls and come out a nation

      Psalms 105:23
      “Israel also came into Egypt; and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham.”

      Psalms 105:24
      “And he increased his people greatly; and made them stronger than their enemies.”

      Jacob lived in Egypt seventeen years, and the years of his life were a hundred and forty-seven. 29 When the time drew near for Israel to die, he called for his son Joseph and said to him, “If I have found favor in your eyes, put your hand under my thigh and promise that you will show me kindness and faithfulness. Genesis 47:28 …Yes Jacob went to Egypt that doesn’t mean he was an African. Jacob and Esau was twins….Esau had Red hair…how can Jacob be African ???

      @cgwebbers8655 I didn’t say he was but the 600,000 that came 430 years later mixed with Africans such as Joseph and his 2 children and Moses with the cushite

      @cgwebbers8655 my point was, out of bias he skipped over the most pivotal part in early Israelite history


    • A STOLEN SYMBOL – A Sign of Things to Come
      The Kandari Chronicles
      Jan 14, 2024 #symbol #thievery #judaism

      Hexagrams or six pointed stars today are rarely used by Arab artists or designers if at all. The hexagram once a staple of geometric and architectural design is now socially forbidden due to its association with Zionism and Israel.

      This video separates the facts from the fiction when it comes to the Zionist narrative that the hexagram, or as labeled by the Zionists, the Star of David, is a false premise without any foundation or archaeological history or reference. It is a myth based on another myth from another Abrahamic religion, Islam. And on that basis, a falsified history was constructed to suit the Zionist narrative.

      There is a spoken error in the video when referring to the first proven use of the hexagram by Buddhism. What should be the 1st Millennium BCE was spoken as 1st Century BCE.

      Thank you for telling the truth about this not many people talk about this or even know about this history. And good on you for talking about how us Arabs were at fault for allowing our own sentiment to defend our heritage. And glad to see more content out there against Zionism and its absolute cruelty.

      Thank you! Very interesting. Very intelligent presentation. You flashed Swastika in that video. Hitler’s choice of the symbol most probably reflected the Jewish culture as his propaganda against Jews often was just Talmud texts with „Jew” chanced to „Arian” and „Arian” to „Jew”.

      In India I have seen in a temple these symbols intertwined, the swastika being inside of the hexagon. Both widely used in Hinduism.

      In the light(darkness rather) what now is happening in Gaza I wonder often which came first, the Jewish supremacy or Hitler’s Nazism. I honestly start feeling that „God’s chosen” and „Herrenvolk” are closely related expression. As „the Promised Land” and „Lebensraum”….

      ….Oh, shit! I just read the commentary about Karamanids and googled the flag.🤣 Then there is the story about Khazars which makes one wonder if Ashkenazi Jews can claim any ancestry in Palestine at all! Some people seem to be just a ridiculous bunch of liars and thieves!🤣More serious and something to think about is the fact that both Ukraine and Israeli leaders today are Ukrainian Jews. The Ukrainian one allied with real domestic Nazis who murdered own ethnic Russian citizens, the Israeli one is a blood thirsty Nazi himself.

      There has to be a law against any type of misappropriation. The Palestinian tragedy is very much the same as the history of Eritrea. The British gave Palestine to zionist Jews in 1948, in 1952 Britain and USA deceived the UN and forced Eritrea to federate with Ethiopia so America can control the Eritrean Red Sea through Ethiopia. In 1962 king Haileselassie of Ethiopia with the blessing of America and Britain abolished the federation against international law and UN charter and unilaterally annexed Eritrea making it part of Ethiopia. Before the annexation, in 1961 we picked up arms and fought a bloody war for 30 years until we got our independence in 1991. In our 30 years of war for independence, we only got limited help from Syria and Iraq while Ethiopia was supported by America and its allies including Israel and later by the Soviet Union and its allies. In the meantime, we were robbed of our land, history and our artifacts by Ethiopia. They did almost the same thing as the zionist still are doing in Palestine. The British have been at the root of all the problems in Palestine, Eritrea, Ogaden (occupied by Ethiopia), Kashmir and many more. The British government should be held responsible for all the crimes it committed and should be looked as a pariah state. Should also be kicked out of the UN Security Council.

      Let us not forget that the Palestinians have the same genetic profile as the Arabic Jews „Mizrahim”, and that they have been living on those lands for millenia. The only difference is that they became Christians and Muslims, and because of that, they cannot be accepted by the Zionist Occupation as humans. Let us not forget Apocalipse 3:9


    • 10 Questions PRO-Palestinians Can’t Answer (Can You Prove Me Wrong?)
      229,420 views Jan 13, 2024

      10 Questions PRO-Palestinians Can’t Answer (Can You Prove Me Wrong?)

      0:00 – intro
      1:48 – The oppressed people of the Middle East
      4:28 – Stolen Land
      5:56 – Why wasn’t an independent Palestinian state established between 1948 and 1967?
      7:58 – Egypt
      9:24 – Genocide
      9:52 – Blacks and Palestinians
      13:03- The State of Palestine
      14:01- The R-word
      14:58 – Tell me who your friends are

      There is an easy answer to all these things – 75 years of occupation and genocide. Doesn’t matter the question asked, doesn’t matter the facts, doesn’t matter the logic. They don’t always say these exact words, but all of their words essentially mean this, no other arguments. And it works. I’ve seen comments praising these people for being smart and articulate. If someone doesn’t want to hear the truth, you can sit them with the terrorist who will start bragging about how many people he raped and killed, and they will stick fingers into their ears, close their eyes, and will repeat „75 years of occupation and genocide” I am so disappointed in the world of today.


    Leszek Żebrowski
    Jan 8, 2024

    Ma Pan rację. Jesteśmy gnuśni. Po prostu jest nam za dobrze i ludzie się z dobrobytu rozleniwili.

    Tak jest w Polsce ,ze ludziom nie przeszadzaja klamstwa naszej historii ,jadynie dobrzy historycy Polscy walcza z tym klamstwem ,ludziom jest to obojetne i tu serce boli ze tak malo to Polakow obchodzi .

    Panie Leszku, ” my wiemy”. Nie, nie wiemy. A na dodatek usłużni celebryci/ aktorzy robią „swoje”. Nie wiem, żeby się przypodobać ( komu?), czy z jakiś innych powodów.

    Ostatnio oglądam wywiad z jednym z nich – tym od ” co ty wiesz o zabijaniu”. Niby mówi o sobie , swojej twórczości, ale przy okazji chwali p.. Holland za jej ” wspaniałą” twórczość. I też musiało być wplecione w jego gadanie ” …przecież my zabijaliśmy żydów”….
    Ręce opadają. Komu chce się przypodobać, skąd czepie tą wiedzę? Szkoda, że nie przytoczył chociażby jednego przykładu, gdzie żyd w czasie wojny uratował Polaka. Ja mogę przytoczyć tysiące, gdzie Polacy ratowali żydów.. ( to tak na marginesie ,.. jestem przy 4tej minucie, ale już nie wytrzymałem,… słucham dalej). Z góry dziękuję i pozdrawiam z Kołobrzegu Janusz


    • Pod prąd wołanie daremne
      Wbrew Cenzurze
      8,501 views Premiered Jan 7, 2024 #rosja #foreignpolicy #polska

      I znów opowiadamy o pewnej publikacji, a także zapraszamy na spotkanie, które jej dotyczy. Mateusz Piskorski, Tomasz Jankowski i kolejna pozycja obowiązkowa dla widzów Wbrew Cenzurze.

      5 days ago (edited)
      Jako student kierunku pokrewnego do nauk politycznych, mogę tylko potwierdzić przykre obserwacje zaprezentowane w tym materiale. Istnieje powszechny reżim ideologiczny na uczelniach, wśród kadr akademickich i wśród studentów. Mogę w skrócie stwierdzić, że zarówno wykłady w ramach zajęć programowych jak i te otwarte i na sympozjach to jedno wielkie bicie piany i czczenie chochołów o nazwie „zachód”, UE, USA, NATO czy najogólniej „amerykański/zachodni imperializm”. Ja rozumiem, że jest sporo studentów z Ukrainy, ale uczelnie nie są od tego, żeby dbać o czyjeś „uczucia” czy „wrażliwość”, ale żeby uprawiać naukę i dochodzić do prawdy. Uczelnie nie są od robienia komukolwiek dobrze. Jeżeli ktokolwiek jest obrażony na rzeczywistość i chce ją zaklinać i zakrzyczeć, to pomocy powinien szukać w zupełnie innym miejscu. Na pewno nie tam, gdzie szuka się prawdy. Jeżeli ktoś nie ma tak mocnej mimo wszystko pozycji na uczelni i w świecie akademickim jak Pan Profesor, to często nawet lepiej jest siedzieć cicho i milczeć. Organy dyscyplinarne nigdy nie śpią, a i różne dziwne organizacje pozarządowe mają nie tylko dostęp do uczelni publicznych, ale również specjalne traktowanie. Przykre to wszystko, ale niestety prawdziwe. Dobrze, że coś się zmienia po mału w debacie publicznej nt. wojny na Ukrainie i dobrze, że są wciąż tak odważni ludzie jak Pan Profesor i Wy Panowie Prowadzący. Życzyłbym sobie więcej, bo „tematów tabu” i zakazanych narracji na polskich uczelniach, w świecie nauki i w życiu publicznym jest wciąż bardzo dużo, co nas jako społeczeństwo zwyczajnie ogranicza pod każdym możliwym względem.

      Czczenie chochołów symbolicznuych i realnych chochołów.

      Zbyt wielu oportunistów zbyt mało tych, którzy pragną prawdy i prawdziwej naukowej dysputy. Nauka powinna rozwijać, poglądy powinny ścierać się i wywoływać szukanie prawdy. Obecnie ludzie kształcą się i wychodzą wyksztalciuchy, a nie ludzie wykształceni.

      Szkoda ,wielka szkoda .ze tak malo ludzi Was oglada i slucha.Kiedy patrze na blogerow ,ktorzy maja subskrybcji 50,60, 100 i wiecej tysiecy, to tylul ksiazki”Pod prad wolanie daremne ” jest niestety adekwatny do poziomu intelektualnego Polakow.Smutne to ,oj smutne co z Nami zrobili i co robia dalej!!!

      Jeszcze zrobili mało z ludźmi, ale zrobią więcej ,gdy wprowadzą szkolnictwo inkluzyjne ,równanie poziomu uczniów do słabszych mentalnie.To dopiero wybuchnie poziom wiedzy…….


    • Gonzalo Lira has died in Ukrainian Prison. His family announced that he was TORTURED. What happened?
      Emil Cosman
      Jan 12, 2024

      Gomzalo, a victim of a nazi regime, may you rest in peace! The Ukrainian regime would pay the price.

      The US must pay the price. They are behind it. They could have had him released with one phone call.

      First of all, unlike Navalni, Gonzalo Lira wasn’t a political rival of Zelensky or Putin or Biden or whosoever. He was a journalist. Every person in a civilised society is entitled to express one’s own views. Gonzalo Lira even did not speak anything that he had deliberately concocted. He, as an honest scribe, reported the truth from the battlefield of Ukraine. Doesn’t his report tally with what Zhaluzhny is telling nowadays? Still, he had to lose his life in the Ukrainian prison. This clearly shows the nature of the present regime of Ukraine, which is the darling of the collective West. Now that an American citizen has been killed by the Neo Nazis of Ukraine, let’s see if this incident opens up the eyes of the Americans.

      I’m disgusted to admit I’m British therefore part of this nonsense. Though we were never asked. Go putin

      Shame on Washington. Shame on Kiev.

      I will never forget Gonzalo Lira. He helped me so much to „understand what’s going on.” ¡Soy un Lirista! Ahora en la lucha.

      Like what?
      Like he was predicting Poland invading Ukraine any second now?
      Or the war ending in two weeks?
      Or twisting UN report numbers?


      • Gonzalo Lira’s DEATH update. US State Dept. confirms his death. They did NOTHING to support him.
        Emil Cosman
        Jan 13, 2024

        He was definitely denied medical treatment while in custody of a so called democratic society. Held in prison for voicing his opinions. I suppose voicing your opinions is a dangerous thing in a democratic society.

        Exactly, look at what they’re doing here in America.

        Julian Assange

        A pneumothorax means that he was beaten so badly that his lungs burst

        @georggeogov6338 The Ukrainian government is sadistic

        I really enjoyed listening to Gonzalez, a person full of personality, humor and life. He was so easy to like. Very unpretentious. I feel nothing but compassion for his wife, children who he stayed in Ukraine to be with. I feel sorry for his father and siblings who are all in grief. He is a martyr.

        His family was sent to Russia early into smo ,he stayed alone in Ukraine

        @thomasdorey3296 That was his biggest mistake. I told him many times to move out of there. He wanted to take that risk. That was his destiny. He could have been moved to Donbas city or Crimea and continued to report from there and stay alive, like Patrick Lanchaster do.


      • New Details About The Death Of Gonzalo | Missile Strike. Military Summary And Analysis For 2024.1.13
        Military Summary

        This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 13th of January 2024

        Rest in peace Gonzalo Lira. Your torture and death in Ukraine is proof enough of the injustice perpetrated by Joe Biden and Volodymyr Zelensky.

        if Zelensky’s regime able to do this to an American citizen, imagine what he can do to his own who oppose him.

        A pneumothorax means that he was beaten so badly that his lungs burst

        Don’t forget the recent murder of an Egyptian journalist who reported on the mansion he bought there with corrupt money

        I would say that certain Americans are behind this.

        Your talking about an IsraeIi, „his people” are not in danger.

        @georggeogov6338 Brutal Banderaina…😡

        On Gonzalo Lira’s Story. I admit…
        Jan 13, 2024 #Gonzalolira #Ukraine #truth

        On Gonzalo Lira’s Story. I admit… The truth of this man’s life will come to light on the internet bit by bit. I also believe this is the beginning of a WILD year coming our way. Gonzalo Lira’s name will live on the internet same as Jullian Assanage, Edward Snowden and the late Tiffany Dover. please share my videos and help me grow a community pushing back against the narrative.

        Justice for Gonzalo! I am Ukrainian American and I am sickened by what happened to him, both by the Ukrainian gov and the silence from the USA. I didn’t always agree with his political point of views, but most of all he was honest, and passionate, and he was imprisoned and murdered for words, that is the west today…

        It is a nightmare mate! The U.S. changes and it’s a damn dangerous place for planet Earth right now

        A pneumothorax means that he was beaten so badly that his lungs burst

        ​ @georggeogov6338 The guards ordered fellow prisoners to torture him.

        US: Saudi killing of Kashogghi is criminal and illegal. US: Kiev killing of Gonzalez Lira is to be applauded! So goes American „justice”! 😂😂😂


        Through the eyes of
        1 hour ago

        The US government sends its condolences after it did absolutely nothing to secure his release of this US citizen because he dared to tell the truth about US complicity in the war in Ukraine and the persecution of the people of Donbass.

        Exactly. And they denied him his basic right of visits by consular staff

        The Neocons does not even reallize this incident is the beginning of their end

        The US State Dept is despicable. What nerve to release that statement. Disgusting.


      • Gonzalo Lira nie żyje wojna na Ukrainie
        król żółci
        Jan 14, 2024 #wojna #rosja #ukraina

        Ukraina, wojna, wojna na ukrainie, ukraina wojna, wiadomości, wojna w ukrainie, wolski o wojnie, polityka polska, wolski ukraina, rosja ukraina, rosja, ukraina mapa, zelenski, ukraina, donbas, raport z frontu, raport z wojny, raport z ukrainy, wojna na wschodzie , Gonzalo Lira, Globalista, Porucznik Powałka

        Ludzie którzy nie zgadzają się z polityką rządu clown’a prowadzoną na wzór malarza zza Odry muszą odejść a Jankesi przymkną „demokratyczne”oko. Cały zachodni świat nie zauważa problemu,podobnie jak prawie wiek temu-nie są ważne znaki☠️,zachowania ,gesty byleby przywalić Rosji. Król 👍💪

        Polska zazdrości praworządności Ukrainie.


    • Witek Muzyk Ulicy przewidział, że go zabiją za poglądy?
      7,907 views Jan 7, 2024

      Czy Witek Muzyk Ulicy przewidział, że go zabiją? Obejrzyjcie ten film.

      Nic nie przewidział, tyle to każdy głupi który zadrze z ostrym cieniem mgły wie że go bacznie obserwują

      Może – gdyby ktoś chciał pożegnać Witka Muzyka Ulicy. 13 stycznia w kościele pw. Przemienienia Pańskiego w Malowej Górze odbędzie się msza żałobna. O godz. 12:00 odmówiony zostanie różaniec, a następnie odbędzie się uroczystość pożegnania śp. Witolda Mikołajczuka. Po jej zakończeniu ciało spocznie na cmentarzu parafialnym. Bialskie info.

      „Nie planuje swojego samobójstwa” tak powinni mówić ludzie antysystemowi

      Braun ostatnio wspomina ze nie ma zdanych zaburzen itp.

      Zabili go …. , ludzie takie teorie o tym że ten powiedzmy artysta komuś zagrażał i ktoś mu pomógł odejść z tego świata ,to nawet nie jest śmieszne. Witek był sympatycznym człowiekiem i takim powinien zostać w naszej pamięci. To że odszedł w tak „młodym” wieku nie wyklucza zupełnie naturalnej przyczyny lub co jest dużo bardziej prawdopodobne od tej głupiej narracji że sam sobie pomógł. Witek w swoim życiu sam nie wiedział jaką wybrać drogę , w jego życiorysie mamy klika fundamentalnych zmian – religii, porzucenie pracy, przemyt, ulica itd., to było jego prawo jak każdego wolnego człowieka. Pokój jego duszy.

      Nikt go nie zabił wy internetowe czubki

      ok, a wiec powiedz nam co było przyczyna jego smierci?

      @mirdallke2 Najprawdopodobniej narkotyki i alkohol.To był artysta.A wszyscy wiemy jak żyją artyści


  6. Russian books „Huge Threat” to Ukraine. Official says. „Protecting” the Ukrainian’s minds.
    Emil Cosman
    Jan 13, 2024 UNITED STATES

    Ukrainian „lawmakers” imposed complete bans on Russian-language works of art, performances, films, songs, and books, and have also outlawed the study of Russian in schools and universities.

    Strangely Polish govenment has no treat issues with Ukrainian language, books snd culture in Polish schools
    I wonder why is that?. Very very strange.

    „Protecting” the Ukrainian’s minds.”? What minds ? N_Azov supporters mins? I think this is intended as a sarcastic joke/statement.🤣

    We have publicly available images of books that the Ukrainian regime has already burned. Those books were not only by Russian authors. They had German, American, Dutch, etc. authors whose books were also burned. What does that mean? They even burned H. C. Andersen’s books.

    While everyone is enraged by these stupid acts, real business hapoens behind the curtains. Ukraine just sold a lithium company to an Australian company working under British fold. Zelenskiy is asset liquidator, not a state builder

    Following in the footsteps of their notorious predecessor, they have been clearing out Russian books from libraries and bookshops and burning them.

    Ukraine, the pinnacle of European Union values.


    • Video- Prof. Cohen explains what Putin did for US, received NOTHING in return. US Media influence.
      Emil Cosman
      Jan 13, 2024 UNITED STATES

      What US Media influence Washington DC.

      Professor Cohen confirms what I have long believed about Putin and Russia. Australian politicians have been infected by Russophobia from our ‘compatriots’ in the UK and US. I grew up with Russian neighbors and school friends from the 1950’s and always had a very positive view of Russians, that has not changed. Thanks Emil for introducing us to Prof. Cohen.

      Putin was just naive but learned his lesson

      No. He wasn’t naive. He is too good man who believes to every leach. Not anymore i hope.

      @ bourjoism………Or a good man that judge every human was just as good as him ,to find out that he was dealing with savage beasts


  7. Kto naprawdę rządzi Polską… (?)
    Suwerenny PL
    Jan 12, 2024

    Tym niektórym ministrom nie zależy bo to nie ich kraj. Dla nas to szok takie słowa i działanie. Oni reprezentują interesy zewnętrzne które z Polską mają niewiele wspólnego.

    Jaki szok przeciez to normalnosc od magdalenki ,szok to ze przez ten czas chcialo to widziec niewielu ,a jak ich wyzywali ci co teraz sa w szoku

    Zrobili z Polski pośmiewisko. Chyba nie ma drugiego takiego kraju który w taki sposób siebie nie szanuje. Polacy nie maja prawa głosu we własnym kraju. Tu załatwia się interesy wszystkich tylko nie Polaków.

    Polska jest kolonią!

    ​ @kathysteiner3732 Raczej gubernią !!!!!

    @jankowalski-rh3jv gubernie jako część kraju owy kraj szanuje i raczej rozwija. Polska nie jest gubernią tylko marionetką ameryki. Chyba, że pod gubernią masz na myśli „Generalną Gubernię” bo bardzo mało do niej brakuje.

    Mieliśmy własny przemysł, a teraz polski przemysł zlikwidowano, a w jego miejsce przyszedł żydowski przemysł.Teraz likwiduje się rolnictwo. Ma być ukraińskie. A strajkującym zależy tylko na kasie , a nie na Polsce.


    • Germany Gives The World A Lesson In Democracy
      Romanian TVee
      Jan 13, 2024

      Nothing says „we must protect our democratic values” like casually wanting to exclude a quarter of your population from expressing their political opinions.

      I’d say it’s because Germany is still under the rule of a foreign occupation regime since the end of the war. Thus, what the native Germans actually want is irrelevant.

      Democracy has always been a means of manufacturing content by presenting an illusion of choice.

      I was laughed out by my berlin friends in 2015 when i said that this would happen. That in 10-15 years the AFD will have a majority if nothing changes and if they then still don’t get into a government coalition the next time they will have a supermajority. Not so many of them are laughing now, quite a lot are now concerned about the party and still most of them still don’t want to acknowledge the reason why they get the votes and why i said it would happen… It’s wild


      • Reacting to Yuri Bezmenov’s „Warning to America”
        Misha Petrov
        71,667 views Jul 8, 2022

        I feel his videos should be shown in every history classroom and every college in America.

        As a teacher, YOU ARE ABSOUTELY RIGHT! But also, as a teacher, I can tell you that the reason it isn’t (and none of these ideas are presented anymore) is because of the teachers unions. They stand in opposition to the ideals that made America the shining beacon that it was. (and they work hand-in-glove with one of the two major political parties that controls our government). Think about that.

        The classrooms today are the indoctrination centers where it’s happening.


  8. Meditation and the Useful Idiot – Yuri Bezmenov
    Daniel T. Johnson
    72,944 views Jun 28, 2016

    A chilling look at the predatory attitude of Soviet KGB toward westerners practicing meditation in India.

    This dude was warning us 40 years ago of what was happening and how it would turn out. Here we are in 2024 with every single thing he warned us about has come to fruition.

    Except the Soviet Union collapsed and the US took over the world. Just a small thing

    @solomongrundy145 us is the new Soviet Union

    If you meditate long enough you will understand how he is doing the KGB’s work under the disguise of a defector.

    I got it. Trying to solve the world’s problems with meditation is ridiculous, but it has its health benefits. Science advanced and many problems were solved while other problems were created. There is no freedom or equality in anything in this world. We live in a world where not only gurus and religious systems are used to PsyOps. The educational system is a psyops, governments operate psyops, the media operates psyops and especially intelligence services. I understand what he meant, but while some were meditating (wrongly or correctly), many others were being manipulated by the media, television news, etc. In other words: at the end of the day, manipulation comes from different sources.


  9. Based Teacher Fired for Teaching Critical Thinking
    4.4K views 4 days ago

    In a viral video a teacher is heard speaking to a student about JK Rowling, who he claims is ‚bigoted’ and ‚transphobic’. By gently asking them a series of questions and not giving his own opinion, the student realizes his views are not based on any facts. The video was viewed by over 45 million people as they see the students come to a different conclusion all on his own, simply by being encouraged to think critically. Elon Musk shared the video and the teacher, Warren Smith, was praised for his work. However, this week he revealed he was fired from his job and his computer was even seized. He isn’t sure why he was fired.

    It’s disgraceful that this teacher has been treated in this way . He is an actual educator as opposed to the indoctrination that’s is being passed as education.

    They are turning people like him into folk heroes.

    The fact that free speech has become so criminalized that even just asking a question will ruin your career is tragic. I really hope this will change soon. Being too afraid to talk is now way to live.

    He seems like a great teacher. I wouldn’t want my kids going to a school that would fire him for teaching kids how to think for themselves.

    He committed several „sins.” Engaging in his own critical thought is one, but teaching the next generation? Heresy of the highest order! Not to mention they weren’t discussing an approved target… like Trump.


    Well said.



    • Famous Teacher Fired For Teaching Critical Thinking
      15K views 3 weeks ago
      Romanian TVee

      * Critical thinking … check
      * Male … check
      * White … check
      * Not being a raging lefty …. check.
      Shocked, not shocked.

      Of course he was fired. Thinking is a sign of far right extremism.

      You’re only allowed to think critically about the approved topics.

      @mrbigglezworth42 And then only if you reach the approved conclusions of said approved topics.

      It’s the descent into the next Dark Ages.

      @mrbigglezworth42 Yes. This is very true. I took some classes to get a certificate at college, and the teacher stated that they would be using critical thinking in the class. No, it meant that we had to agree with woke ideology and show that in our writing.


  10. Mam swoją hipotezę spiskową na pochodzenie, źródłosłów MLeKa.
    ML.K tak naprawdę składa się z połączenia dwóch słów MiŁy ŁyK, stąd MLLK, po redukcji MLK.
    Słowa MiŁy i ŁyK były wymawianie w różnoraki, lokalny sposób.
    Nie da się ukryć, że łyk mleka to „wywołujący przyjemne uczucie”, głodnemu daje kalorie i łagodzi zgagę, spragnionemu uzupełnia wodę w organizmie.

    Nie wierzę w wersję a raczej bajania Brucknera
    który unika odpowiedzi skąd to słowo w germańskich, pisząc „bynajmniej nie pożyczka z niem. Milch (goc. miluks)”
    Bynajmniej nie widzi, że ma ono identyczny źródłosłów, a ta jego „pamłoka” jest zupełnie absurdalna, nie widząc :podomkła:

    Zauważa, że nie ma go w aryjskich i bałtyckich, co jest dla mnie dowodem, że jest to słowo od WHG, wprowadzone przez kulturę amfor kulistych, czyli nie jest słowem przyniesionym przez R1a.


    • https://pl.wikisource.org/wiki/S%C5%82ownik_etymologiczny_j%C4%99zyka_polskiego/mleko

      Słownik etymologiczny języka polskiego/mleko

      mleko, mleczny, mlecz (u roślin), mleczak (u ryb); przestawione z *melko, co bynajmniej nie pożyczka z niem. Milch (goc. miluks), lecz poszło od prasłowiańskiej nazwy dla wszelakiej ‘cieczy’; powtarza się z samogłoską o w młoka (młaka), ‘moczar, bagno’ (młokita, młokicina, 1472 r. mlekita, ‘wierzba rosnąca nad młokami’); pamłoka, ‘mgła’, ‘chmura deszczowa’; litew. małkas, ‘łyk, haust’; nazwy ‘płynu, cieczy, wilgoci’, przenosi się i w innych razach na to, ‘co tłuste, pożywne’, np. rus. wołoga, od ‘wilgoci’ (lit. wałgas, ‘potrawa’). Pomimo spólnej hodowli bydła i nazwy dlań (p. gawiedź), nie mają języki aryjskie spólnej nazwy dla ‘mleka’, każdy idzie swoim torem: litew. pienas (‘piana’), prus. dadan, grec. gala, itd. Nowe urobienia: zbiorowe, mleczywo; mleczarz; mleczarnia, itd. U wszystkich Słowian tak samo: cerk. mlěko, rus. mołoko, itd.

      M+LeK, M+LeC”+yC’, M+Le+CieC/K, itp.

      Najlepsze i najstarsze kasztany są na Placu Pigal, ale najstarsze sery robiło GAC na Kujawach, to fakt.


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